Happy 4th of July to you & your family!
Just as our forefathers declared this day in 1776 to be independence Day; freedom actually didn't come until a few years later. Maybe you do not have much to celebrate today and either feel like your own personal spiritual freedom is lacking or even the freedom in our country. Despite what you feel, see or hear we have much to celebrate!
Do not focus on your pain or your past or present circumstance but celebrate today the promises that God has given you. Prophesy over yourself by speaking the Word no matter what you are surrounded by. When you speak it in faith: not only are you strengthened but so is your spirit.
Think back in history about the significance of why we shoot fireworks and wave the flag; the pain of the bombs bursting in air in the dawns early light and all those whose lives were effected and given for this freedom. Now think about what Jesus has done for you and what He is wanting to do in your life. There is just reason to celebrate. So smile and eat watermelon, barbecue with the family and thank God for your freedom not only in the past but also for your future.
Think back in history about the significance of why we shoot fireworks and wave the flag; the pain of the bombs bursting in air in the dawns early light and all those whose lives were effected and given for this freedom. Now think about what Jesus has done for you and what He is wanting to do in your life. There is just reason to celebrate. So smile and eat watermelon, barbecue with the family and thank God for your freedom not only in the past but also for your future.
Decree and declare freedom in your life today! There may be a few battles coming your way but you have God on your side. Go celebrate with all the pomp and circumstance you can muster and don't forget to fly the flag of freedom over your life because victory is coming to your house!
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1
Adjust your crown!