Saturday, July 25, 2015

Got pants?

Have you ever needed something and needed them really fast? Well that happened to me today when I realized that the outfit that I was going to wear to a very important appointment had shrunk! How? Well I found myself in a HURRY this past week and had no time to go to the cleaners. So what would any responsible person in a HURRY do? Yes! Throw it in the washing machine AND then HURRIEDLY into the dryer. Then I in a HURRY packed for the conference knowing full well that they looked a little "off". But because of my HURRY I could not investigate further on this. So what happened when I reached into the hotel closet to put them on today? I am sure you can guess...they were no longer my size. LOL. Thankfully though I had a friend nearby that in a HURRY took off her pants and gave them to me! Now THAT is a true friend!

I really appreciated her willingness to help me out. She didn't think twice! But I did feel bad because she had to give up something that she took the time to iron, pack, hang up, transport, hang up and wear. She gave thought to her wardrobe and didn't plan on handing it over and wearing something else. I am sure it was an inconvenience. I felt selfish to even wear them and as soon as the interview was over I went back to the room and took them off. haha.

Notice a theme in my story? It is the word HURRY. There seems to be a cloud of chaos that follows me at times and I am really trying to find out the source of it! Someone has told me that I possibly may be the common denominator but I am total denial of that. :)) ( yes---that someone is my husband)

Hurry is selfish. It causes us to rush past people that are in need. Speed past situations that need our attention and run when we should be stopping to help. Hurry consists of half way listening to the people around us and causes people to think that we do not care. It is the reason we make mistakes and forget important things. Hurry is the reason many accidents occur and many vital things are overlooked. Hurry inconveniences people and is a big cause of stress. Do we have any time for God when He tries to stop us, point out an opportunity or even to speak to us when we are in a hurry?

So let's hope today that whatever you are doing; that you stop and take a few moments to gather your thoughts and re-prioritize your time. Hurry isn't worth the heartache that it can cause you and especially to those around you. So slow down a bit and take a chill pill. God wants to work through us all and He can't if we are going in circles and being all everybody wears your size pants!

Adjust Your Crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at


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