Monday, August 3, 2015

*From the Outside In

Formal occasions do not come often and if you have ever been invited to attend one then you know the stress of what a "black tie event" might be like. All the knowns and the unknowns that come with such a party can be terrifying. Do you really wear a "black tie" or does that mean a tuxedo? What do the ladies wear? Should I stay with a black dress or choose something of color? These worries are only a very small part compared to the anxiety of a four or more course meal adorned with a sea of utensils!

My eyes turned toward my husband at such an occasion and he had a definite look of bewilderment! There were 3 glasses and a coffee cup with saucer to our right, 4 forks, 4 spoons, 3 knives, two small plates to the left and two large plates stacked up on top of each other of differing size in front of us. There was a fancily folded napkin and a nameplate and various items in the middle of the table with a giant arrangement and with all the fanfare and the opulence of everything I remember my head started to swim. I whispered to Don not to touch anything and just in case we could wait until the first person starts and follow whatever they do but that I was pretty sure that you work from the outside in.

Our drinks were poured and then it was realized the third glass was for wine which we didn't want so they took one glass away. One less thing to worry about! Bread was brought and to my obvious horror Don reached out and took a knife and started to butter his bread. I had told him what I had thought about the etiquette of multiple silverware BUT I also added a lack of confidence statement afterwards. Kinda like, "I am positive but I am unsure." Haha. I looked around the table and was amazed to see that everyone was following him! Someone made the comment that they didn't know "what in the world to do" and was glad that someone knew! Don just smiled and we faked it until we made it.

It is ironic how you can feel like a "fish out of water" in a situation but with a little bit of boldness be the leader. God has called us to be leaders and to be the hope for people in our circle of influence. We might not always know what to do but with His help and the courage that he gives us walk by faith we have the ability to do anything.

 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalms 46:1

Adjust That Crown!


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Those Pesky Flies!

It is really hilarious how one little pesky fly in the house can cause a person to go from being an adult professional to a raving lunatic. Running around jumping on chairs with a rolled up piece of paper swatting furniture, hitting the walls, even slapping  peoples faces in hopes to squish the elusive fly. How can one fly be EVERYWHERE?? It always seems to be one step of ahead and can I even add that I think it taunts and laughs at how slow we are. I have thought that I had caught a fly once just to realize that it had survived and landed on my head. That is when you just get the can of raid out and proceed to fumigate the whole house!

Little aggravations and frustrations can really get you. Just like the fly it comes in our space while we were minding our own business and proceeds to steal our peace. It shows up and it will not relent. Before we know it our emotions are getting a little out of control and we start showing our "character" to everyone. We start running here and there and anger starts showing and before we realize it our mouth is in bad need of extermination!

Jeremiah 17:18 and Psalm 1:3 both instruct us to be like trees firmly planted. First Peter 5:8-9 teaches us to be well-balanced and self-controlled in order to keep Satan from getting the best of us. As Christ followers we are to be rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined. Philippians 1:28 tells us to be constantly fearless when problems comes against us. Psalm 94:13 says God wants to give us power to stay calm in adversity. All of these scriptures are referring to being stable in our emotional life.

The answer here is preparation! Keep the door closed to the enemy getting in to steal your peace and always keep a good fly swatter handy. Everyday there is an opportunity for us to get upset or to be blind sided by an issue BUT if you are prepared you can ACT and not REACT and that is the key to successfully keeping those pesky flies in your life at bay.

Adjust That Crown!



Monday, July 27, 2015


Oh my I love coffee. I feel half asleep without it. The first thing I want in the morning is coffee. I stumble to the coffee machine with my hair sticking up in the air, morning breath and all, imprints fresh on my face from my pillow case. Coffee loves me and I love it.  Ahhhhhh. Isn't this just nice? I feel so happy and smile. Especially with the right balance of creamer, and if there isn't any then I will just crawl back under the covers. Yes, I am a coffee snob. Then as I get ready to leave the house, I take a "to go" cup of coffee with me. Later on in the day if I am feeling the least bit sluggish the first thing I think about is getting some more coffee. Coffee just makes me feel better. It gives me energy and helps me make better choices. It is my go-too when anything is not right in my world.  Then in the evening after dinner I will at times make some coffee and relax while drinking it. Coffee has been with me all day and I feel like I am better because of it. It makes me happy and I smile at the smell of it. Oh if only my whole house smelled like coffee...that would be so perfect. No worries about me being able to sleep...caffeine does not inhibit my ability to sleep at all. I lay my head on the pillow and go straight to dreamland. For just in a few hours it will be time for coffee again.

Wow. This sounds pathetic but it is so much like my real world coffee life! What if I replaced coffee with would read like this.

Oh my I love Jesus. I feel half asleep without Him. The first thing I want in the morning is Jesus. I stumble to Jesus with my hair sticking up in the air, morning breath and all, imprints fresh on my face from my pillow case.  He loves me and I love Him. Ahhhhhh. Isn't this just nice? I feel so happy and smile. I just love Jesus. Especially with the right balance of Jesus to my day; without it I would just crawl back under the covers. Yes, I am a Jesus snob. Then as I get ready to leave the house I take Jesus with me. Later on  if I am feeling the least bit sluggish the first thing I think about is getting some more Jesus. Jesus just makes me feel better. He gives me energy and helps me make better choices. It is my go-to when anything is not right in my world.  Then in the evening after dinner I will at times make some more time for Jesus. Jesus has been with me all day and I feel like I am better because of it. It makes me happy and I smile at the smell of Him. Oh if only my whole house smelled like Jesus...that would be so perfect. No worries about me being able to sleep...Jesus helps my ability to sleep. I lay my head on the pillow and go straight to dreamland. For just in a few hours it will be time for Jesus again.

Adjust that Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at

Sunday, July 26, 2015

*Don't Take The Lid Off!

Have you ever cooked real rice...not the minute stuff...but the real thing? I usually avoid it like the plague because for some reason I cannot seem to get it right. It takes patience and time...unlike the microwave minute rice. In order to make great rice you have got to first follow the recipe, put the ingredients in, put the lid on the pot and then most importantly, leave it alone! Why do I have such a hard time doing that? I have always been one to be so curious. I touch the wall that says, "wet paint", I open the doors that say "stay out"....yes I have issues. So of course I want to "look" in the pot when I cook something. I am unsure what I think that I would be seeing but I feel better to look and give it a good stir. Unfortunately, opening the lid releases the steam and the heat that is required to cook the rice evenly and it needs to be still and not moved around. It take more time to get back to the right temperature in order to cook it thoroughly and no one can really estimate now how much longer to cook it. So of course you have to take the lid off multiple times to give it the "crunch" test. Haha. Now I may have rice that is half-cooked and crunchy (been there and done that) or rice that is mushy and nasty. Isn't that just like life? We know what to do...we have the instructions but we don't follow the recipe and at times we end up with a mess!

 tarássō –  put in motion, to set in motion what needs to remain still, "trouble" ("agitate"), causing inner perplexity (emotional agitation) from getting too stirred up inside ("upset").

This morning at the She Speaks Conference, Lisa Terkeurst, an author, speaker and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries talked about the greek word tarasso. She was sharing about how we let things get "set in motion" in our minds and lives that cause us to forget who is truly in control. Terasso is the setting in motion of what needs to remain still.

Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Have you ever set into motion something in your life that really needed to be still? Emotions are like that and can take over our minds really fast. Panicking about where your kids are past curfew, how you are going to pay next months mortgage or how you are going to do in an upcoming job interview. We let scenarios play in our head like a bad horror movie. Okay...that is what I do! I dream of the 50 ways that something could go wrong and wake up with my heart racing. Although that may sound silly it is a lot of people's reality.

When we let our minds run and we worry about our todays and our tomorrows more than we think about Jesus can and will do; well we are letting someone else sit on the throne of our lives. We are essentially saying to the Father that we are our own provider. When we gather our questions, concerns and worry and give them to prayer then we are handing the reigns over and saying that we will not try to work them out on our own.

Give your cares and struggles to God. You will only "stir the pot" if you try to analyze and figure it all out on your own. God has a great track record and is going to take care of every little thing in your life. Just take your hands off of it and for goodness sakes...don't take the lid off of; because nobody has time for that. Give God full control and let Him make something beautiful out of your mess.


Father I speak peace into my life. Just like you spoke to the storm in Matthew Chapter 8; I claim that power and authority in my own life. I confess to making a mess and not relying on you to be the source and answer to my problems. I ask you to forgive me for putting myself on the throne and not looking to you when troubles arise. I step down and ask you Lord to be over my life completely. I give my worries, my cares, my struggles to you to work out. You are more King and I trust you and submit to the calling and plan that you have for my life. I want to walk in that peace and joy despite what is going on around me. Thank you for loving me and wanting the best for my life. Amen.

You are Graciously Adorned

❤ Jonna

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Got pants?

Have you ever needed something and needed them really fast? Well that happened to me today when I realized that the outfit that I was going to wear to a very important appointment had shrunk! How? Well I found myself in a HURRY this past week and had no time to go to the cleaners. So what would any responsible person in a HURRY do? Yes! Throw it in the washing machine AND then HURRIEDLY into the dryer. Then I in a HURRY packed for the conference knowing full well that they looked a little "off". But because of my HURRY I could not investigate further on this. So what happened when I reached into the hotel closet to put them on today? I am sure you can guess...they were no longer my size. LOL. Thankfully though I had a friend nearby that in a HURRY took off her pants and gave them to me! Now THAT is a true friend!

I really appreciated her willingness to help me out. She didn't think twice! But I did feel bad because she had to give up something that she took the time to iron, pack, hang up, transport, hang up and wear. She gave thought to her wardrobe and didn't plan on handing it over and wearing something else. I am sure it was an inconvenience. I felt selfish to even wear them and as soon as the interview was over I went back to the room and took them off. haha.

Notice a theme in my story? It is the word HURRY. There seems to be a cloud of chaos that follows me at times and I am really trying to find out the source of it! Someone has told me that I possibly may be the common denominator but I am total denial of that. :)) ( yes---that someone is my husband)

Hurry is selfish. It causes us to rush past people that are in need. Speed past situations that need our attention and run when we should be stopping to help. Hurry consists of half way listening to the people around us and causes people to think that we do not care. It is the reason we make mistakes and forget important things. Hurry is the reason many accidents occur and many vital things are overlooked. Hurry inconveniences people and is a big cause of stress. Do we have any time for God when He tries to stop us, point out an opportunity or even to speak to us when we are in a hurry?

So let's hope today that whatever you are doing; that you stop and take a few moments to gather your thoughts and re-prioritize your time. Hurry isn't worth the heartache that it can cause you and especially to those around you. So slow down a bit and take a chill pill. God wants to work through us all and He can't if we are going in circles and being all everybody wears your size pants!

Adjust Your Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at


Friday, July 24, 2015

What do you identify as?

There is so much in the media today about people identifying as a particular sex when apparently everyone can tell and recognize them as another one. There is great debate on the subject matter to which bathroom or dressing room they can use, etc, etc.  Apparently people can feel like a man one day and then decide that they want to be a woman the next....and it is on it's way to becoming somewhat social acceptable in some areas of our country. 
I don't know about you but if a person that looked like a man came into the women's restroom with me...well I would definitely punch him. I don't care if he "identifies" as a woman or not!

So who do people think you are by the way you look, act and dress? it is a great question! People should be able to know what you are about by how you present yourself. You can "feel" any way you want and you can identify as something as well but if you aren't operating as it then people will recognize you by your presentation. So do people know that you are a Christian? 

recognize-to acknowledge or take notice, to perceive to be something or someone previously known.
identify-to be or become the same,  to establish the identity of, to conceive as united groups.

Identification though is when you see something and you say, "I know who or what that is" and you give it a name. You positively identify and you speak it out in confidence. This is where we ought to be as Christ followers and Christ imitators. We should be so full of Christ-likeness that there is no mistake of identifying who we are. We shouldn't make it a mystery to anyone. We need to be bold and be that light so that when people are in need...they can reach out to the one who can give them the answers. That person is supposed to be YOU.

 'My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great glory to my Father'" John 15:8 NLT.
Jesus also said, "'By their fruits you will know them'" Matthew 7:20 NKJV

Adjust that Crown

Sunday, July 19, 2015

*Cast Your Cares

"Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

This is one of my favorite scriptures and the other day I was thinking about how many times I have prayed with someone at the altar and I talked to them about laying down all their burdens and leaving them at the feet of Jesus and  used this reference. But oh so many times I see that same person coming back to me and it was like they picked it back up since the last time we prayed and put it right back in their pocket. Why is it so hard for people to just give things to God!?

Well the verse has been in my head and I got a picture of a net being cast quickly and far out into the waters and I thought....wait...the word "cast" doesn't mean to "gently lay something down" but it means; with muscles and with agility cast it out far away from yourself. This got me excited...yes I am easily excited. What made me even more giddy is the vision I had about casting it out and throwing it on Jesus. Isn't that what the word says? Cast your cares ON Him for He cares for you?

We are to throw with speed and with preciseness our cares, worry, anxieties on HIM! The realization that there is EFFORT and there is SKILL involved in this signifies that we aren't just supposed to be lackadaisical about this. Maybe the reason we pick our cares back up is that we really do not ever give it to God anyway. We lay it down at our own feet not really relinquishing control.

By not giving our cares to God it is like we don't believe that He cares for us. Remember the lilies of the field and the sparrows? God takes care of why wouldn't he take care of us?

Make a dedicated decision today to give away what was meant to be at the feet of Jesus and stop trying to bear things that you aren't supposed to. In fact, I cringe at the comment, "God said that He wouldn't give me more than I could why in the world am I so burdened?" Well...this is why!! We are to cast our cares on Him.

When we in faith believe that God is in control of our circumstances and we pray believing that He is working it out on our behalf and then act in the obedience to what the word says then we can feel the hope and security knowing that it is all going to work out for our good.

Adjust that Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at


Thursday, July 16, 2015


A few months ago I was praying and God spoke to me saying, "This next year is going to be a time of Joy in your life. Joy in ministry, in your home and in everything you do. You will be a spreader of Joy with anyone you come in contact with. You will wear Joy. " Well at first I was thinking, that is cool. But then I wondered, how in the world is this going to happen? This has been a very strange year and I have struggled with some depressive moments and lethargy and I have found myself in need of a God intervention. I was really hoping God was going to ZAP me with some special instantaneous Joy touch and that I would start to see and operate the way that He said I would. Well...that never happened! ha.

I felt impressed to study joy in the word. The Bible is a great place to find the answers to your life. Funny how we try about everything else before we decide to settle down and get serious about a thing! First of all the word happy or happiness isn't found nearly as much as Joy is and I really needed to figure out why. Happy is found 27 times in the New International version and Joy or rejoice is found over 320 times! From here I had to define a few words.

Happy/Happiness: A state of well-being, pleasure, a satisfying experience or moment.

Joy: A source or cause of delight, bliss, being glad, take delight.

Rejoice: to make joyful; to gladden.

Happiness according to definition is dependent on your circumstances and what is currently happening in your life. Joy is an inner sense that is favorable even when things are not. Joy is deeper than happy and over-rides circumstances. Joy is one of the fruits of the spirit! Galatians 5:22-23 states, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forebearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Isn't that cool? Each of these "fruits" should be what is seen in the life of a professing christian and in order to mature we need to work on these gifts continually.

Nehemiah 8:10 states, "The joy of the Lord is our strength." Well...I think that I need some of that strength! What does the joy of the LORD mean anyway? I think it is the fact that God is the solution to the problems of sin and every area of our lives. He has provided a way back to wise, helpful and wholesome living. How? By learning to think like He thinks. When we begin to see the world from His point of view and not the media or the opinion of others but from what the word says; this is the key to our strength. This is the answer that will heal your life. "He sent forth his word and healed them, writes the psalmist", Psalm 107:20. The ministry of the Word of God is to heal us and create in us a desire to share that healing with others.

I am getting the feeling that Joy isn't a warm and fuzzy feeling but actually serious business. We have a very important job of spreading joy as well as the other fruits of the spirit. Because when we lose our joy, we can become victims of despair and even sickness. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A cheerful heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick." Have you ever gotten sick after something happened to disappoint or depress you?

When you're feeling down, it can seem like nothing's going right, and everyone around you irritates you. But if you're feeling particularly cheerful one day, almost nothing bothers you. When you're filled with the joy of the Lord, you feel strong, capable, and ready for anything. That's why a joy-filled believer is hard for the devil to handle. If the enemy can steal your joy, he can rob you of almost anything, including your health. And let's not forget that Joy produces strength. And strength is needed to fight. You are called to "fight the good fight of faith", 1 Timothy 6:12.

I think many of us are struggling to fight because we have lost joy. Perhaps you are tired of fighting for your marriage. You are fed up with your spouse. You think that he doesn't love you any more, so why fight for his love? Maybe your children are acting like heathens and they have disappointed you and you feel like just shaking your head and giving up and writing them off. You have lost your joy in your marriage, mothering and about everything else! You need strength to you actually need joy.

You might say, "I don't feel like rejoicing." But God didn't say, "Rejoice, only if you feel like it." No! He said, "Rejoice ALWAYS." Obviously, God knows that we don't feel like rejoicing all the time. But you need to rejoice always because if you don't then you lose the strength to fight.

James 1:2 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." Pure joy is not happiness. "Happiness" comes from the word "happen." Happiness, therefore, is based on what is happening. If something good is happening, then you are happy. However, God says that pure joy occurs even in the midst of trials--even when the car breaks down, or when the kids get sick, or when the boss cuts your hours, or when your spouse is in a bad mood, etc. Joy is a heart posture.

I love the powerful verses in Habakkuk 3:17-18. "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crops fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls.Yet I will rejoice in the lord, I will be joyful in God my savior"
Even though things aren't producing and nothing looks like it is going right; YET I will still rejoice. You see, Habakkuk had no intention of staying defeated. He may look defeated, but he isn't going to stay defeated. The difference between the person who is defeated and the person who is victorious is their attitude. An attitude of gratitude will put you over in life.

"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."  Isaiah 12:2-3

Did you know that there are "wells" of salvation? When you got saved, you inherited many wells. Each well contains a unique blessing. There are wells of healing, prosperity, sound mind, restoration etc. Notice that the scripture says that with joy you will draw from the wells. You need muscles--strength--to draw water from wells. Without strength you cannot. You may be facing sickness; yet God has provided the well of "healing." But only through joy can you get this. So rejoice despite your sickness. The same with poverty, fear, worry and depression. Regardless of your circumstances you can rejoice because God has the provision for you.
The enemy may try to steal things from you life; but he has no power to steal your joy. Joy is a spiritual force inside your spirit. It is a position of your heart and every day of your life you need to choose joy. It is something you have to be intentional about. I choose joy and because of that choice I will have also have strength. Phillipians 4:13  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Does all this mean I know exactly how to spread joy and be joy for others? Well, no! But I have a better idea of what God was speaking to me about. I have always been a positive person BUT I have relied on my own strength to be that way. God is calling me higher and to live life a little differently. I want JOY that God intended for me that goes WAY beyond my own strength....I want the supernatural joy that God has in a new well of resources that He wants me to access.  God wants us all to have access to the deeper things of Him and when He calls you don't want to miss out on the opportunity, the learning curves as well as the blessings that go with living life the way God intended us to live...this I believe is where true joy is found.

Adjust your Crown


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dont Be A Talebearer

Gossip is toxic. Your words have power and your words create momentum. What you talk about attracts itself to you. You know it, I know it, the person sitting two tables over eavesdropping knows it. It sets negativity in motion and, if we’re not careful, attracts more of the same.

Gossip hurts you, it hurts the friend you’re gossiping with, it hurts the people you’re talking about. It hurts your reputation, other's reputation and most importantly hurts your testimony, your ability to be an effective witness and God truly isn't happy with any of that.

Even when your gossip is considered ‘legitimate’ in your own mind, even when you have a right to feel scandalized or hurt by someone’s behavior it is still wrong. You might be RIGHT about your feelings, but that "rightness" isn't helping you get what you really want. Below is a scripture about what you invest in is what you will get as a return. It is the same concept.

"Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days back to you again."    Ecclesiastes 11:1 

Isn't  what you REALLY want is for good things to happen? What you focus on is what you create! Are you a business owner and you are talking about others who aren't doing their "business" right? Well maybe you should be positively lifting that person and that business up in prayer and guess what....the word says that is what will come back to you. YOUR business will be increased and will prosper and so will your family.

“You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people,” God instructed the congregation of the children of Israel in Leviticus 19:16. Clearly God was not referring to some benign social interaction. “Talebearer” is translated from the Hebrew râkìyl, which “refers to spreading rumors or falsities about someone. It is always used in a negative manner” (Spiros Zodhiates, Complete Word Study Dictionaries, 2003). The Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary defines this word as “a scandal-monger (as travelling about):—slander, carry tales, talebearer” (2011).

"A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much. "Proverbs 20:19

Gossipers love to secretly reveal embarrassing, surprising and shameful details of associates and even friends. They stand around; and they aren't just me there are plenty gossips that are men! They stand around and talk and think they are justified when all they are doing is being used by the enemy to erode their trust and erode their character.  Furthermore, their desire to share is so great that it is “like a burning fire” on their lips—they feel they must spread the word! It makes them feel superior and better about themselves to say things about others; especially if it is about an authority in their life. God speaks plainly about a gossiper: “An ungodly man digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire” (Proverbs 16:27, emphasis added throughout).

Do not deceive yourself into thinking that what you have to say is because you are genuinely concerned or that you are a leader and you have questions that need answered. You know what is right and that is to go to the person and talk to them only. Going to others and talking people when they are not around creates a culture of distrust and disunity. The funny things is what you think that you do in secret and in confidence will always gets back to the person. That person knows the real YOU and may never tell you what they know!  But most importantly...God does too.

There is truly a root to why you do what you do. It is control. You long to control others and you do that by creating division and making yourself look better and all-knowing. That is exactly what the enemy wants...a Jezebel spirit to permeate a group of people that should be going forward and advancing the kingdom. Pride cometh before a fall!

So listen to yourself speak today...what is it about? Is it about others and what they are doing wrong? If so then you need to repent and turn that finger around and point it at yourself. Because in the end it is going to be you that is held accountable for every word that proceeds out of your mouth and every person that it hurts. Choose today to create an environment around you that doesn't attract flies...but attracts honey and the wonderful things of God. Don't be a talebearer or more bluntly put...don't be a butt. Remember the water that you threw your bread on? Well be prepared for it to come rushing back to you and your household....what will it be? Whatever you created out of your mouth.

"The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom." Deuteronomy 28:13

Adjust that Crown


Monday, July 13, 2015

Why Cant We All Just Get Along?

As much as I love people and life; it really saddens me to see the state of affairs this world is in right now. There are so many flaws and errors and I cannot even think of how all of this started or when all of this "snuck in". It is so in our faces everyday;  law suits, legal notices and litigations regarding offenses of races, flags, sexual orientation, pro life versus pro choice, affirmative action, immigration, politics, the fleur-de-lei and even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Everyone has an opinion and to everyone...that opinion really matters!

We argue and just can't seem to get along with our fellow man. Everyday I see more rage that occurs on the roads, in parking lots and in stores. People are arguing and fighting and even killing each other because they cannot get along. Marriages that once ended in divorce now involve murder and/or suicide. This is a scary world that we are living in right now!

So much has been put into passing laws that will ensure people will not be discriminated against in high hopes that violence and repression do not occur. Is it working? Of course not! It will NOT work. Man cannot pass a law that will change the character of a person. They could try to put confines on a subject matter in hopes that it will "corral" people but the root of the issue hasn't even been identified and legislation will not solve this crisis! Laws will repress outward responses but feelings and attitudes are the real issue.

 How about in our Christian community? Are we any different? Are we being a light to the world or are we just like everyone else? Offended at every turn and finding ourselves in disunity at every available situation?  Social media has a way of bringing out things that are in people. I love to throw out a controversial subject and just see the people bite it. I know this sounds bad, but there is no other way to know how people think until you see their opinions expressed and especially how they interact with others who do not think the same way. It can be quite eye opening! So I have a question for you....are we following Jesus and living in unity or are we following culture and agreeing with an
environment of disunity?

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."                                              John 13:34-35

The Word of God is the only solution to this greatest issue of disunity. In fact, it calls a person out of a dysfunctional world where division and strife reign and into a new life where love and unity reign. It is in this new culture that believers do not settle for “agreeing to disagree,” but they actually agree because they love one another. Well..that is how it is SUPPOSSED to be.

Jesus prayed this prayer, “I pray that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." John 17:21 (NIV)

Either this was an unreasonable prayer, demanding something that just could not be achieved or maybe His followers today aren't really FOLLOWING. If you are a follower of something or someone then you say and do what your leader says and does. Are Christians doing what Christ commanded us to do?  After all, we are His sons and daughters and He gave us this Bible as a guide.
The true testimony of a Christian is unity. Unity after all shows love and compassion. It should follow us everywhere we go. "Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." It is following you to be your constant reminder of what you should be.

It doesn't mean that you agree with what everyone says and shows that you can agree to disagree in love. You can be that example to guide and love people and help people in their sin. We have the power to cause death in relationships, marriages, and to each other by what we say and do. God came and He was raised to life and He has given you the power over death, the hell and the grave. What does that mean? That means that you can't afford to be hateful, bitter and spew garbage out of your mouth, on Facebook, in your home or at work. You are to be that candle on a hill. You know...that lighthouse that no one really needs UNTIL they are at the lowest and darkest times of their lives. And what do they remember and look for? They look for the FAITHFUL thing that has always shown brightly and was always there to help guide them to safety.

I will not pretend to know all the answers to how to respond to all the complicated areas of society today. So when I am in a situation and I am unsure what to do or say. I ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and either He will tell me to be quiet or He will give me the words to speak or even to type or write. We just have to remember that the "war" that is being waged in our society is not against each is in the supernatural. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that "We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness."

As Christians, we must become spiritual meteorologists. We must become sensitive to the atmosphere around us. We have got to recognized the influence and warn ourselves and prepare. Just like we would do for any natural disaster that can be predicted. We cannot stand idly by. We have got to be culture changers!

 “Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit in to it without even thinking.”             Romans 12:2                                                                     

Christians need to think about what they are doing and why they are doing it, not just do what everyone else is doing. Also what your thinking and why you are thinking that way...that is the better statement. If you don't know what to say or how you should respond to something; then please ask your pastor or someone in authority over you. We all need to know what we stand for and how to speak it to others. Sometimes quoting a scripture to a non-Christian isn't going to drive the point home. You need to know how to live the scriptures out and how to speak to people in love and not in damnation.

 Let me encourage you to watch what you put into your mind as well. If you listen to a lot of talk radio or particular news channels often then you might need to limit that. Your heart will feel anxiety, grief , hate or even fear. It could come against your faith and you may start to feel hopeless. That is what the enemy would want. We are not hopeless and we are not downtrodden. Things look bleak in America today but there is a remnant that loves God and is willing to make a difference in their worlds. We all have the ability to make a change in our culture right now and right where we are at. It isn't about what you know but about WHO you know.

May God give you the heart today that loves and that has room to grow and expand to be something that you never thought possible. He is looking for containers to fill. Will you be the one that decides to drop the agendas, puts down the pointed fingers and start loving people. I just want to get along, how about you?

Adjust that Crown!





Sunday, July 12, 2015

Made To Crave

I have lived a life of roller coaster dieting. I have been size 4 for maybe one whole day (I celebrated and ate pasta and couldn't fit in the pants the next day. LOL)since adulthood and been all the way up to a size 16. I have great intentions and come up with some wonderful plans. You should see some of my checklists and calendars that I write out that has what I am going to eat, drink, the exercises and I even can project my weight loss months down the road! Unfortunately over and over I disappoint myself. I have a hard time sticking to any long term plans. Why is that you say? Well, it has to do with my ability to tell myself "no".

There is this thing that I call cravings. When I am sad: I want chocolate, when I am happy: I want chocolate, when I am mad: I want chocolate! haha. I have issues! So when I found this book by author Lysa TerKeurst, Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food, I got really excited! Unfortunately it sat on the shelf for quite awhile before I ever picked it up to start reading it. Made to Crave is not a diet book or new weight-loss plan; it relates with our emotional cravings and how God wants to be what we crave. The following is some tidbits of truth that I found in the book. I hope that it helps some of you!

 {When I read Psalm 23, I had to get brutally honest with myself. The Lord is supposed to be: my guide, my shepherd, my comfort, my deliverer. And if I was honest when I looked at that list, I felt like I had taken food and replaced the Lord with food. When I was stressed, I didn’t hit my knees and pray. That wasn’t my first reaction. I would pray, but my first reaction was that I wanted something to make me feel better. If I was sad, I wanted food. If I was happy and celebrating something, I wanted food. And when I started connecting the realities, I discovered that I was underweight spiritually and overweight physically. I discovered that I elevated food to a very dangerous spiritual place in my life — it had become an idol.

As Christian women, we know God thinks we are beautiful just the way we are. We were created to be beautiful, but He didn’t create us all to be a size 2, 4, 6 or a size 30, for that matter. But if we are stuck in a place of defeat, He wants to take us to a new place. Not so that we will be skinny, but so that we will be healthy and so we will be at peace — physically, mentally and spiritually. God made us to consume food, but food was never supposed to consume us.

The reality is that God created us to be more than conquerors. We are more than the sum total of our issues. And when I prayed about my “tankles,” (chuncky ankles) I shared with God that although I didn’t want this to bother me— it did. I felt the Lord whispering into my heart, “Are you an active person? If you had frail, tiny ankles, and you turned them often and were slowed down, wouldn’t that frustrate you? I gave you ankles of convenience. Be happy with them and rejoice in the reality that they get you where you need to go and they do not slow you down.” That was such a sweet, practical perspective.

As a lot of people set out on this journey to get healthy, many of us make the mistake of wanting to get healthy so that we will be loved. Maybe we think God will love us more, or our husband will love us more or we will love ourselves more. And that is the wrong motive because the reality is that we are already loved. The most successful place to be is not setting out on a healthy eating journey so that we will be loved, but rather to set out on a healthy eating journey because we are loved. Because we are loved by God, he will empower us to find victory in this area that for so many women distracts us and defeats us, sometimes on a moment-by-moment basis.

While we are here on earth, [the body] is His Temple. It is the space our soul occupies and we are instructed many times to take good care of our bodies — not so that we will be skinny, but so that we can be healthy. One of my favorite verses is Romans 14:20 which says, “Do not destroy the work of the Lord for the sake of food.” I think it is crucial to understand that sometimes we can get so distracted by food issues and so wrapped up in feeling incapable that we become spiritually defeated and may not even want to serve the Lord.  I like to tell people to let God’s Truth work for you and not against you. It is my intention that by quoting these verses, it will give us the spiritual motivation to make lasting changes and I hope that you will too.}

I sure hope this helps anyone on a journey to change any bad habits in your life. I already know all of this stuff but it sure helps sometimes to read other's' journey on the is very encouraging!!! You need to get the book to reference back to on occasion!

Adjust Your Crown


Friday, July 10, 2015

Are you Kind?

Most people are not drawn to Jesus because of an advertising campaign, a sign along the road, or a steeple in the skyline. Most people are drawn to Christ through cords of kindness formed in relationships with other people. So I am asking you this question: Are you kind?
There is nothing like a trip out of state to see how quick culture effects people and their responses in customer service. I remember one of us saying in a restaurant, "Dorothy, we aren't in Texas anymore!" 
What is kindness? Is it optional? It is after all one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Kindness is a benevolent and helpful action intentionally directed towards another person, it is motivated by the desire to help another and not to gain reward or to avoid punishment. 
“Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked.” Luke 6:35, NLT
Being unkind is actually a rejection of God because He is all about love. So when you are not loving and unkind to someone you are putting yourself first. You are telling the person that they do not matter and are not worth your time and effort. 
While kindness is natural to most,  we cannot be what we are called to be unless we are relying on the strength of the Holy Spirit. Abundant and over-flowing kindness in the Christian is the outworking of God’s Spirit within. It is the proof in the pudding!
True kindness points others not to ourselves...but to Jesus!

Adjust that Crown, 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Getting Away From It All

Yes we wanted a vacation to "get away from it all". We wanted nature and quiet with trees and wild animals. We rented an isolated cabin high in the mountains with an elevation over 11,000 feet! We were going to relax and just enjoy the quiet.

Yet all four of us found ourselves either on our phone or Ipads. We were on-line, texting and making phone calls. My two sons complained incessantly when they couldn't stream movies via their devices due to  the spotty internet service. We played spades and watched TV and believe it or not...we found ourselves at Target a few days later buying a game system! Yes we are pathetic! We were making our little cabin in the woods "get away" just like the hectic home we just left. We wanted to unplug and relax...but I don't think any of us really know how to do that.

How is your "Quite Time" with God? How many of us have music blaring, our favorite TV show playing or we are reading a book? I have the same problems trying to put everything aside. It is after all the most important part of our day. You might have to get up early before everyone else does. I know that I will get so easily distracted by the buzzer that the laundry is done or the vibrating of my phone and will lose train of thought easily.

Everyone needs time away from the routine but the time you dedicate to God is the most important time you can ever have. Some time is better than no time, and should be your very best time. Don't give the Lord your leftovers. Don't try to find time; you need to make time, and make it a priority. Also find time early in the day. Psalm 5:3 says, “… in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.” You don't take a trip and then try to read the map, do you? Spend time alone with God to begin your day.

The Bible says in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Focus your mind on Him. It is important to calm down, relax, and recognize His presence. Take a deep breath and focus your thoughts on the Lord. Do not let anything distract you. 

Find a place where you can focus. Jesus said enter into your closet and pray (see Matthew 6:6). That simply means find a place of isolation where you can shut the door on the world and open the windows to heaven. Jesus sought out places where He could be alone, and so should you.

Everyday can be a vacation away from it all as you find peace, quiet and  restoration in Him. 

Adjust Your Crown, 


Monday, July 6, 2015

I Stand in Awe of You

Ever been in an amazing place and the first day all you did was you snap photos of everything that you have seen? Every tree, mountain, bird and stream you look at are a miraculous miracle and you find yourself speechless? You are definitely easy to spot as tourists because you gasp at every little thing and your camera is practically glued to your face. You have big smiles and you take really deep breaths of the mountain air and repeatedly say, "I don't smell chemicals! Air smells so differently here! Oh this is so awesome" Okay...well....that is what we did. Haha

Two days later you pass by those same things and you look at it and continue on. You see more mountains with deer standing at the edge and buffalo roaming the field with alpaca sheep next to the road; you appreciate them but the "awe" factor has diminished some. After a few more days you don't see anything different....the snow on the mountains, the town donkeys that run loose on Main Street...You just aren't that impressed anymore. You have officially acclimated to your new environment. 

That is what happened on our Rocky Mountain vacation. We went through a thousand photos the first day and as we left a week later with 1,200 photos altogether. Did we take photos of everything that was beautiful on day one? Noooo in fact I had to beg the boys to take pictures of some things that I thought were notable and they were like, "Nah. That isn't anything special."

As Christians we too become acclimated to our Christian life. As new believers everything looks and feels so wonderful and different and we just breathe it all in! We are astounded and amazed at our experiences and we see everything so new and wonderful. We cannot wait to share everything with everybody. We smile with mouth wide-open excitement!! But what happens? 

We take what we have and our new found identity for granted. We get used to the gifting and the abilities like being able to call out to God and hear his voice. Who would get used to that? How about healing, hope and the gift of salvation? Where is the awe factor in that? We become complacent. We all too soon forget what great things have been given so freely to us. Just like our trip to Colorado...we didn't pay for the scenery but yet that is the first thing we forgot about. We didn't VALUE the creation.

Please stop and smell the roses. There is value in every moment. I know...even in changing dirty diapers there is value! It doesn't feel like it when you are doing it and are elbow-deep in stuff. But there are ladies right now that wished that they had a child that needed a diaper change! We have to get out of our rut!  I encourage you to look at the mundane in your life and look for the beauty in it; even in the small things. It is there if you choose to look for it. It may be in your marriage that has become hard to see any good in; it may be in that pesky rebellious kid that just will not listen. Speak to that mountain! In Faith see what it is going to be and not what isn't right at the moment. Ask God to clear the scales that have grown over your eyes so that you can see things new again. There is an awe factor in this life and we need to live every day with that in the forefront of our minds. We all need a spiritual revival!

God sees you as beautiful and priceless and He loves you more than anything....don't take what you have or even WHO'S you are for granted. Our God is something to be in awe about and nothing should ever change that.

Zephaniah 3:17 "The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."

You are Graciously Adorned


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Log Checking

We are staying in this beautiful log home for vacation in Colorado. I have always loved the look of a cabin in the woods! I so admire the large round logs that support the home and line the ceilings. One thing that I have never noticed though is that most of the logs have long cracks in them! This got me thinking and of course I had to Google it! The wood looked so sturdy and so regal standing there but yet had the wide crevices exposed and there just had to be a reason for that, right?

"Checking", or cracking of the logs is a natural part of a tree drying and is on the surface and does not go through to the diameter. The wood is now disconnected from it's water source and as it dries it is normal for it to open up. These checks are seen as a part of a log home’s unique appearance and charm. This type of crack is normally small and does not present a structural problem in the home. Another crack though often called a split; is larger and more severe, often passing through the diameter of the log. These cracks are often due to damage to the log itself, improper drying techniques, or structural loading. These splits can be detrimental to a home and has to be professionally repaired or replaced.

Splits can be fatal and can cause some big problems but thankfully we serve a God that can come in and fill in any empty space that we have and make us whole. He is our professional and with Him we can be strong and sturdy once again!

We all have cracks or should I say "checks". Don't be confused with what they mean. We often take for granted the gentle cracks of beauty that God helps us through...that is our testimony...that is what we show to people. Our cracks are actually Holy Ground. It is a reminder that we need Jesus and they bring us into His presence and even can set us on our knees in humble thankfulness. They focus our thoughts on His Word and put our hearts where they need to be. We can stand tall, regal and have a great foundation and have some checks in our lives.

Adjust That Crown,



Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4th

Happy 4th of July to you & your family!

Just as our forefathers declared this day in 1776 to be independence Day; freedom actually didn't come until a few years later. Maybe you do not have much to celebrate today and either feel like your own personal spiritual freedom is lacking or even the freedom in our country. Despite what you feel, see or hear we have much to celebrate!

Do not focus on your pain or your past or present circumstance but celebrate today the promises that God has given you. Prophesy over yourself by speaking the Word no matter what you are surrounded by. When you speak it in faith: not only are you strengthened but so is your spirit.

 Think back in history about the significance of why we shoot fireworks and wave the flag; the pain of the bombs bursting in air in the dawns early light and all those whose lives were effected and given for this freedom. Now think about what Jesus has done for you and what He is wanting to do in your life. There is just reason to celebrate. So smile and eat watermelon, barbecue with the family and thank God for your freedom not only in the past but also for your future.

Decree and declare freedom in your life today! There may be a few battles coming your way but you have God on your side. Go celebrate with all the pomp and circumstance you can muster and don't forget to fly the flag of freedom over your life because victory is coming to your house!

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  Galatians 5:1

Adjust your crown!


Friday, July 3, 2015

Back Burners

The cabin we rented was amazing! The only complaint I had; other than not seeing a moose, was that it had an electric stove that was solid surface. Now these stoves can be really nice and this one was...but it had a really large burner as well as a small on in the front. The two back burners were itty bitty!

All the cabin had were large pans so I had to use the front burner the whole time and only cook one thing at a time. No other pan would fit. I found myself saying, "I can't put anything on the back burner" multiple times. Haha

It really made me think of my life and how EVERYTHING at times seems so important and STAT or emergent! Up to this vacation I never put anything on the "back burner" why should dinner on vacation be any different?! 

The hectic pace of life can cause us to put things in the "front" of our lives and cause us to feel overwhelmed. The deadlines and the busyness of life can make you feel like you are running around in circles and not getting anything done. Like most of the people I know; I was in need of a little adjustment to my priorities. That is why vacations are so important. Normally Don and I only go out of town if it is church related and rarely ever go anywhere that isn't. So this time was really good for our family. It was a time to get away and put everything aside except for what was truly important. 

Don't get me wrong; church and my friends are VERY important but sometimes you have to evaluate what is on the front burner 95% of the time and if it isn't the people that live in the house with you...namely your spouse or children...well what you placed on the back burner is going to eventually spoil and not turn out the way you want it. Because you don't have the room or the time to put into it! This vacation was about my kids and my husband; and secondly only to my relationship with God, it will ALWAYS be on the front burners of my life. What about you?

Adjust that Crown, 



Thursday, July 2, 2015

What is Your Altitude?

Being in a high altitude can cause something called Altitude Sickness. My family encountered this just this past week. We rented a cabin near Breckenridge, Colorado that was over 11,000 feet above sea level! We noticed we were breathing harder and were feeling lethargic and grumpy. We thought that maybe it was just form all the sigh seeing and of course the mind-numbing whitewater rafting trip that we went on! None of us could sleep either and that was really weird for me....there usually isn't many things that can prevent me from sleeping!
Some symptoms of Altitude Sickness include headache, fatigue, stomach illness, dizziness, and sleep disturbance; which can last for a few days. Some people never experience this slow and painful transition and others do not. Exertion aggravates the symptoms even more. At higher elevations the body experiences diminished oxygen pressure that causes increased ventilation and increased heart rate. Your body is trying to acclimate to the new pressure and because of that you can easily hyperventilate and your body can put off functions such as digestion to focus on vital issues like blood and oxygen levels. This explains why none of us could sleep after eating a really big meal before bedtime!

It is the same with being a leader and a Christian in our environment. It is harder to function in a higher level initially and you no longer do the things that others can do at sea level. It can be scary and certain things can make you breathe fast and make your heart race! BUT it is what God has called us to do. To go higher in HIM and up there we are closer to his ways and further away from our old Earthly ways. God wants to introduce us to new treasures, new anointing and new places in His Spirit. He desires that we receive greater wisdom, new perspective and new armor. He wants to reveal secrets of the Kingdom to us that we cannot obtain at a lower level. Come higher to Him and let Him change you from the inside out.

Adjust that Crown,




Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Keep Paddling!

On a recent trip to Colorado; my family went white water rafting. The website that I booked the trip on stated that the Royal Gorge trip is the most exciting rapids available commercially in the USA. It had many expert level rapids thought it and was listed for "thrill seekers". Well me being the trip organizer decided that if we were going to go on a rafting trip...well it would be the best available!

After getting there though I started to get a bit nervous and I vocalized to the staff that I might have changed my mind because we have NEVER done this before; our guide Zach said, "If you can follow directions then you can do this! No problem." Well who am I to argue with that?

I loved his optimism and it set my mind at ease. I can follow directions, right? Then we had to sign all the liability forms talking about all the things that could go wrong. Yikes! Once on the bus he began to talk to us about respecting the river and how things can go bad really fast. He said, "No matter not let go of your paddle and always keep paddling." He explained that "If you feel like you might fall off the raft you paddle faster because this will serve to help balance you out and also make sure your feet are securely in place. Even if you are covered in waves and cannot see a thing, keep paddling." My son Trey wanted to get out of the bus at this announcement and I even thought about it!

In the raft there are deep slots to put your feet in to prevent falling off of the raft. I was grateful for these pockets! You sit on the side of the raft in a very vulnerable position and having your feet stabilized gives a little bit of a feeling of control. 

I fell IN the boat twice during our trip and it was very scary! My heart was racing and I had to work hard at getting back up and back in position with water all around me and waves crashing in on every side. I was shaking and felt like I had no strength. I was scared. I also felt like I was a failure. My team needed me to get up and help maneuver the whitewater. I will say this... I never did let go of my paddle! I understood that it was my lifeline and if I let go of it then everyone on the boat would suffer. 

When we got to the end of our adventure Zach our guide told us that we all did so good; especially as novices. He reminded us that falling IN was not a failure like failing OUT would have been. That would have been a rescue operation! We all got back up and got back at it quickly and despite what was going on. What a feeling of adrenaline mixed with accomplishment that experience was!

Let me encourage you to dig in and stabilize yourself with what you know as truth in your life. You might be in a vulnerable situation right now and you might have gotten hit by an unsuspecting situation; with Jesus on your side you will find yourself grounded and you will not fall OUT of the boat. You know the Word and you can follow those instructions! You will not drown because you've got that paddle of truth that not only balance out your life but gives you the hope as well as the strength to get back up and keep you paddling forward!

Adjust that Crown!


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This little Piggy

As I set out pork chops this morning to defrost I had a strange thought; what in the world is "This little Piggy" children's poem all about? Yes..I do have a touch of ADHD thanks to living with my husband..I guess it rubs off on people! Well, I often have thought of this children's story as unfair because some pigs must  had it made and got to go shopping and have fun and for some reason some didn't. The other pigs either  had "none" or went "home" sad is that!? I  feel sorry for those little piggy's! They must have done something pretty bad to not get to experience going to the market or eating roast beef. Maybe they had bad manners or misbehaved and were put in timeout? ha ha  But for some reason I can't help to think that there has to be a deeper meaning here!

This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none,
And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

Although no website that I have visited could explain a deeper meaning, other than saying "it is a counting poem" (well not a very good one I think...because it never even mentions numbers) I think it could have whole different meaning behind it! I have heard in the past that this whole children's poem has to do with pigs getting slaughtered and some waiting for another day. My how that doesn't seem very child-friendly!

Well let's just say that the first piggy went to the market because he was getting slaughtered...this makes sense because do pigs really go shopping? Why is it that I always pictured as a child a pig with a shopping cart? Oh the imagination! The piggy that stayed home; well for some reason it just wasn't their time and they got to have fun for another day. Then the pig that had roast beef...well the farmer must of realized that he was underweight and is trying to "beef" him up! The piggy who had none... we all know that when a animal is going to go to the slaughterhouse they don't get to eat because they can't have anything in their gut. And of course all of our favorite...the very last piggy who got to go "weee weee" all the way home! That was the really fun one that usually involved tickling of the foot and lots of giggles. I picture that pig running away from the trouble! He found a way out of the farmers hands and made a run for it! And I am quite sure that his "home" wasn't at the pig farm where it wasn't safe but where he was loved and wanted and secure.

"...God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." 1 Corinithians 10:13

Oh how things look so different from the perspective of the adult mind! Despite what is going on around you, what you see, what you think you deserve or what others have told you...God has made a way of escape for you. It is never too late for you to make a break and run. Don't sit in mediocrity and do what others are doing without questioning where you are truly supposed to be! Wake up and know that He has better for you. Open those eyes and put them on Jesus who has already won your victory on the cross! I sure hope that you can be the one today that is giggling and squealing "weee weee weeee" all the way home.

Adjust that Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at


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