Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Faith it!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV)
So many people today are living in “survival” mode. They have a mentality that says, “If I can just make it through…” or “If I can just get by…” Of course, there are some seasons that are more difficult than others and sometimes it’s challenging to get a vision for just the next day. If you find yourself constantly living with a survival mentality then you are missing out on God’s best for you. Scripture doesn’t say, “Jesus came so you could survive.” No, it says that He came to give you a full and abundant life!

Many Christians will squeak by and get into heaven but they will not have the fingerprints of people and the crowns that God wants to bestow on his children. God created us to shine His light and His presence to this world and not to just "camp" here until He comes back for us! I believe that He has a path that we can take in faith that is called His will and it will lead us to the position and authority that each of us were placed on this Earth for. Now this place isn't going to be worry-free or carefree but it will require perseverance and reliance on God and it will be the most victorious and happiest that we will ever be. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us of the future that we have in God and the plans that he has for us...who wouldn't want to know the purposes that God has for them on this Earth? 
If you find yourself idling by and singing "kum by ya" then you need to take a giant leap of faith and begin to declare, “My days of survival are over; my days of thriving have begun!” I believe God will then open an unexpected door and will pour out His favor and blessing on you. He’ll make a way where there seems to be no way! Even if you’re in a tough time right now, remember those dry seasons don’t last, but the Word of God stands forever. Begin to decree what God says about your circumstances because you are created for more than to just get by — you are created to thrive!
A Prayer for Today
Father God, thank You for giving me abundant life through Jesus Christ. I believe that You have a good plan for my future and I am going to look for opportunities and look beyond myself in faithI declare that my days of thriving have begun as I continue to put your words and your promises to action as I learn to trust in You alone.  In Jesus’ name I decree is as so!  Amen.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Don't Give UP!

” …Run in such a way as to get the prize” 
(1 Corinthians 9:24, NIV).
Often when we have a dream or a promise placed in our heart, we chase after it with great expectation and we get so excited about our future! But along the way, we just might encounter a few bumps and unfortunately face some adversity. It is so easy to give up and think that it just wasn't "meant to be". What is important to remember is that it's not how we start that counts; it’s how we finish. Anybody can be fired up at the beginning, but it takes character to continue in the face of opposition. God will give us a plan for our lives and it is up to us to have the faith in who HE is for us to complete it.

Don’t stop at the halfway mark just because times are tough. Don’t quit because you don’t see anything happening. The scripture tells us not to walk by sight, but to walk by faith.
Today, if there’s something you’re believing for—a relationship to turn around, a business opportunity, a loved one that isn't living right or you need to overcome an addiction—keep pursuing it! Run your race to win the prize! Don’t settle until you see the fullness of what God has placed in you. As you stand strong in your faith, I believe God will pour out His favor and blessing upon you, and you will see the mighty blessings He has in store for you! He wants to see his people flourish and he also wants to see the active character of obedience worked out in our lives. When we show ourselves approved in the small things then He will give us something greater to pray and believe for....that my friend is living a victorious life in Christ.

Adjust that Crown!

Heavenly Father, today I choose to stand strong in You. I set my focus on Your promises and choose to run my race with conviction. I let go of the past by faith today and press forward into the destiny You have in store for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I will Rejoice and BE GLAD!

“This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).
I remember singing the ever popular song in church called, "This is the Day", way back in the 1980's. In fact my childhood Pastors EJ and Mary Mills would get up in church to preach and if they thought we weren't happy enough or there was a feeling of gloom in the congregation then they would ask the pianist to come up and we would sing that song until we got happy! Sometimes I remember faking my cheerfulness and smiling VERY big so that we wouldn't have to sing it 5 thousand times! ha. Unfortunately, my parent's would take this great idea home and would use it when one of us were in a foul mood. I have very detailed memories of my sister Ketti and I having an arguement and my mother telling us to make up and then instructing us both to sing this song together. I know that we would have angry looks on our faces and rolling our eyes, (not to mention that neither one of us could sing), and we would sing it much slower and of course off key and it didn't sound anything cheerful or happy and if we weren't on the same words or it didn't sound convincing to her then she would make us stop and start over. She would also make sure that we were smiling and I know it was usually through clenched teeth. We would eventually try to sound excited so that this sickening ordeal would just be done with! What I would give for a recording or even a picture of that right now! ha. I never truly understood what my mom was trying to do back then....torture was my first thought!

Now that I am older and I have witnessed petty arguements and bitterness that develops in our lives from things that have no eternal value,  I understand what my sweet Pastor's as well as my Godly parents were trying to teach us. They saw the bigger picture and that life is a Gift and a wonderous thing! We get so bogged down with the little things sometimes that serve as only distractions and quickly forget about why we are here and all the things we should be happy about....if we truly realized it...we would never have a frown on our face and always be in an attitude of gratitude!

Every day that we are given is a precious gift from Almighty God. We should wake up every morning with a grateful attitude, full of faith and expectancy for what the Lord has in store. Sure, you may be facing some challenges in your every day life, or maybe things aren’t going the way you planned, but remember, each new day is a chance to stand strong in the midst of adversity and see the faithfulness of God. Be glad that God has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Be glad that God has given you a sound, healthy mind. Rejoice that He is making a way where there seems to be no way! As you focus on the gift of every day and rejoice in what God has done in your life, you will begin to experience His increase and blessings. You’ll rise up higher and set the course to live in victory all the days of your life!

"This is the day. This is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice. I will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made." ----song lyrics "This is the Day"

Keep Sparkling

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cry Out to God!

And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?”(Luke 18:7, NIV)
Have you been crying out to the Lord for something? Maybe there’s a situation in your life that’s been overwhelming, and you feel like you’ve done everything you know to do and can’t see a way through. Be encouraged today because we serve a God of justice! He is faithful to His Word, and He will always be faithful to you.
Not only is He a God of justice, He is your vindicator. One thing we have to remember is that our battle is not with the person who may have wronged us. Scripture says that the enemy of our souls, the accuser of the brethren is our ultimate enemy. Know today that God already has a plan; He already knows the future, and He will give you peace to do the right things and say the right things. 
Your part is to release the situation into His capable hands. You don’t have to straighten everybody out, or go tell your  "side" of the story to everyone you know in defense mode, that’s God’s job. Trust Him with your future because the God of justice is working things out on your behalf!

That person or situation that you fret about right now may never come to you and say the things you long to hear; including that word of "i am sorry". You may never be able to tell your side of the story but you have to learn to live in peace and pray for your enemies or those who have hurt will be a better person because of it...that is truly what Jesus would do. 
Father God, today I release every care, every concern, every situation that is beyond my control. I trust that You are working things out for my good, and You are bringing peace to my life. Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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