Monday, July 6, 2015

I Stand in Awe of You

Ever been in an amazing place and the first day all you did was you snap photos of everything that you have seen? Every tree, mountain, bird and stream you look at are a miraculous miracle and you find yourself speechless? You are definitely easy to spot as tourists because you gasp at every little thing and your camera is practically glued to your face. You have big smiles and you take really deep breaths of the mountain air and repeatedly say, "I don't smell chemicals! Air smells so differently here! Oh this is so awesome" Okay...well....that is what we did. Haha

Two days later you pass by those same things and you look at it and continue on. You see more mountains with deer standing at the edge and buffalo roaming the field with alpaca sheep next to the road; you appreciate them but the "awe" factor has diminished some. After a few more days you don't see anything different....the snow on the mountains, the town donkeys that run loose on Main Street...You just aren't that impressed anymore. You have officially acclimated to your new environment. 

That is what happened on our Rocky Mountain vacation. We went through a thousand photos the first day and as we left a week later with 1,200 photos altogether. Did we take photos of everything that was beautiful on day one? Noooo in fact I had to beg the boys to take pictures of some things that I thought were notable and they were like, "Nah. That isn't anything special."

As Christians we too become acclimated to our Christian life. As new believers everything looks and feels so wonderful and different and we just breathe it all in! We are astounded and amazed at our experiences and we see everything so new and wonderful. We cannot wait to share everything with everybody. We smile with mouth wide-open excitement!! But what happens? 

We take what we have and our new found identity for granted. We get used to the gifting and the abilities like being able to call out to God and hear his voice. Who would get used to that? How about healing, hope and the gift of salvation? Where is the awe factor in that? We become complacent. We all too soon forget what great things have been given so freely to us. Just like our trip to Colorado...we didn't pay for the scenery but yet that is the first thing we forgot about. We didn't VALUE the creation.

Please stop and smell the roses. There is value in every moment. I know...even in changing dirty diapers there is value! It doesn't feel like it when you are doing it and are elbow-deep in stuff. But there are ladies right now that wished that they had a child that needed a diaper change! We have to get out of our rut!  I encourage you to look at the mundane in your life and look for the beauty in it; even in the small things. It is there if you choose to look for it. It may be in your marriage that has become hard to see any good in; it may be in that pesky rebellious kid that just will not listen. Speak to that mountain! In Faith see what it is going to be and not what isn't right at the moment. Ask God to clear the scales that have grown over your eyes so that you can see things new again. There is an awe factor in this life and we need to live every day with that in the forefront of our minds. We all need a spiritual revival!

God sees you as beautiful and priceless and He loves you more than anything....don't take what you have or even WHO'S you are for granted. Our God is something to be in awe about and nothing should ever change that.

Zephaniah 3:17 "The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."

You are Graciously Adorned


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