My eyes turned toward my husband at such an occasion and he had a definite look of bewilderment! There were 3 glasses and a coffee cup with saucer to our right, 4 forks, 4 spoons, 3 knives, two small plates to the left and two large plates stacked up on top of each other of differing size in front of us. There was a fancily folded napkin and a nameplate and various items in the middle of the table with a giant arrangement and with all the fanfare and the opulence of everything I remember my head started to swim. I whispered to Don not to touch anything and just in case we could wait until the first person starts and follow whatever they do but that I was pretty sure that you work from the outside in.
Our drinks were poured and then it was realized the third glass was for wine which we didn't want so they took one glass away. One less thing to worry about! Bread was brought and to my obvious horror Don reached out and took a knife and started to butter his bread. I had told him what I had thought about the etiquette of multiple silverware BUT I also added a lack of confidence statement afterwards. Kinda like, "I am positive but I am unsure." Haha. I looked around the table and was amazed to see that everyone was following him! Someone made the comment that they didn't know "what in the world to do" and was glad that someone knew! Don just smiled and we faked it until we made it.
It is ironic how you can feel like a "fish out of water" in a situation but with a little bit of boldness be the leader. God has called us to be leaders and to be the hope for people in our circle of influence. We might not always know what to do but with His help and the courage that he gives us everyday...to walk by faith we have the ability to do anything.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalms 46:1
Adjust That Crown!