Sunday, February 23, 2014

Where did you go God?

“Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” (Psalm 10:1)

In Psalm 10 David asked why God seemed so far away in times of trouble. I think if we are honest, that same question has crossed our thoughts as well. Why does God seem so far away? It reminds me of a bumper sticker that read something to the effect of “If you can’t feel God in your life, guess who moved?”

God’s love is constant, but our anger, our grief, and our doubts can push Him away from our thoughts. The negatives crowd out that small voice we know is not from our own brain waves. Despair robs us of the closeness we once felt. Then we somehow convince ourselves that God is so far away! Crazy how quickly that can happen!

Yet the Bible tells us God is our refuge and strength in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1) God is always there. Sometimes we just need to look up from our troubles to see Him. Maybe it will be in the form of a friend, a rainbow on a stormy day, the words to song or a passage of scripture. Perhaps it will be a sudden calm that coats us like a protective shell. David learned that. His faith helped him to see God through his despair. He says later on in Psalm 10 -“O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear” (vs. 17).

God is a gentleman. He waits to be asked before entering into our situations. He also knows our hearts, and if we get lost in ourselves He will bring us someone or something to help us realize that we haven't been alone at all. He's been waiting on us to give it all over so that He can work it out on our behalf.

Adjust that Crown, 


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Checkers or Chess?

     Popular trauma surgeon Dr 
Red Duke told me one day, "Some people do life like they are playing Checkers and what they should be doing is living life like a game of Chess." Now considering what he does for a living I am sure he has seen his share of silly antics and rash decisions that has gotten people in intersting trauma situations! It is true that some people just don't think before they do things and because of it they rely on the intelligence and quick thinking of others to save them.

In Checkers, all the game pieces are the same except for red and black colors and they move in the same way. You win when you have either trapped your opponent or you can overtaken all their pieces off the board. Now Chess sounds like about the same game except that each piece in Chess is differently shaped and have different rules and abilities. While Checkers sometimes involves random luck; you have to have a strategy to win at Chess!

In life we cannot just wander around and be random and hope to be sucessful at anything! We have to think before we speak and do things. People can get hurt by our bad judgements and our random actions. We need to be a people that have a strategy and a plan! 

God needs you to understand that life isn't a game of is something that has been thought out and planned for thousands of years. He has strategized so that you can win in the end. In order to win at Chess you have to trap the other parties King and you announce "Check Mate" meaning, "the king is dead." Well at least we know this...OUR King is alive but the strategy is still the same. Say "Check Mate" to the King's that shouldn't be ruling in your life,

Our King is coming and we need to be ready and waiting and have a heavenly strategy for finding others to take along us!

Adjust that Crown, 


Saturday, February 15, 2014

What is your Rub Rating?

Wyenbeek Machine
In my pursuit of a good fabric I have learned something! (imagine that!)  Upholstery fabric has a Rub Rating; it is a abrasion resistance test made by a Wyzenbeek machine that tests fabric rubbing together in two perpendicular directions until it tears. So a "rub" is the ability of a fabric to resist surface wear caused by flat rubbing contact with another fabric. The Wyzenbeek Method is a standard test used in the United States. So a rating of 30,000 double rubs is a great choice for high traffic areas or commerical use and a 15,000 double rub rating is an average household rating.

How is this information useful? Well I am glad you asked. Our durability and abraision resistance on a daily basis needs to be at least 30,000 double rubs! Think of how many people we "rub" elbows with on a daily basis either at work, church or strangers that we encounter. We have a great incidence of getting irritated quickly and having a break down. I know that all of us have experienced road rage or maybe even cafeteria rage...when people cut in line. ha ha. These breakdowns can cause a tear in our testimony and although that happens to all of us sometime or another; we really we need to take our irritability factor much more seriously because it is the opposite of love.

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on it's own way; it is not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoiceth in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things."  1 Corinthians 13: 4-6
Consider your rub rating. When you are in contact with others are you wearing them out or are you adding to the quality and value of their life? Some of the most beautiful and expensive fabrics in the world are the ones that are the most tightly woven and with higher thread counts. The quality of your life is directly proportional with how you interact with others and the love legacy you leave. We all want to have a life that is not wasted and we certainly want one that endures the test of time. 

Adjust that Crown!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Our love story

Donald: You have read stories of “Love at first sight” well this isn’t such a story. Understand our first encounters with each other were both memorable. My first introduction to Jonna was, me introducing myself to her and then introducing her to someone else. Then her first recollection of me was me standing on top a car (the roof) yelling at someone across the parking lot. I believe her question to a friend was “who is that idiot?” Yep you guessed it…I was the proverbial idiot.

Jonna: It is really funny when you realize that we both double dated with each other's best friends when we were teenagers! When those relationships didn't pan out; well we just decided to get together. The first time we actually met was at church...big surprise! Don was a loud talker and always the center of attention and I was very quiet and well mannered and liked to stay out of the spotlight. And of my first memories of Don was after that church service in the parking lot of a Pizza Hut and he was standing on one of the vehicles hoods and jumping up and down yelling something and then while eating pizza he made his "pizza pie" eat the salt and pepper shakers as well as the napkin dispenser on the table. Of course Don probably remembers that I didn't eat because I didn't want to get sauce on my new outfit and that I was somewhat repulsed at everything he did....sounds like a great beginning!

Donald: I will never forget what she looked like that night. Jonna was wearing a Polo shirt with the collar popped because that was the style of the day. Her smile lit the room up…matter of fact it still does. Her eyes…to borrow a line from a popular song of today, “Oh her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they’re not shining” are so captivating. Brown eyes have never seemed so bright. Her hair was long and blonde back in the day. She was absolutely beautiful. But as we talked I realized she was beautiful inside and out. So I had to ask her on another date.

Jonna: What “repulsed” me about Don is actually what I craved. I loved watching him be so happy and alive and entertaining with those gorgeous blue eyes. Yes...even jumping on that car hood! When he spoke everyone around him stopped and listened. He contains such wisdom, charisma, charm and of course incredibly good looks and I found myself getting sucked in like I have NEVER before in a relationship. Don's outlook on life was and is so carefree and spontaneous and so much fun! I was so busy “acting” proper and being well-behaved that I found myself boring but I so wanted to participate and break out of my shy-box!

Donald: I knew she was “the one” within two weeks…I think it took her a couple of years! But on one hand I’m grateful our love story isn’t a fairy tale because the stuff we have been through together, our commitment to one another, a fairy tale love story couldn’t hold up to the challenge. We dated for two years before we were married. I was extremely sick during those days with Crohn's disease and she was confident and strong. I’ll also never forget the night I proposed. We went out to a nice dinner and then we went for a walk on the beach. It was a full moon…I know for a fact that we had never gone to the beach at night before, we had gone plenty of times during the day but never at night. So as we walked down the beach on that full moon-lit evening…I asked her to marry me. When I pulled out the ring I was so glad the moon was bright because the light of the moon made the ring seem larger and more brilliant. I was the happiest guy in the world when she said yes…matter of fact the only other time since then that makes me so happy is the fact that she continues to say “yes” everyday.

Jonna: He has always had a heart for the things of God and wanted to do GREAT things with his life. He talked about a ministry style that hit my heart...that God loved us so much and had more Mercy and Grace than we ever even thought! It excited me because of my religious style of upbringing to find someone that wanted to do things different and "out of the box' and I felt myself falling in love so fast and so deep with this amazing man. When he finally asked me to marry him one night on the beach...I was thrilled and excitedly said yes!

I said "yes" to full-time ministry as well as "yes" to a chronic disease of which both brought many challenges, victories as well as blessings down the road. I didn't realize that the "in sickness" part was going to come so quickly though! What I witnessed in my husband during the struggle of his life was a faith that was so strong and unwavering and I would watch him minister and pray for people and see them healed while he was still so incredibly sick. One day God chose to heal him and I got to be a part of that wonderful miracle! No greater time in my life; other than the birth of my two boys will ever compare to that moment.

Donald: I know couples are supposed to have songs and I’m not real sure if “we” do…I know the song that makes me think of her is the song “Cherish” by Kool and the Gang. I cannot hear it and not think of Jonna. See love stories are more than the oooh and the gooh…it is how you stay together during the difficult days. When your spouse is sick for twelve years and you don’t leave, you love him in spite of it and through it. When your wife decides to go back to school you celebrate it and help her dreams come to pass.
You've heard the saying, “Marriage is made in heaven…but so is Thunder and Lightning!” But boy, doesn’t it create a beautiful show when the heavens are lighting up?

Jonna: Don has officially gotten me “out of my box” and sometimes he probably wonders if he created a monster! But over the years he has been my encourager to go and do and be the best that I can be. It was him who watched the kids and went the extra mile when I decided to fulfill a dream of mine to be a nurse. When I didn't think I could make it....he was there telling me all the reasons why I could. He has helped me out of my shyness and continues to lovingly push me to speak my heart and to be the person that God intended me to be. I am so blessed to be doing life with Don and I thank God that I was positioned at the right time and the right place to connect with him....I know that it was God's plan all along!

Don & Jonna: Everyone has a beautiful wedding day and so much time and thought and money has been put into that one event. We had 7 bridesmaids and 7 groomsmen and was more like a circus! But in all of that all you have when that day is over is likened to a seed. At first glance the seed really isn't very pretty and there just isn't much to it. Trust me...the first few years of our marriage weren't very pretty! But just like a seed if you diligently take the time to plant, water and nourish it; it can bloom as a wonderful flower that has the potential to be even more beautiful every single year.

Marriage, like life, brings with it many joys and also many challenges. And we also know that love, while beautiful, does not always show its prettiest face. There are days when we may find it hard to express the depth of our love for one another. Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to say “I am sorry” or “I forgive you”; “I need you” or “I am hurting”. There have been days we wondered, "what in the world did we get ourselves into?" But we have found that even when things don't smell like fresh flowers and all those feelings and goosebumps aren't there...well...there is still something that is deeply rooted in our lives that is powerful and it is sacred as well as fragrant and it is just waiting to bloom. Sometimes we just have to move in faith to get past issues for that thing to come forth. There is nothing more beautiful than a maturing flower that catches your attention and causes you to stop and stare in wonder. That is our prayer for our love and our marriage as well as yours.

You may find yourself today as you read this; that you don't feel like you are living a love is likened more to a horror story! Don't lose heart and don't give up....plant that thing in prayer and water it in time and in faith look for it to bloom into a new thing. Speak to the King in Him or the Queen in Her and you will start to see a King or Queen rise up. Whatever the situation; love, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness has the ability to make things grow the right way.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Don & Jonna

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Redeemed

I was cleaning out an old wallet of mine the other day and ran across some gift cards I had received as a gift...I excitedly went to my computer to check on balances. One of them had only .47 cents on it but the other $50! did I overlook that? Well according to Time magazine more than 40 Billion dollars worth of gift cards were left unredeemed in the last 7 years! Were they lost in the holiday trash or maybe stashed away for a rainy day and just forgotten? I am quite confident after checking with my husband and kids and realizing that we all have a gift card that is at least one year old that has never been used; that everyone has as least one in their posession!

More than half of us either didn't find anything we wanted with our giftcard or accidentally let our cards expire! 75% of people carry a card around with a balance on it that is insignificant and will eventually just throw it away. Another 1/3 of people just don't like the store or restaraunt or forgot they even had it when they visited the establishment. We have unredeemed potential in our pockets!!!

There is value in you that is just waiting to be redeemed! Imagine the billions of people on our planet that were created for greatness and have potential that is untapped, forgotten about or are considered insignificant and not valueable.  Redemption used in the Bible refers to the purchase price paid to secure our freedom; specifically in reference to the saving activity of God. Christ’s death was the purchase price and gift to us so that we can have a better life.

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace." (NIV Ephesians 1:7)

God redeemed the world 2,000 years ago through Christ’s death on the cross and placed that amount on a card for you and I to use. Christ’s death was the ransom price paid instead of us. Today, think about the value of the gift God gave you. How valuable is it to you? Have you redeemed it by faith? Do you continue to use it to serve others? Do you have your card stashed away for a rainy day?

A gift is given for the receiver to use. You have many gifts inside of you just waiting to be "cashed in". Thankfully this gift of salvation has no expiration date but what I do know about it is that the sooner you redeem it...the quicker you can live a fuller and happier life of faith, hope and love. This Jesus is the best gift anyone of us can ever receive and use. We ARE the redeemed!

Adjust that Crown, 


Saturday, February 1, 2014

I am loved and it feels GREAT!

Do you remember the feeling the first time you fell in love? My how the world seemed more colorful and you had a skip in your step and a twinkle in your eye? Well...what happens to that feeling over time? Well we all know that "feelings" fade and you have to start working at keeping the "sparks alive" if you are in a relationship.

It takes hard work to have commitment, trust and a person that you can share your dreams and goals with. Love actually starts changing over time from the goose bump moments to a solid stable love that isn't so easily moved. One that isn't based on dates and fun times only; but on life experiences....the good, bad and the ugly times.  Communication and sharing with each other and listening to each other's hearts over time forms a bond that cannot easily be broken. This is what I see in my parents marriage; they will be celebrating 50 years on February 2nd. They are devoted to each other and love each other with all their hearts...they even can complete each other's sentences! They are faithful and have each other's well being as their number one priority. They kiss in front of us, hug and say they love each other all the time...So sweet.

Experts say that our brain has pleasure centers that are so very powerful and when triggered releases a chemical called dopamine which produces euphoria, energy, sleeplessness and is similar to a cocaine high! No wonder they say that "Love is Blind"! Love can be addictive in quality and can cause you to do some silly stuff. But just like a high...after a bit of time....the feeling wears off and you are off trying to either find a new relationship or a new drug because you just have to have that "feeling". And thankfully most people in long relationships have found out that matured and true love goes so far beyond the feelings of euphoria.  What most married couples have cannot even be explained and is truly a beautiful thing that cannot even be put into words...

Being the Love month and all...I wanted to encourage you that whatever relationships you are in...I  hope that the most important one is with your savior Jesus Christ. I know that we all have precious memories of when we asked Him into our lives and most of us can remember the "doo dads" and the emotions involved with that. But just like our physical relationships with others; our relationship with God has to be worked on as well. We have got to invest into it to get close and to hear His heartbeat and will for our lives. We cannot rely on the "high" we originally got long ago...we have to have grown and matured a little and moved on to the trust and committed relationship that only TIME can bring.

Even in the hard times and in the good times I know and I trust who Jesus is in my life. Every sunrise is made for me and every breath comes from Him. I cannot be upset with Him and most certainly could never walk out on Him. Just like He would NEVER walk out on me or leave me. Jesus loves me more than anyone could and will ever love me. I feel kisses from him when I see a butterfuly and I feel hugs from him when he gives me peace in the storm. There is NO other relationship more coveted or more pure than the one between THE creator and his beloved.

I want to know the heartbeat of God for my life. I don't want to wonder what He wants for me...I want to KNOW because of my close relationship with Him. I want to finish His sentences when He talks to me and I want His best interest in mind in EVERY thing I do! In order to do that I have to be devoted and faithful and I need to know that 50 years from now...He is going to be there for me just like He is today. God is the sweet lover of my soul and for that....I want to sing!

Adjust that Crown,


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