It takes hard work to have commitment, trust and a person that you can share your dreams and goals with. Love actually starts changing over time from the goose bump moments to a solid stable love that isn't so easily moved. One that isn't based on dates and fun times only; but on life experiences....the good, bad and the ugly times. Communication and sharing with each other and listening to each other's hearts over time forms a bond that cannot easily be broken. This is what I see in my parents marriage; they will be celebrating 50 years on February 2nd. They are devoted to each other and love each other with all their hearts...they even can complete each other's sentences! They are faithful and have each other's well being as their number one priority. They kiss in front of us, hug and say they love each other all the time...So sweet.
Experts say that our brain has pleasure centers that are so very powerful and when triggered releases a chemical called dopamine which produces euphoria, energy, sleeplessness and is similar to a cocaine high! No wonder they say that "Love is Blind"! Love can be addictive in quality and can cause you to do some silly stuff. But just like a high...after a bit of time....the feeling wears off and you are off trying to either find a new relationship or a new drug because you just have to have that "feeling". And thankfully most people in long relationships have found out that matured and true love goes so far beyond the feelings of euphoria. What most married couples have cannot even be explained and is truly a beautiful thing that cannot even be put into words...
Being the Love month and all...I wanted to encourage you that whatever relationships you are in...I hope that the most important one is with your savior Jesus Christ. I know that we all have precious memories of when we asked Him into our lives and most of us can remember the "doo dads" and the emotions involved with that. But just like our physical relationships with others; our relationship with God has to be worked on as well. We have got to invest into it to get close and to hear His heartbeat and will for our lives. We cannot rely on the "high" we originally got long ago...we have to have grown and matured a little and moved on to the trust and committed relationship that only TIME can bring.
Even in the hard times and in the good times I know and I trust who Jesus is in my life. Every sunrise is made for me and every breath comes from Him. I cannot be upset with Him and most certainly could never walk out on Him. Just like He would NEVER walk out on me or leave me. Jesus loves me more than anyone could and will ever love me. I feel kisses from him when I see a butterfuly and I feel hugs from him when he gives me peace in the storm. There is NO other relationship more coveted or more pure than the one between THE creator and his beloved.
I want to know the heartbeat of God for my life. I don't want to wonder what He wants for me...I want to KNOW because of my close relationship with Him. I want to finish His sentences when He talks to me and I want His best interest in mind in EVERY thing I do! In order to do that I have to be devoted and faithful and I need to know that 50 years from now...He is going to be there for me just like He is today. God is the sweet lover of my soul and for that....I want to sing!
Adjust that Crown,