Being in a high altitude can cause something called Altitude Sickness. My family encountered this just this past week. We rented a cabin near Breckenridge, Colorado that was over 11,000 feet above sea level! We noticed we were breathing harder and were feeling lethargic and grumpy. We thought that maybe it was just form all the sigh seeing and of course the mind-numbing whitewater rafting trip that we went on! None of us could sleep either and that was really weird for me....there usually isn't many things that can prevent me from sleeping!
Some symptoms of Altitude Sickness include headache, fatigue, stomach illness, dizziness, and sleep disturbance; which can last for a few days. Some people never experience this slow and painful transition and others do not. Exertion aggravates the symptoms even more. At higher elevations the body experiences diminished oxygen pressure that causes increased ventilation and increased heart rate. Your body is trying to acclimate to the new pressure and because of that you can easily hyperventilate and your body can put off functions such as digestion to focus on vital issues like blood and oxygen levels. This explains why none of us could sleep after eating a really big meal before bedtime!
It is the same with being a leader and a Christian in our environment. It is harder to function in a higher level initially and you no longer do the things that others can do at sea level. It can be scary and certain things can make you breathe fast and make your heart race! BUT it is what God has called us to do. To go higher in HIM and up there we are closer to his ways and further away from our old Earthly ways. God wants to introduce us to new treasures, new anointing and new places in His Spirit. He desires that we receive greater wisdom, new perspective and new armor. He wants to reveal secrets of the Kingdom to us that we cannot obtain at a lower level. Come higher to Him and let Him change you from the inside out.
Adjust that Crown,