Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Know your Worth

Your worth is not based on what occupation you chose, what kind of bank account you have or the beauty or lack thereof you see in the mirror. Your worth isn't even based on asking Jesus into your life...your worth is based soley on your creation. The creator determined your worth. 

Genesis 1:26-27 says we are made in His image, the very image of God. Psalms 139:13-16 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and all the days of our lives were written in God’s book before we were ever born; confirming God’s prior knowledge and plan for our lives. Ephesians 1:4 says God chose His children before the foundations of the earth were ever formed, and in verses 13-14 we’re told we are God’s own possession chosen for the praise of His glory, and that we have an inheritance in heaven with Him as His children! 

Think on that before you put yourself on the clearance rack!

Adjust that Crown, 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gifts & Surprises!

Everyone loves gifts and suprises! When I was a little girl me and my brother and sisters couldn't wait until daddy got home. We would all watch for his truck and listen for the front door to open! All four kids would try to be the first to greet him. He would finally come through the door tired, hot and sweaty and we were all over him hugging him and asking what he got us. You see dad would almost everyday bring us little things from his day at work. If you were first to get to him you might get to pick what gift you got!! Sometimes it would be one thing for us to share, or a crazy story about his day; but most of the time it was candy or a small toy! And to my mothers dismay my dad also has brought home kittens and puppies! Ha. 

We didn't just love the gifts but we loved our dad. He represented life to us. He wanted the best for us and worked long and hard hours to provide. We never worried about provision or if we would have food, clothes or a roof over our head. We had complete faith in him. He was the source of all things good. We treated him with respect and love even on the days he brought us nothing. We loved him unconditionally. My dad isn't one is...but what he was and still to this day; is a perfect picture of what our Heavenly Father is. 

What are you expecting your Heavenly Father to bring to you? Do you wait with great expectation? Do you trust that He will provide for your every need? Matthew 6:26 reminds us of the level of care we are under. It's all encompassing. He is our Jehovah Jireh (provider), Nissi (protection), Rappha (healer)....just to name a few! 

Your Father knows what is best for you and He is out working everything for your good...he wants the very best for you! Romans 8:28

Just when I think that I cannot manage or that I am unsure of my future; God walks in the door and He always surprises me with things that I never ever even expected or prayed for. Live a life of faith when you can't see how it will all work out. He is longing to give you gifts and surprises but you need to be positioned to receive them

Adjust that Crown!


Monday, July 7, 2014

Is Church Really About Us?

I pose this question, "Do we go to church for activities, events, convenience and comfort?  Is our agenda to have our egos stroked and our desires met? Do we have a consumerism attitude somewhat like shopping where we only will go where things seem the best and have the most exciting offerings? 

Have we even considered that the church might need us? What part should each of us play in the health, growth and ministry of the church?  Is church shopping and church swapping simply a matter of wanting a place that provides us with a sense of being ‘spiritual’ but does not require that we think, respond, receive correction, get provoked with truth and actually make investments in something that does not give us direct and immediate benefit? Have we developed a shopping mentality that says, “If this doesn’t work for me, I’ll just split and give it a shot somewhere else?” Has a church home become “all about me?” 

While I do not think that most people I know or go to church with thinks like this...I so feel the attitude has invaded the Christian church like coupons in the Sunday paper! I pose another thought to you today because all of us need some reminding now and again: 

What if people found a church and joined it with an attitude that says, not every sermon must be for me, not every song must be my style, not every activity has to be one that I would join. Instead we have an attitude that asks, Where can I serve?, Whom can I assist?, Where could my spiritual gifts be best put to use?

What if they approached it like a good marriage and determined to work through dry periods, refuse to walk out when things don’t lean our direction, give others the benefit of the doubt, operate in forgiveness, to be patient, to demonstrate loyalty, love others unconditionally, perseverance and ownership?

The world has enough self-centered critics. No church is perfect, just like no family is perfect. Maybe it’s time we quit asking what’s in it for us and start asking, “What can I do to serve?”  A church shouldn’t be about attire, convenient service schedules, worship styles, certain coffees or personal preferences. A pastor can’t always be a motivator, a professor, financial analyst, architect, counseling guru, leadership expert, bedside comforter, organizer and a musician. We need to have reasonable expectations of our church and its leadership. We need to love our Church where it's at now. 

It should be about being a called-out community of believers who are committed to using their God-given gifts for His glory and our good. When we find a church that is built on truth and a pastor that is committed to teaching, preaching and modeling it — then more times than not, we need to stay put and find a place for service no matter the new shiny thing advertised. 

Adjust that Crown


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

For such a Time

14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
                               -Esther 4:14 NIV

God has put specific things inside of you, not just for yourself, but to bring Him glory. I believe that if we circumvent the destiny that God desires in our life; then He will allow another to rise up to do the job. I don't know about you; but I want the destiny God has intended for leftovers here! No way that I will let another take my inheritance! 
I want to encourage you with the fact that one person can make a difference. I also believe that God has a great purpose for your life, as He did for Esther’s. You may never deliver a nation, but your assignment is just as significant! 
You may be scratching your head and wondering what your platform is supposed to be and I want to tell you...right where you are at! You are called to make a difference now wherever you find yourself doing and being. 
Difference makers don't wait for the right time, right outfit, or certain maturity work with whatever you have. God always honors faithfulness and obedience and God is calling you to--such a time as this!
Become an Esther in your generation!

Adjust that Crown!


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