Sunday, February 16, 2014

Checkers or Chess?

     Popular trauma surgeon Dr 
Red Duke told me one day, "Some people do life like they are playing Checkers and what they should be doing is living life like a game of Chess." Now considering what he does for a living I am sure he has seen his share of silly antics and rash decisions that has gotten people in intersting trauma situations! It is true that some people just don't think before they do things and because of it they rely on the intelligence and quick thinking of others to save them.

In Checkers, all the game pieces are the same except for red and black colors and they move in the same way. You win when you have either trapped your opponent or you can overtaken all their pieces off the board. Now Chess sounds like about the same game except that each piece in Chess is differently shaped and have different rules and abilities. While Checkers sometimes involves random luck; you have to have a strategy to win at Chess!

In life we cannot just wander around and be random and hope to be sucessful at anything! We have to think before we speak and do things. People can get hurt by our bad judgements and our random actions. We need to be a people that have a strategy and a plan! 

God needs you to understand that life isn't a game of is something that has been thought out and planned for thousands of years. He has strategized so that you can win in the end. In order to win at Chess you have to trap the other parties King and you announce "Check Mate" meaning, "the king is dead." Well at least we know this...OUR King is alive but the strategy is still the same. Say "Check Mate" to the King's that shouldn't be ruling in your life,

Our King is coming and we need to be ready and waiting and have a heavenly strategy for finding others to take along us!

Adjust that Crown, 


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