I loved the song I used to sing as a child called "I am a promise". In fact, I am unsure why we don't sing it as adults. It goes like this:
"I am a Promise. I am a Possibility. I am a Promise with a capital 'P'. I am a great big bundle of potentiality. And I am learning to hear Gods voice and I am trying to make the right choice. I am a Promise to be, anything God wants me to be. I can go anywhere that He wants me to go. I can be anything that He wants me to be. I can climb the highest mountain, I can cross the wide sea; I am a great big promise you see!"
In actuality we are all growing and learning daily and if God wants us to do something NOW then He equips us to carry it out. The only thing standing in our way is our minds and vivid imaginations.
Consider the acorn. It's a small nut that has the potential of being a great oak tree. No one can dispute that. Although we tend to see the acorn without a thought and only see for what it is now. That does not negate the purpose. Despite the obstacles of being crushed, being carried away by animals; these outside factors only help the potential. It's when the seed is in the right place at the right time that the true growth happens. It has to be in the ground or on soil to sprout so the crushing and the carrying are all experiences that take the acorn to where it was destined to be.
We sometimes blame our negative experiences or the atmosphere we were raised in on the reason we cannot do this or be that. It's in those exact circumstances that you persevered! You are living...and even though a few people crushed your heart and almost killed your spirit...you have legs to get up and get out and not just lie on the ground helpless. You have the mind to rise above the circumstances. So add that to your God-given potential and you have an amazing story of overcoming.
Perhaps you were brought to this place of hard times and in that was the mechanism to propel you to your destiny. So what that you don't think you are good enough, smart enough, have enough money or enough influence...everything you need to be something great is within you. You are a bundle of potentiality...water it, feed it and get out and do something with it. Position yourself to be something great where you are at right now...God created you to be strong, tall and fruitful!
Jer 29:11
Adjust that crown!