Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This little Piggy

As I set out pork chops this morning to defrost I had a strange thought; what in the world is "This little Piggy" children's poem all about? Yes..I do have a touch of ADHD thanks to living with my husband..I guess it rubs off on people! Well, I often have thought of this children's story as unfair because some pigs must  had it made and got to go shopping and have fun and for some reason some didn't. The other pigs either  had "none" or went "home"....how sad is that!? I  feel sorry for those little piggy's! They must have done something pretty bad to not get to experience going to the market or eating roast beef. Maybe they had bad manners or misbehaved and were put in timeout? ha ha  But for some reason I can't help to think that there has to be a deeper meaning here!

This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none,
And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

Although no website that I have visited could explain a deeper meaning, other than saying "it is a counting poem" (well not a very good one I think...because it never even mentions numbers) I think it could have whole different meaning behind it! I have heard in the past that this whole children's poem has to do with pigs getting slaughtered and some waiting for another day. My how that doesn't seem very child-friendly!

Well let's just say that the first piggy went to the market because he was getting slaughtered...this makes sense because do pigs really go shopping? Why is it that I always pictured as a child a pig with a shopping cart? Oh the imagination! The piggy that stayed home; well for some reason it just wasn't their time and they got to have fun for another day. Then the pig that had roast beef...well the farmer must of realized that he was underweight and is trying to "beef" him up! The piggy who had none... we all know that when a animal is going to go to the slaughterhouse they don't get to eat because they can't have anything in their gut. And of course all of our favorite...the very last piggy who got to go "weee weee" all the way home! That was the really fun one that usually involved tickling of the foot and lots of giggles. I picture that pig running away from the trouble! He found a way out of the farmers hands and made a run for it! And I am quite sure that his "home" wasn't at the pig farm where it wasn't safe but where he was loved and wanted and secure.

"...God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." 1 Corinithians 10:13

Oh how things look so different from the perspective of the adult mind! Despite what is going on around you, what you see, what you think you deserve or what others have told you...God has made a way of escape for you. It is never too late for you to make a break and run. Don't sit in mediocrity and do what others are doing without questioning where you are truly supposed to be! Wake up and know that He has better for you. Open those eyes and put them on Jesus who has already won your victory on the cross! I sure hope that you can be the one today that is giggling and squealing "weee weee weeee" all the way home.

Adjust that Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at Jonna-invisiblecrown.blogspot.com


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Thankful for the Fleas

Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom spent the last years of her life speaking to men and women all around the world about the God who sustained her during her imprisonment in a Nazi prison camp. Corrie was a Christian who, along with her father and other family members, helped many Jews escape the Nazi's during World War II. She was imprisoned for her actions and she wrote a book, The Hiding Place where she describes the whole ordeal. This book came to be a best seller and in many schools a required reading.

Corrie Ten Boom's strong faith in God kept her from depression throughout her life and especially within the Nazi camps. She told of how her sister Betsey reached out to others and helped her to see the best in everything, no matter what the circumstance. This is one story that she shared:

The barracks where Corrie Ten Boom and her older sister Betsy were kept in a Nazi concentration camp in Ravensbruck, Germany were terribly overcrowded and unfortunately flea-infested. They had been able to miraculously smuggle a Bible into the camp, and in that Bible they had read that in all things they were to give thanks. Betsy in her devotion decided that in this situation that they should all  thank God for the fleas in their room; even though they have seemingly been reproducing at a alarming rate. This was too much for Corrie, who said she could do no such thing. But Betsy insisted, so they all gave in and prayed to God, thanking Him even for the fleas.

Over the next several months a wonderful, but curious, thing happened. They realized that the guards never entered their barracks anymore due to the amount of fleas that would jump on them when they were nearby. This meant that women were not assaulted and that their room was a safe place. It also meant that they were able to do the unthinkable, which was to hold open Bible studies and prayer meetings in the heart of a Nazi concentration camp! Through this, countless numbers of women came to faith in Christ.

Today let us give thanks to God for every good and perfect gift (James 1:17), but also thank Him for how He will use all things for good in the lives of those who trust Him (Romans 8:28).

Adjust that Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at Jonna-invisiblecrown.blogspot.com

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Confessions of a Pastors Wife: Last Call For Alcohol

I want to share a perspective on the controversial subject of drinking alcohol. I know...there are some eyebrows being raised right now! ha ha. But this topic has been introduced, debated and watered down in many churches as well as Christian homes in recent years. Unfortunately, I have had someone very close take a stand that drinking was "not a bad thing" and began to participate in it. Now a few years later this person is addicted to alcohol and its effects have had many sad results in their life, marriage, job and eventually in their children's lives. What? This will not happen to you? Is that what you tell yourself? Well being someone in ministry; I have seen the negative effects alcohol has had on many people's lives...unfortunately many in the church do not know or do not see it because there is something called confidentiality. If only people would be transparent about their pain...then others would not also fall in the same pit.

I don't know about you but when I hear of or when I see a professing Christian drinking; my respect level of them goes down dramatically. I mean, is there anything more strange? I can visualize a new Christian just coming to know Jesus that sees a member of their church drinking, and how that can make them either feel empowered to do the same or feel disappointed in the lack of witness shown. I have also seen a new convert that struggled with alcohol and God miraculously delivered them of their addiction; just to become disillusioned when the person that led them to the Lord was seen drinking. How disheartening is that?

Because of free will our actions have consequences; and just because we don't see them immediately doesn't mean there are none. The truth is that everything we say and everything that we do creates an effect that can be good or bad and many of those aren't seen but are unseen. Let's not even talk about the physical ailments as well as the spiritual implications! (Drinking alcohol is like "pickling" yourself from the inside out!) There is a reason that we are to set ourselves apart from the world and not be like them. Doing so gives God more room to work in our lives and doing the opposite, well just shows who is really in control of us.
"Don't drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of Him. Sing hymns instead of drinking songs! Sing songs from your heart to Christ. Sing praises over everything, any excuse for a song to God the Father in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ."           Ephesians 5:18-20 The Message
It's not the act of drinking or whether or not it's a "sin" that really matters here. We could debate on this for a long time. Trust me...I have been involved in many of a discussion and have heard so many uses of scriptures leaning one way or the other. And no group talk I have ever been involved in could ever agree on the subject. So I am not going to even use all the scriptures that everyone else uses. I am going to appeal to the heart today and not in the head knowledge of the thing. In reality, it is the character behind the thing that really matters. It is the WHY.

Why is it necessary for you to drink? Isn't the Spirit of God enough for you? What are you trying to fill? Is it because it tastes good (and we ALL know it doesn't!) or do you have another motive? Are you drinking for comfort or because you are in a bad mood? Am I drinking due to stress or due to peer pressure? Who should you be going to when you are in pain, sad, stressed, etc?
We were made to be filled with the praises of God and to show Him glory. This is our purpose of being His creations! Any person can find silliness and stress relief from drinking alcohol. But you are NOT just any kind of person! You may even argue that you have never been "drunk" and you only use alcohol for pleasure or "social" occasions. So then I ask, why do you drink at all? What is the purpose then? If this isn't a stronghold in your life, then can you let it go for Christ's sake? It is easy to say something doesn't control you until you are asked to let it go. As the verse above states, it is better to drink from the Spirit and sing songs of praise than to be filled with a substance that cheapens the life God gave us, no matter what that substance is! And the bigger picture here is that anything that we cannot give up for Christ is a stronghold, end of the discussion.
"Yes, I am sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes, so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Then they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God's people, who are set apart by faith in me" Acts 26:17-18
This was taken from Paul's encounter on the road to Damascus. This is Jesus talking to Paul. He says that we Gentiles are set apart BY FAITH in Him. It's one thing for God to come in and break the chains of addictions of sin to give us a new life, but it's yet another thing for us to step out in faith of what Christ did in us and remain pure! It DOES take faith though to live a life of purity, showing the world the life-giving power that comes solely from God. I have FAITH that Christ lived the most narrow lifestyle, pursuing purity to be set apart for His Father, even to the point of dying for ME. Faith requires action. I walk out my faith by setting myself apart for God alone, living as Christ lived so that the captives might find life in He who lives in me.

Just like Saul who killed Christians and hated them had an amazing encounter where he was converted to Christianity by a bright light! Isn't that just incredible?  The Word says that his eyes were "opened" immediately yet he could see nothing. He was immediately made aware that he had been deceived! Could it be that you think that what you are doing or what you believe is totally correct but in reality you have been deceived? Could it be that the enemy is trying to steal the promises that God has given you and has entrusted you with? Just like Saul scales fell away from his eyes to show the real truth of his situation. The truth was so incredible that his name was changed to Paul. Now that is revelatory truth!

In our own home; which is the pastor's home of our church; our son has on occasion used Rum to make Bananas Foster and used Jack Daniels whisky to make a sauce for our steak. Don was upset that our son bought it and used it to the point of argument; but agreed that upon tasting the food that it was incredibly delicious. So there the bottles sat up in our top cabinet. For all of you who know my husband; he used to drink. Now, he was never tempted from the alcohol; but he would open that cabinet and see those bottles and it would remind him of situations in his past that he considered horrible and that he was ashamed of. It was a time where God came in and intervened and saved him from himself and Don did not like the fact that these bottles were sitting there mocking him. It could be a doorway and he didn't want any part of it. We also noticed that our son had bought a few more things to "try" out in different recipes. Our home was quickly turning into a home of compromise. It was becoming something less than what God would be happy with. It took someone close to us losing their job and about losing their mind due to alcohol for us to talk to the boys about us never making compromises like that again in our lives. We would never again let it in our home. Together we poured it all out and decided that if Bananas Foster did not taste good without using Rum, well then we would just choose another dessert. Plain and simple.

After all...is there any end to the life lived like the world? So if alcohol is acceptable in our world, why not drugs, shacking up, abortions, homosexuality, lying, killing, stealing and any other thing that may so easily beset us. Any of these things we could argue about and if we find enough people to agree with....we could justify it! Maybe today you are saying...I would never do those things! I just take a drink here or there. You may be exclaiming as well,  "Jonna, you are being a little crazy and going to extremes by saying all of this!"

"Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith." 1Peter 5:8-10 The Message

Well maybe I am a little crazy; but God is calling us to be aware and to be intentional in these last days. We are to be aliens, radical and different and non-conforming.,,,.right? What does the Bible say will happen in the last days, anyway? What things will be destructive and lead people down the wrong path? The Bible is clear that there will be such a strong deception and that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived. What seems white will be actually black or what seems like the truth will be in reality a lie. There will be countless deceptions in every area of life that will lead people astray. Being led the wrong way in life brings bitterness, unhappiness, destruction, and depression but being led down the wrong path spiritually is far more dangerous. I am just here to remind you about that warning.

 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

 If you find yourself getting upset about this article and wanting to debate it...well lets just say then; that is why I wrote it. There is NO topic more controversial in the mainstream Christian world right now than this. We are called to be DIFFERENT! And in believing that alcohol; which is a mind-altering drug; is okay then you are being deceived. We are to strive to live a life of purity and to say "no" to ANYTHING that seems contrary to the Word of God. It doesn't have to be a big debate either...deep down everyone that I have talked to about drinking say that they never have a clear conscience about it at "first". But then it gets easier and in time they "really just don't care" what other people think. Well, that was your first indication! The Holy Spirit in you will always try to give you a way out of a compromising situation. The more you ignore the voice then the further away that it becomes and you will find yourself one day waking up and wondering, "How in the world did I get to this place in my life?"

Let me encourage you with this; the next time that you decide to fast...choose alcohol to permanently delete from your home, your life and your "social time". Maybe it hasn't been a struggle for you personally; but you know that it isn't a good witness for others or for your children. There is NO greater thing then to live a life of obedience and honor to your savior. He will grant favor to those who put Him first in their lives.  Don't you want to honor Him with everything you do, say and wherever you go?

 I am no longer my own for I am called to be a light in the darkness. If by drinking, I cause a stumbling block and dim the light of God in me, then I have no desire nor ambition to ever let it touch my lips. I will put my life on display to show how powerful my God is, giving up anything that tries to diminish the work of God in my life. May you make the last time you drank your "last call for alcohol".

Adjust your Crown!


Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Glove

Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom spent the last years of her life speaking to men and women all around the world about the God who sustained her during her imprisonment in a Nazi prison camp. Corrie was a Christian who, along with her father and other family members, helped many Jews escape the Nazi's during World War II. She was imprisoned for her actions and she wrote a book, The Hiding Place where she describes the whole ordeal. 
During one of her presentations, she held up a lady’s white glove. Corrie asked, “What can this white glove do?”.  Then she went on to explain… "The glove can do nothing. Oh, but if my hand is in the glove, it can do many things…it can cook, play the piano, write. Well, you say that is not the glove, but the hand in the glove that does it. Yes, that is true.  We are nothing but gloves. The hand in the glove is the Holy Spirit of God. Can the glove do something if it is very near to the hand? No! The glove must be FILLED with the hand to do the work. So must you too must be filled with the Holy Spirit of God to do what He has called you to do." 
What a great illustration of God at work in the life of a believer! She brought to the platform a limp, worn out glove and talked about how useless it was in that condition. The glove looked the same and still appeared worn and faded, but the hand within it gave it new life. With that hand inside, that glove had the power to pick up things, throw things, and accomplish great tasks.
So it is with us. Although we may feel limp and powerless and worn out with life’s demands; the Spirit of God comes within us and then there is nothing that we cannot do. Of course, it wasn’t the glove, but the hand, that had life. And so it is with us, not me, and not you;  but the Spirit within us that accomplishes great things! We must be the willing shell or the willing partner that allows the great opportunity to be used by God!

Adjust that Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at Jonna-invisiblecrown.blogspot.com

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