We are staying in this beautiful log home for vacation in Colorado. I have always loved the look of a cabin in the woods! I so admire the large round logs that support the home and line the ceilings. One thing that I have never noticed though is that most of the logs have long cracks in them! This got me thinking and of course I had to Google it! The wood looked so sturdy and so regal standing there but yet had the wide crevices exposed and there just had to be a reason for that, right?

Splits can be fatal and can cause some big problems but thankfully we serve a God that can come in and fill in any empty space that we have and make us whole. He is our professional and with Him we can be strong and sturdy once again!
We all have cracks or should I say "checks". Don't be confused with what they mean. We often take for granted the gentle cracks of beauty that God helps us through...that is our testimony...that is what we show to people. Our cracks are actually Holy Ground. It is a reminder that we need Jesus and they bring us into His presence and even can set us on our knees in humble thankfulness. They focus our thoughts on His Word and put our hearts where they need to be. We can stand tall, regal and have a great foundation and have some checks in our lives.
Adjust That Crown,