Yesterday I was outside of Academy talking to some friends who happen to go to my church and one is a board member; when I got tongue-tied and said something I have never said before!
It was embarassing....I was attempting to tell a story about why I was off work and was supposed to have said, "hello, yes I want Friday off" and instead said, "hell yes I want Friday off". There was a brief pause in our conversation that I quickly filled in with rapid nonesense all the while wondering how in the world that happened!! Finally after a few agonizing minutes we parted ways and my boys said, "Mom! Did you just say 'Hell yes?'" I replied that I was all tongue tied and it didn't come out right. Trey was high-fiving me and saying that I am no longer perfect and of course they laughed and teased me. I was red and humiliated.
Well...I ended up texting Leonard and Dawna Lee hours later and apologized for what I said and tried to explain. She sent me a reply back that stated that she never thought a thing of it. She thought she misunderstood me and to make matters worse...she hasn't even thought of the situation since.....until I texted her. Ha. Great!
Well hello, yes...I am not perfect! I am so glad for friends though that love me and know my heart. They are gracious and assume the best instead of the worst. I know some who are quick to judge you and string you up as guilty no matter the explanation. They want perfection...even if they cannot live that out for themselves.
None of us "have arrived" and I am so glad that God's mercies are new every morning! I am in need of it already again today!
Adjust that Crown!