During one of her presentations, she held up a lady’s white glove. Corrie asked, “What can this white glove do?”. Then she went on to explain… "The glove can do nothing. Oh, but if my hand is in the glove, it can do many things…it can cook, play the piano, write. Well, you say that is not the glove, but the hand in the glove that does it. Yes, that is true. We are nothing but gloves. The hand in the glove is the Holy Spirit of God. Can the glove do something if it is very near to the hand? No! The glove must be FILLED with the hand to do the work. So must you too must be filled with the Holy Spirit of God to do what He has called you to do."
What a great illustration of God at work in the life of a believer! She brought to the platform a limp, worn out glove and talked about how useless it was in that condition. The glove looked the same and still appeared worn and faded, but the hand within it gave it new life. With that hand inside, that glove had the power to pick up things, throw things, and accomplish great tasks.
So it is with us. Although we may feel limp and powerless and worn out with life’s demands; the Spirit of God comes within us and then there is nothing that we cannot do. Of course, it wasn’t the glove, but the hand, that had life. And so it is with us, not me, and not you; but the Spirit within us that accomplishes great things! We must be the willing shell or the willing partner that allows the great opportunity to be used by God!
Adjust that Crown!
*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at Jonna-invisiblecrown.blogspot.com