Today I saw an elderly couple looking at one of those maps at the large hospital I work at. I hardly even know where I am going half the time but I couldn't resist the urge to help out any way I could. They looked puzzled and frustrated and were so close to the map that the man almost had his nose pressed against it. ha. To make it even funnier....it is one of those high tech touch screens and they kept touching it repeatedly so it would never stay on the right screen to help them. I asked how I could help them and they said, "we don't know where we are and we don't know where we are going." I chuckled and said, "well...I can only help with so much." They smiled and together we found the "you are here" dot on the sign and looking somewhat intelligent; I managed to give them directions to their destination. They were suprised that it wasn't near as confusing as what they were making it out to be. I watched them meander slowly down the hall and made sure that they made the appropriate turn, and when they did...I went on my way with a smile.
The cool thing about being "lost" is that God always knows right where you are at. You might not have a clue about what in the world you are doing and feel all alone and frustrated...but he has you marked and knows "you are here" and according to Isaiah 43:16 He will make a road through the sea, and even through rough waters just for his kids. Thank goodness we have the Bible as our map...it has all the answers we need. Although sometimes it can be daunting and confusing...He will give you revelation if you just ask!
The beauty of it all is that you can start right where you are AT! Even though you feel lost and frustrated..there is hope! That is how God is. He meets you right where you are and uses what you think you don't have as well as what you think you can't do or be. He sees the "dot" and shows you the way out of your circumstances and situations and no matter where you are...He has a plan for your life.
God will point you in the right direction and even lovingly watch you; making sure you make the appropriate turns...He cares for you dearly and wants the best for your journey and will even smile at you as you go. So when you are feeling overwhelmed and alone and unsure of what to do...go to the map and find yourself....it will put it all in perspective. You will find out..you really aren't that far off from your destination after all.
Adjust that crown!