read the instructions and started laughing to read the comment "for external use only. Not intended for internal use." Really? Is there anyone out there trying to scrub the INSIDE of their face? haha. It just really cracked me up UNTIL I started looking at other items around my house.
-ZQuil sleep aid: "Warning. May make you drowsy"
-Hair Dryer: "Warning. Do not use in water or while sleeping."
-Iron: "Warning. Do not direct steam at people or animals or iron clothes while wearing them."
-Lighter: "Warning. Keep away from flame"
-Shampoo: "Warning. Do not ingest this product"
-Hairspray: "Caution. Do not spray in eyes"
-Can of whipped cream: "Do not inhale contents"
-Container of nuts: "Warning. Contains nuts"
-Sun shield in Car: "Caution. Do not drive with sunshield in place"
Doesn't all of this just make you laugh? Unfortunately though I have a feeling that these labels would not exist if someone hadn't tried to do this before and got hurt or sued the company. Warnings are all around us and I understand that although they seem so silly; we all need information and instruction. Just like the ten commandments in the Bible; we all know that lying, stealing, adultery and killing are all common sense things that we would never do intentionally. God knew what we needed when He presented them to Moses. Mankind needs rules and most importantly we need it in print.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
What warning labels are you heeding to? I am sure you are not trying to inhale whipped cream but maybe you are struggling in another area of your life. God has given us warning labels and we need to heed them. They are put in place to help us stop and reevaluate what we are doing. You will never see the warning in print though if you do not read the instructions....the Bible is our instruction in life and is chock full of stories that are to help prevent you from making the same mistakes as others did. It also is full of encouraging things to give you hope and to remind you that you are loved!
Adjust That Crown!