On a recent trip to Colorado; my family went white water rafting. The website that I booked the trip on stated that the Royal Gorge trip is the most exciting rapids available commercially in the USA. It had many expert level rapids thought it and was listed for "thrill seekers". Well me being the trip organizer decided that if we were going to go on a rafting trip...well it would be the best available!
After getting there though I started to get a bit nervous and I vocalized to the staff that I might have changed my mind because we have NEVER done this before; our guide Zach said, "If you can follow directions then you can do this! No problem." Well who am I to argue with that?

I loved his optimism and it set my mind at ease. I can follow directions, right? Then we had to sign all the liability forms talking about all the things that could go wrong. Yikes! Once on the bus he began to talk to us about respecting the river and how things can go bad really fast. He said, "No matter what...do not let go of your paddle and always keep paddling." He explained that "If you feel like you might fall off the raft you paddle faster because this will serve to help balance you out and also make sure your feet are securely in place. Even if you are covered in waves and cannot see a thing, keep paddling." My son Trey wanted to get out of the bus at this announcement and I even thought about it!
In the raft there are deep slots to put your feet in to prevent falling off of the raft. I was grateful for these pockets! You sit on the side of the raft in a very vulnerable position and having your feet stabilized gives a little bit of a feeling of control.
I fell IN the boat twice during our trip and it was very scary! My heart was racing and I had to work hard at getting back up and back in position with water all around me and waves crashing in on every side. I was shaking and felt like I had no strength. I was scared. I also felt like I was a failure. My team needed me to get up and help maneuver the whitewater. I will say this... I never did let go of my paddle! I understood that it was my lifeline and if I let go of it then everyone on the boat would suffer.
When we got to the end of our adventure Zach our guide told us that we all did so good; especially as novices. He reminded us that falling IN was not a failure like failing OUT would have been. That would have been a rescue operation! We all got back up and got back at it quickly and despite what was going on. What a feeling of adrenaline mixed with accomplishment that experience was!
Let me encourage you to dig in and stabilize yourself with what you know as truth in your life. You might be in a vulnerable situation right now and you might have gotten hit by an unsuspecting situation; with Jesus on your side you will find yourself grounded and you will not fall OUT of the boat. You know the Word and you can follow those instructions! You will not drown because you've got that paddle of truth that not only balance out your life but gives you the hope as well as the strength to get back up and keep you paddling forward!
Adjust that Crown!