Sunday, August 24, 2014

Just Shine!


Lighthouses have always fascinated me. They are so important to ships out at sea to help find their way after dark or in a storm. They aren't loud or over bearing...they just shine brightly and stand tall. They don't announce their presence but are faithful and constant no matter what is going on around them. The peeling pain, worn out brick and rough exterior never take away from the appreciation of a light fact it enhances it. All the stories of stormy nights and ships that made it home are so fascinating and wonderful. It is something that stands in the midst of constant waves and rough terrain. Lighthouses beat the odds. They are a beautiful representation of a life lived through Christ.

A light…not a horn…a great quote from DL Moody. That is how we should be; reflecting God and shining for Jesus! We need to be different than the world. There are enough people shouting and spewing rhetoric and fighting for their "cause" overcomes all obstacles! People should be able to count on us to be faithful and constant...that is what will lead them to Jesus in times of trouble. That is our testimony. Our scars, our wounds that shows and proves that we made it through. The stories we share of what we went through and how God showed us the way. This is why we shine so brightly....because of where we have been. We were once lost but now we are found so now we will be that light that will help others find their way.

   Ephesians 5 : 8-10 (NKJV) ~ For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.

So adjust that crown & shine!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

I am a great big bundle of Potentiality!

You are not empty-handed with nothing to give! Don't believe that lie. God doesn't want what you "think" you are going to be or what you would even like to be. He wants the YOU that you are today...right now...the work in progress.

I loved the song I used to sing as a child called "I am a promise". In fact, I am unsure why we don't sing it as adults. It goes like this:

"I am a Promise. I am a Possibility. I am a Promise with a capital 'P'. I am a great big bundle of potentiality. And I am learning to hear Gods voice and I am trying to make the right choice. I am a Promise to be, anything God wants me to be. I can go anywhere that He wants me to go. I can be anything that He wants me to be. I can climb the highest mountain, I can cross the wide sea; I am a great big promise you see!"

In actuality we are all growing and learning daily and if God wants us to do something NOW then He equips us to carry it out. The only thing standing in our way is our minds and vivid imaginations.

Consider the acorn. It's a small nut that has the potential of being a great oak tree. No one can dispute that. Although we tend to see the acorn without a thought and only see for what it is now. That does not negate the purpose. Despite the obstacles of being crushed, being carried away by animals; these outside factors only help the potential. It's when the seed is in the right place at the right time that the true growth happens. It has to be in the ground or on soil to sprout so the crushing and the carrying are all experiences that take the acorn to where it was destined to be.

We sometimes blame our negative experiences or the atmosphere we were raised in on the reason we cannot do this or be that. It's in those exact circumstances that you persevered! You are living...and even though a few people crushed your heart and almost killed your have legs to get up and get out and not just lie on the ground helpless. You have the mind to rise above the circumstances. So add that to your God-given potential and you have an amazing story of overcoming.

Perhaps you were brought to this place of hard times and in that was the mechanism to propel you to your destiny. So what that you don't think you are good enough, smart enough, have enough money or enough influence...everything you need to be something great is within you. You are a bundle of potentiality...water it, feed it and get out and do something with it. Position yourself to be something great where you are at right now...God created you to be strong, tall and fruitful!

Jer 29:11
Adjust that crown!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Know your Worth

Your worth is not based on what occupation you chose, what kind of bank account you have or the beauty or lack thereof you see in the mirror. Your worth isn't even based on asking Jesus into your life...your worth is based soley on your creation. The creator determined your worth. 

Genesis 1:26-27 says we are made in His image, the very image of God. Psalms 139:13-16 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and all the days of our lives were written in God’s book before we were ever born; confirming God’s prior knowledge and plan for our lives. Ephesians 1:4 says God chose His children before the foundations of the earth were ever formed, and in verses 13-14 we’re told we are God’s own possession chosen for the praise of His glory, and that we have an inheritance in heaven with Him as His children! 

Think on that before you put yourself on the clearance rack!

Adjust that Crown, 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gifts & Surprises!

Everyone loves gifts and suprises! When I was a little girl me and my brother and sisters couldn't wait until daddy got home. We would all watch for his truck and listen for the front door to open! All four kids would try to be the first to greet him. He would finally come through the door tired, hot and sweaty and we were all over him hugging him and asking what he got us. You see dad would almost everyday bring us little things from his day at work. If you were first to get to him you might get to pick what gift you got!! Sometimes it would be one thing for us to share, or a crazy story about his day; but most of the time it was candy or a small toy! And to my mothers dismay my dad also has brought home kittens and puppies! Ha. 

We didn't just love the gifts but we loved our dad. He represented life to us. He wanted the best for us and worked long and hard hours to provide. We never worried about provision or if we would have food, clothes or a roof over our head. We had complete faith in him. He was the source of all things good. We treated him with respect and love even on the days he brought us nothing. We loved him unconditionally. My dad isn't one is...but what he was and still to this day; is a perfect picture of what our Heavenly Father is. 

What are you expecting your Heavenly Father to bring to you? Do you wait with great expectation? Do you trust that He will provide for your every need? Matthew 6:26 reminds us of the level of care we are under. It's all encompassing. He is our Jehovah Jireh (provider), Nissi (protection), Rappha (healer)....just to name a few! 

Your Father knows what is best for you and He is out working everything for your good...he wants the very best for you! Romans 8:28

Just when I think that I cannot manage or that I am unsure of my future; God walks in the door and He always surprises me with things that I never ever even expected or prayed for. Live a life of faith when you can't see how it will all work out. He is longing to give you gifts and surprises but you need to be positioned to receive them

Adjust that Crown!


Monday, July 7, 2014

Is Church Really About Us?

I pose this question, "Do we go to church for activities, events, convenience and comfort?  Is our agenda to have our egos stroked and our desires met? Do we have a consumerism attitude somewhat like shopping where we only will go where things seem the best and have the most exciting offerings? 

Have we even considered that the church might need us? What part should each of us play in the health, growth and ministry of the church?  Is church shopping and church swapping simply a matter of wanting a place that provides us with a sense of being ‘spiritual’ but does not require that we think, respond, receive correction, get provoked with truth and actually make investments in something that does not give us direct and immediate benefit? Have we developed a shopping mentality that says, “If this doesn’t work for me, I’ll just split and give it a shot somewhere else?” Has a church home become “all about me?” 

While I do not think that most people I know or go to church with thinks like this...I so feel the attitude has invaded the Christian church like coupons in the Sunday paper! I pose another thought to you today because all of us need some reminding now and again: 

What if people found a church and joined it with an attitude that says, not every sermon must be for me, not every song must be my style, not every activity has to be one that I would join. Instead we have an attitude that asks, Where can I serve?, Whom can I assist?, Where could my spiritual gifts be best put to use?

What if they approached it like a good marriage and determined to work through dry periods, refuse to walk out when things don’t lean our direction, give others the benefit of the doubt, operate in forgiveness, to be patient, to demonstrate loyalty, love others unconditionally, perseverance and ownership?

The world has enough self-centered critics. No church is perfect, just like no family is perfect. Maybe it’s time we quit asking what’s in it for us and start asking, “What can I do to serve?”  A church shouldn’t be about attire, convenient service schedules, worship styles, certain coffees or personal preferences. A pastor can’t always be a motivator, a professor, financial analyst, architect, counseling guru, leadership expert, bedside comforter, organizer and a musician. We need to have reasonable expectations of our church and its leadership. We need to love our Church where it's at now. 

It should be about being a called-out community of believers who are committed to using their God-given gifts for His glory and our good. When we find a church that is built on truth and a pastor that is committed to teaching, preaching and modeling it — then more times than not, we need to stay put and find a place for service no matter the new shiny thing advertised. 

Adjust that Crown


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

For such a Time

14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
                               -Esther 4:14 NIV

God has put specific things inside of you, not just for yourself, but to bring Him glory. I believe that if we circumvent the destiny that God desires in our life; then He will allow another to rise up to do the job. I don't know about you; but I want the destiny God has intended for leftovers here! No way that I will let another take my inheritance! 
I want to encourage you with the fact that one person can make a difference. I also believe that God has a great purpose for your life, as He did for Esther’s. You may never deliver a nation, but your assignment is just as significant! 
You may be scratching your head and wondering what your platform is supposed to be and I want to tell you...right where you are at! You are called to make a difference now wherever you find yourself doing and being. 
Difference makers don't wait for the right time, right outfit, or certain maturity work with whatever you have. God always honors faithfulness and obedience and God is calling you to--such a time as this!
Become an Esther in your generation!

Adjust that Crown!


Sunday, June 22, 2014

No shirt, No shoes, No service

I was at Fry's Electronics enjoying my day. And all of the sudden my flip flop broke! It just came apart and Was flopping around! So here I was walking around this giant store with one shoe on and holding the other. I was so embarrassed! I went to the bathroom and looked in my purse for anything to fix it. I didn't have super glue or duct tape (who carries that?) so I threw my shoes in the trash. No sense walking around with one shoe on...that looked even dumber than no shoes! 

We were looking for a computer to buy for Trey and trying to decide on different sizes and styles when a salesperson approached me. She said, "Ma'am I am going to have to ask you to leave. You need shoes to be in this store." I proceeded to tell her that my flip flops broke as I walked into the store but she didn't care and didn't listen. She pointed at the exit and my bare feet and told me to leave!

 I was shocked! My sister and my son Trey couldn't believe it either and they both started to laugh because that is how my family shows love. Ha. 

My face felt hot and I told her I would be happy to leave after we were finished looking at the computers. She once again; only this time loudly, told me to leave. And pointed towards the front of the store like a crazy person. So my sister and my boys went ahead of me to the exit. I was so upset and embarrassed that I didn't realize I had walked to the entrance instead of the exit and the door would not open. 

The lovely and best employee EVER yells loudly, "Ma'am, that is the entrance...please proceed to the exit." Now everyone in line is looking at me...I have no shoes and apparently now I cannot read either! I looked and probably was talking like a crazy person at that point. 

Humiliation arose as well as anger. I walked out into the parking lot. To make matters worse...I stepped on chewing gum on the way to the car!!!!! Now I am laughing and crying at the same time. We all were. It was a big thick purple and hot piece of gum and i had to pull on it for an eternity to get it off.

As I scraped the gum off of my feet I wondered what would cause someone to treat another person like that. I was dressed kinda sloppy and my hair was in a pony tail and I didn't have hardly any makeup on. Or was she simply following the "No shirt. No shoes. No service" rule?

I am still unsure to this day. But what I do know is this: everyone you encounter is going through something so we should treat each other with dignity and respect. We never know the circumstances that a person is going through so make sure you do not judge anyone based on their looks or presentation. If the lady would have taken the time to hear what I was saying she might have found it funny as well and we together would have agreed that I needed to go buy a pair of shoes as soon as possible. All I know know is that I will NOT go shop at Fry's Electronics EVER! 

Don't let your words prevent someone from entering the doors of your church or from wanting to ask Jesus into their heart based on bad communication or a negative representation that you make. Likewise, people are not always going to line up with what we think they should look like or talk like either.

 Sometimes in our need to follow the scriptures we get religious...God's first command for us though is to LOVE. Thankfully, if someone among us has no shirt or has no shoes....that is our call to action! We are to serve others. Apparently that Fry's employee forgot that she was there to SERVE the customer.

Isaiah 52:7 says that beautiful are the feet of them that bring Good News. I am grateful that God loves my feet even though Fry's Electronics didn't seem to care for them at all :))

Adjust That Crown!


The Master Pianist

A mother took her 8 year old son to a great concert hall, black tie event to hear Paderewski the famous composer-pianist. The boy became restless waiting for the concert to start so as his mother visited with friends he slipped from her side and onto the stage. He was drawn by the Steinway and climbed up on the stool and stared wide-eyed at the keys. He placed his small trembling fingers in the right location and began to play "Chopsticks." The roar of the crowd was hushed as hundreds of frowning faces turned in his direction. Irritated and embarrassed, they began to shout: "Get that boy away from there. "Who'd bring a kid that young in here?" "Where's his mother?" "Somebody stop him!"

Backstage the master overheard the sounds out in front and quickly put together in his mind what was happening. Hurriedly, he grabbed his coat and rushed toward the stage. Without one word of announcement he stooped over behind the boy, reached around both sides, and began to improvise a counter melody to harmonize and enhance "chopsticks". As the two played together, Paderewski kept whispering in the boy's ear: "Keep going, don't quit, son. keep on playing.. don't stop....don't quit."

And so it is with us. We hammer away on our project, which seems about as significant as "Chopsticks" in a concert hall. And about the time we are ready to give up, along comes the master, who leans over and whispers: "Now keep going; don't quit. Keep on...don't stop , don't quit!"      --Author Unknown

We are so blessed that when we find ourselves in the middle of a mess that our savior is right there helping us, encouraging us and sometimes even carrying us. Our Master can turn anything bad around and make it good. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength! Phil 4:13

Adjust that Crown


Impatiently Waiting

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” 
                                     Colossians 3:12

I was feeling put out; inconvenienced and impatient. You ever feel that way?

Thanks to the criminals who’ve decided to manufacture their own medications, the antihistamines that effectively relieves allergy symptoms is now available ONLY behind the pharmacy counter! So now everyone has to wait in line, show your ID and sign to get the medicine you need! Unfortunately it is a big inconvenience especially when your head has sinus pressure as big as Texas! So I reluctantly got into the dreaded line.

There were two men in line in front of me. The first man, the one taking forever, was probably in his thirties. He turned back to smile apologetically numerous times at the people in line as the clerk took her sweet time trying to get his insurance to go through. I didn't smile back. What in the world was taking so long??

 She seemed to know the man, or at least be familiar with him, and made polite conversation while trying multiple magic formulas with her computer keyboard. Finally, she asked for his wife’s social security number. I couldn't believe that he had to call his wife to get the number and after he got it, he kept talking to her, as though we had all day and night to stand there and bore us with his phone conversation. Her social security number didn’t work of course either; so he told the clerk it was okay and that he’d figure something out. 

I wanted to do fist pumps in excitement but the clerk insisted on continuing her efforts. Boo! This guy obviously did not have valid insurance or something and needed to get out of the line so the people who had all their information together could check out! (I was screaming this in my head)

The man right in front of me who was second in line, starting swaying and shifting his weight from foot to foot like a chained elephant, possibly with the idea that somebody might notice his obvious distress and open another register. It was right there – a register with nobody on it. Open it already!!! This is why I don't go to Wal-Mart! I found myself rolling my eyes and tapping my foot and I think I might have sighed a few times as well. The guy in front of me nodded in agreement. Nobody seemed to notice or care about our body language.

I was asking myself how long I was willing to stand there when a second clerk appeared behind the second register. Oh thank goodness! She greeted the man first in line and asked how he was doing, totally oblivious to the now really, really long line and the empty register where she clearly ought to be signing in on!! I was trying to tell the guy in front of me to go to her register line but she was making NO moves in opening at all. He hesitated and didn't move. Ugh!

To my dismay and really total astonishment...she continued to chat while the other clerk called the insurance company to get approval. The conversation surprised me. More toe tapping and sighing.

 “Hey, where’d your hair go?”
“Well,” he said bashfully, “I didn’t want to have more hair than my wife so I shaved it.”

And right then  it was as though time stood still.....I realized both clerks knew this person and he must be quite a frequent customer and even worse...his wife must really be sick. My toe tapping stopped.

As the talk continued I listened eagerly; they discussed the man’s wife, her improvement and the oncologist’s advice.  And I wished at that point that I was invisible because if anybody happened to look, they would have seen such shame washing over me. And everyone knows I blush BIG TIME. I felt such guilt and embarrassment. I put my head down when the guy in front of me tried to give me eye contact. I am sure he was feeling horrible as well. I wanted to run and get out of there. I truly hoped no one I knew was in line behind me!

I should have been grateful that I had the twenty minutes to spend standing in a line, or that I can even stand at all, that I had enough money to buy medicine and insurance to pay for it. My whole perspective changed and what I saw before as a incompetent person became a hurting and broken person in my own eyes. 

Soon afterward, the lady opened the second register and quickly helped the man in front of me and I found that I was no longer in a big hurry. In fact as it was my turn I smiled at the man still struggling to get approval for drugs costing more than $750 dollars! If I had the money I would of given it to him! 

It took no time for me to get home and get comfortable, fed, and medicated for temporary seasonal allergies; but I could not stop thinking about that man and his wife. I wondered if they have children and what their days are like. I thought about the workers at the pharmacy and how kind they were to take the time to talk to someone obviously going through a hard time in their life. How he must of appreciated those words. They didn't appear to be Christians but just really nice people. 

How much more should I be to the world around me? God help us to be observant and have a heart of love no matter the circumstance! The next time I’m stuck in a line, I think that I will pray for the people ahead of me.... instead of just praying that they’ll hurry up. Think on that. 

Adjust that Crown!


Monday, June 16, 2014

The Cycle of Failure

Many women feel like a failure; I know that sometimes I do. Deep down I know that I am far from a failure. I know that I fail,  but that I am not a failure. I disappoint, but I am not a disappointment. Yet I find myself in this battle; whether it is weight, beauty or relationships and at times I feel like I am losing. Is there anyone else out there that feels the same way?

We all, no matter how perfect we look on the outside; we all have secret places where we are not living in victory all the time. Unfortunately, these times color our whole way that we view ourselves. It becomes a barrier for us to move on. If left unchecked, can become a wall that will actually separate us from the love of God.

We are terrified to expose our inner truths for fear of being rejected by other people and sadly, that keeps us isolated and feeling alone. Is your struggle food, alcohol, yelling or anger, do you lie or maybe you think yourself unattractive, not smart enought or maybe you have a lack of confidence? Any of these things can cause emotions so deep that we find ourselves depressed and we tend to fall back into the mess that disgusts us about ourselves in the first place! It is a cycle that needs to stop!

God knows every one of our struggles and the mere fact that we long to change ourselves is sign that we are meant to have the promise of victory. Our very dissatisfaction with our weaknesses point to the reality that continuing to live in them is NOT the destiny we are meant to have!

I think that sometimes we don't invite God into our struggle. Don't you know that HE wants us free more than we do? We feel shame and that isn't a bad thing but it isn't going to get us to our freedom. Self-discipline isn't going to make the cut for long either! Trust me....I have been so shamed that I almost ate a giant giant bag of M&M's myself in one sitting and going on a strict diet when you have an eemotional eating issue....well....let's just say that when you fall off the wagon...It is a really BIG FALL!

Spiritual Discipline is the key that I am finding that is going to unlock the many padlocks in my life! There is a HEART issue that has to be fixed first before becoming free and being what God created you to be. It is an inside-out process! I have been for years focusing on the outside-in! There is no miracle pill!

I LOVE lists and when I am starting on a diet plan and I have "finally made up my mind to do it for REALS"....I name it. I have been known to say, "30 days to terrific" or "60 days to sexy". My husband just smiles and doesn't say anything....he is a smart man! ha. These lists set me up for failure....they are usually totally unattainable and predict goals of losing 50 pounds in a month. I wish!! My willingness to prepare sets in motion the cycle of failure once again. :(

I had to come to the realization as well....God isn't going to love me any more than He does right now. Sounds simple, huh? Well I had to conclude that I need to love myself where I am at. I need to try to stop saying, "I will do that when I am fit or when I look good." "I will do what I know God wants me to do when I am confident enough to do it & that will be a size 6"....of course that is when I look good according to my own eyes. 

Do I have all the answers to this dilemma? No, but I am seeking God's help and guidance. I truly want to be the best I can be...not for myself but for God. It's all about the process of becoming. I know that the more I become like Christ then the more I will become what God has created me to be.

Somewhere deep down inside my created destiny is there; she might be badly bruised and covered in junk and isn't very pretty! BUT God can call her out and it is all up to us....the choosing, yielding, desiring and relinquishing, the trying and even in the giving up.... is all about choice!

God's plans for us are a process and his eye is all about eternity. His plans for us aren't for a quick fix....He is slowly,  carefully and intentionally unveilling things in my life and I have to recognize that what I think is a "failure" is just part of the process of becoming. I don't want to be a gerbil on that wheel to nowhere! God help us to be overcomers THROUGH you! Phillipians 4:13 is my all time favorite scripture because the strength for the work to change doesn't come from ourselves at all.....but from GOD. We can do ALL things THROUGH Christ who gives US strength!

Adjust that Crown!


What are YOU Looking for?

A traveler came upon an old farmer hoeing in his field beside the road. Eager to rest his feet, the wanderer hailed the countryman, who seemed happy enough to straighten his back and talk for a moment.

"What sort of people live in the next town?" asked the stranger.

"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer, answering the question with another question.

 "They were a bad lot. Troublemakers all, and lazy too. The most selfish people in the world, and not a one of them to be trusted. I'm happy to be leaving the

"Is that so?" replied the old farmer. "Well, I'm afraid that you'll find the same sort in the next town."

Disappointed, the traveler trudged on his way, and the farmer returned to his work.

Some time later another stranger, coming from the same direction, hailed the farmer, and they stopped to talk. "What sort of people live in the next town?" he asked.

"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer once again.

"They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I'm sorry to be leaving them." 

"Fear not," said the farmer. "You'll find the same sort in the next town."

What is it that you see in others? At lot of times we perceive things based on unmet expectations and disappointments. When you travel from relationship to relationship and from church to tend to carry baggage that you might not be aware of. When you find yourself complaining and seeing the worst and talking negative abot the people around might be time to examine YOURSELF!! You might be seeing the world throught dirt-colored glasses!

It is so EASY to see the fault in others and not see it in ourselves. I know that for a fact! I was going to tell this lady a thing or two one day about her bad attitude and the looks and snide remarks she always gave. I had it all planned out in my head....what I was going to say and how she was going to give these lame excuses that I could easily cut her into pieces! Yep...I was confident I was going to come out shining and she would be at my feet begging for mercy. 

WELL....unfortunately it didn't turn out as planned. LOL. She spoke with me very candidly and explained what she saw in me and I had to literally shut my mouth using my hand! I was the one in the wrong and all along I was blaming it on someone else!!!

You might be saying....NO WAY....but I am saying YES WAY! I haven't always been poised! LOL. I have learned so much on this journey in life and I STILL stumble and make mistakes.

Unpack your bags and stay and work things out in difficult situations. If we are to become more like Jesus then we have to be teachable and we have to realize that problems and difficulties refine us and make us smoother and more loveable and better able to co-exist with others. Just like rocks in a stream that get smoother and smoother when the water knocks the rocks into each other. Those are some of the prettiest rocks! I want to be a smooth rock and not a rough one that hurts others when they touch me or that is hurt easily by others.

Unity is so important and if you find yourself always at odds with might just need a little polishing my friend. Some people I know (from other churches of course! ha) get upset at the smallest of things and blame and point fingers. I don't know about you...but my mom always told me that when you point your fingers at others...there are 3 other ones pointing at yourself. That gives me 3 opportunities to make sure that there isn't anything that I need to correct first before talking to or blaming someone else. See...we always are given a way out...IF we are self-aware! We need to get some rose-colored glasses to see the best in everybody and every situation...because we are called to LOVE!

The Most Important Commandment: 28 One of the religion scholars came up. Hearing the lively exchanges of question and answer and seeing how sharp Jesus was in his answers, he put in his question: “Which is most important of all the commandments?” 29-31 Jesus said, “The first in importance is, ‘Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.’ And here is the second: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment that ranks with these.”  Mark 12:28-31

Learn it from me and not the hard way.....when other's try to help you: take it and go with it because if God has to deal with ya personally about just isnt' as easy and a little bit messier! Remember Jonah? Selah!

Adjust that Crown!
Love you!


Friday, June 13, 2014

Hummingbird or Vulture?

Both the hummingbird and the vulture are found in our nations deserts. Vultures see rotting meat, because that is what they look for. They thrive on that diet. But hummingbirds ignore the smelly dead animals and look for the colorful blossoms of desert plants.

The vultures live on what was, the past. They fill themselves with what is dead and gone. But hummingbirds live on what is and seek new life. Each bird finds what it is looking for. Don't we all?

Vulture types look back on their mistakes. They look back on missed opportunities. Vultures live in the “would-a, should-a, could-a” mentality. They hold grudges to others mistakes and do not apply the “forgive and forget” attitude. They swarm over dying prey waiting to pounce and they looks so dark and hideous!

However, the hummingbird is always looking for the bright new flower. They seek the sweet things in life and are so beautiful and carefree! Flitting around bringing smiles wherever they go!

Which are you? Vulture or hummingbird?

Are you seeking life giving relationships or do you enjoy gossip and words that destroy? Evaluate your life and what you naturally gravitate to. A vulture is created to be just that...but YOU were not. You were created to love life and to look for the good and sweet and to spread smiles wherever you go.

Adjust that crown!


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Confessions of a Pastor's Wife

Yesterday I was outside of Academy talking to some friends who happen to go to my church and one is a board member; when I got tongue-tied and said something I have never said before!

It was embarassing....I was attempting to tell a story about why I was off work and was supposed to have said, "hello, yes I want Friday off" and instead said, "hell yes I want Friday off". There was a brief pause in our conversation that I quickly filled in with rapid nonesense all the while wondering how in the world that happened!! Finally after a few agonizing minutes we parted ways and my boys said, "Mom! Did you just say 'Hell yes?'" I replied that I was all tongue tied and it didn't come out right. Trey was high-fiving me and saying that I am no longer perfect and of course they laughed and teased me. I was red and humiliated.

Well...I ended up texting Leonard and Dawna Lee hours later and apologized for what I said and tried to explain. She sent me a reply back that stated that she never thought a thing of it. She thought she misunderstood me and to make matters worse...she hasn't even thought of the situation since.....until I texted her. Ha. Great!

Well hello, yes...I am not perfect! I am so glad for friends though that love me and know my heart. They are gracious and assume the best instead of the worst. I know some who are quick to judge you and string you up as guilty no matter the explanation. They want perfection...even if they cannot live that out for themselves.

None of us "have arrived" and I am so glad that God's mercies are new every morning! I am in need of it already again today!

Adjust that Crown!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Forgive me!

Forgiveness in the Bible is one of the greatest blessings that God has given us, and one of the greatest gifts we can give to others. If we all lived by “an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth,” we would all be blind and toothless! Instead, we must forgive others who wrong us, just as our Father has forgiven us. 

Not too long ago I got offended via a group text. Sure I was tired and grumpy and just really wasn't in my right mind...which is why I should NOT have replied! I was not pleased with my response later when I really read it back and I wished at that point that IPhones had a "retract" button because everyone saw my attitude. Yikes!

I texted the person and apologized and when I saw her at church days later I personally asked for forgiveness. I felt a big weight lift off of my shoulders! She was so gracious to forgive me and we just let it all go immediately.

Forgiveness is a gift and it doesn't matter what side you are is just as valuable. There are times you might not feel responsible but you give forgiveness anyway. You do it for YOU. We as Christians should be in a mindset of forgiveness...our goal is to live at a level that we are not so easily offended and let things go without much thought.

Many people seem to think that it is a sign of weakness to ask for forgiveness.  On the contrary, it is a sign of strength. It is vital to relationships, particularly when there is no shared responsibility or blame.  All of us have done harmful things to others; sometimes without even realizing it. Usually, these are the occasions when it is hardest to summon up the tenacity to ask for forgiveness. To be weak is to ignore the situation altogether and on the flip-side; to be a strong is to be pro-active and do something about it. 

Ephesians 4:31-32 "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

The most difficult seven words to say can be the most healing and life-giving to a relationship, "I was wrong.  Will you forgive me?" 

Adjust your crown!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fear is the enemy of Faith


As we fear, the things we don't want to happen are brought into focus and are given credence in our life. We start believing these things instead of believing what the Word says. We are opposing and fighting against faith when we let fear rule our lives! 

Isn't it amazing how something so small can grow in our minds to be a scary giant!? Our minds are so creative and every scenario known to man can happen before we even face the challenge. 

My son Trey has a phobia to bugs and spiders and at 23 years old it is hilarious to watch him scream and his eyes widen as this small microscopic creature frightens him to death. Instead of seeing himself as larger and scarier; he minimizes his position and authority and hands it over to the one who is probably paralyzed in fear himself! 

We do that so easily in life when we should be proclaiming who we are and have faith in our abilities through Christ. We have all authority and power to overcome any obstacle using our shields of faith!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) 

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) 

"The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion." (Proverbs 28:1)

Where there is faith, fear cannot abide:

•Feed your faith, and your fears will starve to death
•Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there.
•Fear and faith cannot keep house together; when one enters, the other departs." -- Vern McLellan, The Complete Book of Practical Proverbs and Wacky Wit (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1996)

So instead of running and hiding like my son when he sees a spider; we need to utilize the tools given to us to conquer those things getting the best of us. Get that broom and fight the enemy! 

A quote from my son Trey,

"Satan's greatest accomplishment was fooling people to believe that he came in the form of a snake."  #SatanISthespider

Adjust that Crown!


Monday, April 28, 2014

Are you Harboring?

While looking for Harley a local shelter told me 50% of pets recovered are found in a backyard weeks later. Well-meaning people see a lost animal and decide to keep it safe and off the streets until the owner comes looking.

Meanwhile the owner is frantic going door to door looking for their lost pet. Possibly even knocking on the very door where their pet is at and maybe no one is at home at the time.

Are we harboring something that others are looking for? Are you well meaning but holding onto something that someone else is seeking? Make someone's day and share the Jesus that is in you. You may have the very thing that brings freedom to someone's life. Just a thought. 

Adjust that crown!


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Get up & Back away

"When you are up close and inspecting yourself you will be critical and see all the flaws. Take the time to get up and back away and see the whole picture and those imperfections won't be so obvious anymore."
Those are the wise words of our Painting with a Twist instructor yesterday during one of our painting sessions. There was no wine at our session but a whole lot of whining at one point when all the painters seemed to be aggravated with their skills.....or lack thereof! Everyone was looking at what they were painting and comparing it with the finished model and no one was very happy with their work. We all lacked the skill and the experience that the instructor had with the brush strokes and techniques. After all...she had painted this a zillion times and who are we to think that we could emulate that at one sitting?

Perspective is a funny thing. I stood up and looked at my canvas from afar and realized that I actually wasn't far away from where I should be. There were people who had great paintings and others that looked quite interesting as well! ha. I was doing really good at that point!

The instructors model painting had so much detail and I was trying to replicate that but she kept telling us that everyone's painting was on target and was going to look great by the end in it's own unique way. There were many moments of doubt and I even had thoughts of giving up! This was supossed to be FUN by the way! LOL. I kept adding more paint and strokes to the painting thinking that maybe I could make it better and actually almost destroyed it! I finally just put the brush down and told myself to stop. There was a point as well when I just panicked and didn't want to attempt the lettering of the scripture and it was obvious that I needed some professional help! Well fortunately I asked the paint instructor and she was more than willing to help and she did bail me out.

You may be looking at your life today and think that you are just not worthy or have too many imperfections...just stop criticizing yourself and take a step back and see yourself through the eyes of your creator and your perspective will change. Yes..your life may not look like the life you would like to have at this point; but you are on target and all the details will come in time...we need to have patience and embrace our own unique life with it's own set of challenges. We can't look at the Monet and think we can do that!

We need to look at God and know that He created us and that He hasn't forgotten us or given up on us....whatever trouble we are in...He is the professional who will guide us and help us out of our jam. We just have to ask and then refer to His written word that is our life line. His letters to us is what reminds us of who we are...we are loved and we are HIS. We just need to get up and back out of the way and take our hands off of things so that HE can take care of His own. We are His own unique Masterpiece!

Adjust that Crown!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

BE-Attitude: Poor in Spirit

"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."   Matthew 5:3

Sometimes this part of scripture is misquoted as "blessed are the poor for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." NO...just because you are in poverty does not give you a streamline into the gates of heaven! ha. Poverty is NOT a blessing although some may choose is NOT what this scripture is about. What Jesus was talking about was a spiritual condition.

Being self-reliant, self-confident, self-centered and swimming in our own self-esteem and in what WE can do teeters on a form of humanism. Humanism says that man doesn't need a savior and shouldn't rely on someone else for salvation...everything a person needs is within himself.

Poor in spirit is having a humility that is the realization that ALL your blessings come from the grace of God. We are actually nothing without our creator and because of Him we should constantly give thanks and be grateful! The opposite of humility is pride.To be poor in spirit we have to understand that what we know and what we have is ONLY because of our God and we are reliant, confident, centered and have a great esteem that is TOTALLY reliant on HIM and not our own selves as our source. 

Jesus is saying here that blessed are they that put my teachings into practice. Blessed are they who acknowledge they can't fulfill God's call by themselves. Blessed are they who realize that they are spiritually bankrupt without me. Blessed are they that turn their face to God to fulfill what they were created to be. Blessed are they who place their faith and dependence on me. We cannot achieve true happiness and bliss on our own merits!

In reality everyone who is in the Kingdom of God had to be poor in spirit at one time in order admit that they needed Jesus and with a broken and contrite spirit asked Him into their heart! The problem here is STAYING humble before God and acknowledging HIM with every day, every breath and remembering that every thing that we have comes from HIM. By no merit of our own do we come close to the gates of heaven and no works that we do with our own hands can bring us anywhere close to eternity if it doesn't involve Christ.

"Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within me." Psalms 51:10

Adjust that Crown!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BE-Attitudes: Kingdom Character

Matthew 5 contain some of my favorite teachings by Jesus! It's the very popular part of the scripture called the "Beatitudes" within the famous Sermon on the Mount; which start with "Blessed are..". Now the Bible doesn't list that title name specifically in the scripture...well not in any version that I have I did a little research. Where did the actual Beatitude name come from?

When the Bible was translated into Latin the phrases at the beginning of each verse began with the word "beati"or "beautis" which translates into English as "Blessed (happy) are they" and the noun form is the actual "beatitude". So when the Bible was printed the headings for Matthew 5 was lovingly called "Beatitudes."  Even Webster dictionary states that the word "Beatitude" means: 1. A state of utmost bliss, 2. any declaration made in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 beginning in the Authorized Version, "Blessed are".  Synonyms for the word beatutide are as follows: happiness, blessed, bliss, gladness, joy, and warm fuzzies!

Now as you read the actual Beatitudes you just might not feel the warm fuzzies or the may feel the opposite of that and be more like 'Woe is me.' But that is okay...none of us have arrived and thankfully every day we have new mercies that have been given to us! Each one of these verses are a state of ATTITUDE and character of how God wants each of us to BE! And we all know that Kingdom mindsets are not built in a day! FYI: I will be posting via my blog each of the verses for the next few days and simplifying them for our personal application. 

I believe that when Jesus says “blessed are they" at the beginning of each verse that He is not only describing people as being filled with inner joy and peace because we are in right standing with God....but also He is giving praise for good character and then pledging a divine reward because of it! Now if that doesn't give you the warm fuzzies then I don't know what will! 

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matt 5:3-11

Adjust that Crown!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Double Happiness!

Two men, both seriously ill shared the same hospital room. 
 One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.

His bed was next to the room's only window.

The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end.

They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation....

Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake.Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color
and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.

As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by.

Although the other man could not hear the band -he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days, weeks and months passed.One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep.

She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window.The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed.

To his amazement; It faced a blank wall.

The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window.

The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.

She said, 'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.'

You have the ability and the opportunity to be the eyes and ears for someone who just can't see things positively for themself. There is tremendous happiness found in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled! If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy. 

Adjust that Crown, 


Friday, March 28, 2014


An old man and a young boy were traveling through their village with their donkey. The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked.

As they went along they passed some people who remarked it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy was riding.
 The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.

Later, they passed some people that remarked, "What a shame, he makes that little boy walk." Hearing this the man and the boy then decided they both would walk.

Soon enough they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride. So, they both rode the donkey.

Finally,  they went by some people that shamed them by saying, "How awful to put such a load on a poor donkey."

Moral to the story? Out there in life someone will always find something negative to say about you no matter what you do. So be confident and listen to the voice that is the authority in your life...God and Godly counsel. The opinions around you are only comments based on limited information that doesn't define who you are. It is important to remember the old saying, "Opinions are like arm pits...everyone has them and most of them stink."

But one the other side of the coin it is good to remember that we should NOT believe all the good as well as all the bad that is said about us. Re-evaluation is a healthy thing and we all need "tweaked" now and then. Just don't let someone change the direction in your life unless it wisdom that you know lines up with The Bible and the voice of your savior for...YOU!

Adjust that Crown!


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ahhhh Massage!

How funny is it that we do not hesitate to remove our clothes and inhibitions and let a complete stranger massage our body! I just went to a very nice spa and got the BEST massage of my entire life! I was WAY too eager to strip and get under those warm covers and let this lady I met literally 60 seconds before touch my bare flesh and try to work out the knots and stiffness I have allowed to creep in.

It has been a tad stressful recently and I could feel the tightness in my shoulders and neck. It was amazing how the masseuse knew right where to focus just based on how my muscles felt. She worked on my neck and shoulders for almost 30 minutes alone. I was amazed about how loose and easier I could move. It was an amazing 80 minute massage!

Just think what God could do in our lives if we were willing to fully undress and reveal our vulnerable sides and let Him work out the difficult areas of our life. Our shoulders aren't meant to carry all that stress and tension. He wants us uninhibited and free to carry about His purposes in a joyful and victorious fashion! Let it GO!

Adjust that crown!

Friday, March 21, 2014


Fringe defined: 
1. An ornamental border made of hanging material used as a decoration                
2. A narrow area along the edge of something
3. An area of activity that is related but not a part of what is   central  
4. Something that is marginal, additional or secondary to a process

I don't know about you...but I love fringe! Fringe on furniture, purses and even clothing is so beautiful not to mention quite expensive. I have this heavy upholstery fabric blanket that I adore that Don bought me and all around the bottom of it is this large, thick fringe that unfortunately my dog loves as well. I love the way the fringe drapes around me when I cover up with very nice! Fringe is really pleasing to the eye but what I have found out is that it just doesn't hold up to time or wear and is quite high maintenance!

Fringe is both loved and hated in the upholstery world. It adds alot of monetary value but is hard to attach permanently since it isn't a central part of the woven fabric piece. Most items need to be hand-stitched or double stitched with a sewing machine to ensure it will stay but like any furniture salesperson knows....if it experiences high use then it isn't gonig to be there for too long. And for clothing items or blankets...well forget throwing it in the washing machine because it will definitely come off!

Being a Pastor's wife I have seen many types of people come and go in our churches. There are actually people right now in our church that Don and I label as "fringe people" just between ourselves. These are people that are valuable to us and they sometimes are part of minstries in the church and are faithful. What makes them fringe is the fact that they have never fully committed to the vision of the church. They are distanced from the central part of the heart of the church and at times are off doing their "own" thing and dangling "by a string". Many times with heavy hearts after a situation or difficulty occurs; we have seen them fall off the grid altogether.

Why do people like to stay "in the fringe"? Well good question! My opinion is that they are afraid of committment. When you are so tightly woven in something and a part then you have your hands in everything! When something goes wrong you feel the pain and when something goes right you experience the joy because it is a part of you. You have many woven areas of your heart intertwined in others and in relationships as well as ministry positions. You want to help make the place the best and you use your talents for just that so you are not so easily moved or hurt enought to uproot and go elsewhere. But when you are in the fringe you can rejoice in the joys as well but also not take part in the pain of a mistake. Non-committment protects yourself and puts you in the position of leaving and in fault-finding. You reserve the right to complain since you didn't have a part in that. There are no long- term hurts and you haven't really put much into relationships so it is so much easier to disappear.

The gift of community that we have in a local church is not simply Christians who are really nice to each other and the people they go to church with. Genuine community is more like a movement where groups of people have been set free by Christ to pursue radically different agendas with their life and lifestyles together. Doing life together in a way where we really need each other brings Christ and his Kingdom very close to this Earth. For Jesus once dwelt among us as a humble servant; and he continues to dwell among us in this same way. As Paul writes in Philippians, Jesus takes up residence in brothers and sisters who, "being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose," consider others better than themselves and look to the interests of others above their own". 

If you find yourself in a "fringe" situation then do something about it! It is where the enemy wants you....separated and not connected from the people and the support you need! You say that you don't "feel a part of the group"? Well...yet another lie of the enemy! Jump in and stop being the victim. Your insecurities are NOT what God says that you are! You are a part of the family of God that will exist for all of eternity together so why can't we be together here on earth? Fringe is beautiful but so is a gorgeous tapestry that is woven together and interwined to make a pattern that is coveted and valuable. Be a part of what God wants in the Church...UNITY. Where you find find a good thing. 

Adjust that Crown, 


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