Wow. This sounds pathetic but it is so much like my real world coffee life! What if I replaced coffee with Jesus...it would read like this.
Oh my I love Jesus. I feel half asleep without Him. The first thing I want in the morning is Jesus. I stumble to Jesus with my hair sticking up in the air, morning breath and all, imprints fresh on my face from my pillow case. He loves me and I love Him. Ahhhhhh. Isn't this just nice? I feel so happy and smile. I just love Jesus. Especially with the right balance of Jesus to my day; without it I would just crawl back under the covers. Yes, I am a Jesus snob. Then as I get ready to leave the house I take Jesus with me. Later on if I am feeling the least bit sluggish the first thing I think about is getting some more Jesus. Jesus just makes me feel better. He gives me energy and helps me make better choices. It is my go-to when anything is not right in my world. Then in the evening after dinner I will at times make some more time for Jesus. Jesus has been with me all day and I feel like I am better because of it. It makes me happy and I smile at the smell of Him. Oh if only my whole house smelled like Jesus...that would be so perfect. No worries about me being able to sleep...Jesus helps my ability to sleep. I lay my head on the pillow and go straight to dreamland. For just in a few hours it will be time for Jesus again.
Adjust that Crown!
*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at Jonna-invisiblecrown.blogspot.com