We argue and just can't seem to get along with our fellow man. Everyday I see more rage that occurs on the roads, in parking lots and in stores. People are arguing and fighting and even killing each other because they cannot get along. Marriages that once ended in divorce now involve murder and/or suicide. This is a scary world that we are living in right now!
So much has been put into passing laws that will ensure people will not be discriminated against in high hopes that violence and repression do not occur. Is it working? Of course not! It will NOT work. Man cannot pass a law that will change the character of a person. They could try to put confines on a subject matter in hopes that it will "corral" people but the root of the issue hasn't even been identified and legislation will not solve this crisis! Laws will repress outward responses but feelings and attitudes are the real issue.
How about in our Christian community? Are we any different? Are we being a light to the world or are we just like everyone else? Offended at every turn and finding ourselves in disunity at every available situation? Social media has a way of bringing out things that are in people. I love to throw out a controversial subject and just see the people bite it. I know this sounds bad, but there is no other way to know how people think until you see their opinions expressed and especially how they interact with others who do not think the same way. It can be quite eye opening! So I have a question for you....are we following Jesus and living in unity or are we following culture and agreeing with an
environment of disunity?
The Word of God is the only solution to this greatest issue of disunity. In fact, it calls a person out of a dysfunctional world where division and strife reign and into a new life where love and unity reign. It is in this new culture that believers do not settle for “agreeing to disagree,” but they actually agree because they love one another. Well..that is how it is SUPPOSSED to be.
Jesus prayed this prayer, “I pray that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." John 17:21 (NIV)
Either this was an unreasonable prayer, demanding something that just could not be achieved or maybe His followers today aren't really FOLLOWING. If you are a follower of something or someone then you say and do what your leader says and does. Are Christians doing what Christ commanded us to do? After all, we are His sons and daughters and He gave us this Bible as a guide.
The true testimony of a Christian is unity. Unity after all shows love and compassion. It should follow us everywhere we go. "Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." It is following you to be your constant reminder of what you should be.
It doesn't mean that you agree with what everyone says and does...it shows that you can agree to disagree in love. You can be that example to guide and love people and help people in their sin. We have the power to cause death in relationships, marriages, and to each other by what we say and do. God came and He was raised to life and He has given you the power over death, the hell and the grave. What does that mean? That means that you can't afford to be hateful, bitter and spew garbage out of your mouth, on Facebook, in your home or at work. You are to be that candle on a hill. You know...that lighthouse that no one really needs UNTIL they are at the lowest and darkest times of their lives. And what do they remember and look for? They look for the FAITHFUL thing that has always shown brightly and was always there to help guide them to safety.
I will not pretend to know all the answers to how to respond to all the complicated areas of society today. So when I am in a situation and I am unsure what to do or say. I ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and either He will tell me to be quiet or He will give me the words to speak or even to type or write. We just have to remember that the "war" that is being waged in our society is not against each other...it is in the supernatural. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that "We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness."
As Christians, we must become spiritual meteorologists. We must become sensitive to the atmosphere around us. We have got to recognized the influence and warn ourselves and prepare. Just like we would do for any natural disaster that can be predicted. We cannot stand idly by. We have got to be culture changers!
“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit in to it without even thinking.” Romans 12:2
Christians need to think about what they are doing and why they are doing it, not just do what everyone else is doing. Also what your thinking and why you are thinking that way...that is the better statement. If you don't know what to say or how you should respond to something; then please ask your pastor or someone in authority over you. We all need to know what we stand for and how to speak it to others. Sometimes quoting a scripture to a non-Christian isn't going to drive the point home. You need to know how to live the scriptures out and how to speak to people in love and not in damnation.
Let me encourage you to watch what you put into your mind as well. If you listen to a lot of talk radio or particular news channels often then you might need to limit that. Your heart will feel anxiety, grief , hate or even fear. It could come against your faith and you may start to feel hopeless. That is what the enemy would want. We are not hopeless and we are not downtrodden. Things look bleak in America today but there is a remnant that loves God and is willing to make a difference in their worlds. We all have the ability to make a change in our culture right now and right where we are at. It isn't about what you know but about WHO you know.
May God give you the heart today that loves and that has room to grow and expand to be something that you never thought possible. He is looking for containers to fill. Will you be the one that decides to drop the agendas, puts down the pointed fingers and start loving people. I just want to get along, how about you?
Adjust that Crown!
So much has been put into passing laws that will ensure people will not be discriminated against in high hopes that violence and repression do not occur. Is it working? Of course not! It will NOT work. Man cannot pass a law that will change the character of a person. They could try to put confines on a subject matter in hopes that it will "corral" people but the root of the issue hasn't even been identified and legislation will not solve this crisis! Laws will repress outward responses but feelings and attitudes are the real issue.
How about in our Christian community? Are we any different? Are we being a light to the world or are we just like everyone else? Offended at every turn and finding ourselves in disunity at every available situation? Social media has a way of bringing out things that are in people. I love to throw out a controversial subject and just see the people bite it. I know this sounds bad, but there is no other way to know how people think until you see their opinions expressed and especially how they interact with others who do not think the same way. It can be quite eye opening! So I have a question for you....are we following Jesus and living in unity or are we following culture and agreeing with an
environment of disunity?
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35
The Word of God is the only solution to this greatest issue of disunity. In fact, it calls a person out of a dysfunctional world where division and strife reign and into a new life where love and unity reign. It is in this new culture that believers do not settle for “agreeing to disagree,” but they actually agree because they love one another. Well..that is how it is SUPPOSSED to be.
Jesus prayed this prayer, “I pray that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." John 17:21 (NIV)
Either this was an unreasonable prayer, demanding something that just could not be achieved or maybe His followers today aren't really FOLLOWING. If you are a follower of something or someone then you say and do what your leader says and does. Are Christians doing what Christ commanded us to do? After all, we are His sons and daughters and He gave us this Bible as a guide.
The true testimony of a Christian is unity. Unity after all shows love and compassion. It should follow us everywhere we go. "Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." It is following you to be your constant reminder of what you should be.
It doesn't mean that you agree with what everyone says and does...it shows that you can agree to disagree in love. You can be that example to guide and love people and help people in their sin. We have the power to cause death in relationships, marriages, and to each other by what we say and do. God came and He was raised to life and He has given you the power over death, the hell and the grave. What does that mean? That means that you can't afford to be hateful, bitter and spew garbage out of your mouth, on Facebook, in your home or at work. You are to be that candle on a hill. You know...that lighthouse that no one really needs UNTIL they are at the lowest and darkest times of their lives. And what do they remember and look for? They look for the FAITHFUL thing that has always shown brightly and was always there to help guide them to safety.
I will not pretend to know all the answers to how to respond to all the complicated areas of society today. So when I am in a situation and I am unsure what to do or say. I ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and either He will tell me to be quiet or He will give me the words to speak or even to type or write. We just have to remember that the "war" that is being waged in our society is not against each other...it is in the supernatural. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that "We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness."
As Christians, we must become spiritual meteorologists. We must become sensitive to the atmosphere around us. We have got to recognized the influence and warn ourselves and prepare. Just like we would do for any natural disaster that can be predicted. We cannot stand idly by. We have got to be culture changers!
“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit in to it without even thinking.” Romans 12:2
Christians need to think about what they are doing and why they are doing it, not just do what everyone else is doing. Also what your thinking and why you are thinking that way...that is the better statement. If you don't know what to say or how you should respond to something; then please ask your pastor or someone in authority over you. We all need to know what we stand for and how to speak it to others. Sometimes quoting a scripture to a non-Christian isn't going to drive the point home. You need to know how to live the scriptures out and how to speak to people in love and not in damnation.
Let me encourage you to watch what you put into your mind as well. If you listen to a lot of talk radio or particular news channels often then you might need to limit that. Your heart will feel anxiety, grief , hate or even fear. It could come against your faith and you may start to feel hopeless. That is what the enemy would want. We are not hopeless and we are not downtrodden. Things look bleak in America today but there is a remnant that loves God and is willing to make a difference in their worlds. We all have the ability to make a change in our culture right now and right where we are at. It isn't about what you know but about WHO you know.
May God give you the heart today that loves and that has room to grow and expand to be something that you never thought possible. He is looking for containers to fill. Will you be the one that decides to drop the agendas, puts down the pointed fingers and start loving people. I just want to get along, how about you?
Adjust that Crown!