Friday, June 13, 2014

Hummingbird or Vulture?

Both the hummingbird and the vulture are found in our nations deserts. Vultures see rotting meat, because that is what they look for. They thrive on that diet. But hummingbirds ignore the smelly dead animals and look for the colorful blossoms of desert plants.

The vultures live on what was, the past. They fill themselves with what is dead and gone. But hummingbirds live on what is and seek new life. Each bird finds what it is looking for. Don't we all?

Vulture types look back on their mistakes. They look back on missed opportunities. Vultures live in the “would-a, should-a, could-a” mentality. They hold grudges to others mistakes and do not apply the “forgive and forget” attitude. They swarm over dying prey waiting to pounce and they looks so dark and hideous!

However, the hummingbird is always looking for the bright new flower. They seek the sweet things in life and are so beautiful and carefree! Flitting around bringing smiles wherever they go!

Which are you? Vulture or hummingbird?

Are you seeking life giving relationships or do you enjoy gossip and words that destroy? Evaluate your life and what you naturally gravitate to. A vulture is created to be just that...but YOU were not. You were created to love life and to look for the good and sweet and to spread smiles wherever you go.

Adjust that crown!


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