Monday, January 11, 2016

Acknowledge Him

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."     Proverbs 3:5-6

Leaning on our own understanding is comparable to walking with a cane, and putting most of our weight on it. If the cane lands on uneven ground or it lands at an awkward angle then we can stumble. If it lands on unstable ground such as stones or water then we can fall. The cane doesn’t know which way is safe and which way is dangerous. It just goes where we put it and it can only provide stability to the degree that we have chosen solid footing for it.

According to Strong’s Concordance, the word “acknowledge” in Proverbs 3:6 includes compre­hending, considering, being diligent, instruction, being aware, having respect, understanding, being acquainted with, and being related to. It involves the kind of understanding that comes from personal relationship, in addition to the kind of understanding that comes from diligently paying attention to  instruction. When we have a close personal relationship with the Lord, and pay close attention to what He tells us and shows us, then He will direct our paths.

I don't know anyone who wants to live their life on a "crooked" path...that sounds hard and possibly scary. So the Word says that if we do these two things and then do not do this one thing then He will make our paths straight:

1. Trust in the Lord
2. Lean NOT in your own understanding
3. Acknowledge Him in All your ways

Acknowledgement is the key here to the promise to this scripture. If we would just consider, comprehend, be diligent, aware, have respect and understand who GOD is in our lives and how that He wants to be involved in EVERY aspect.  Then when the time comes to make a decision we will FIRST consult Him instead of thinking of Him as a last panicky resort. Acknowledge the fact that we have a loving, forgiving and wonderful Father that just longs to have relationship with you and help you in this journey of life. If and when we get that right...well...our paths will go straight to the destiny and purpose that God designed just for us! Acknowledge Him! Acknowledge Him!

Adjust That Crown


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