When a man's ways please the LORD, HE maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7
There is a story of a young reporter who approached an old man on his 100th birthday. "Happy birthday, kind Sir! Can I bother you to answer one question? In all your years, of what are you most proud?" he asked.
"Well," said the man, "I don't have a single enemy in the world."
"Really?!" shouted the reporter, "That's just incredible -- how inspiring to us all!"
"Yep," said the man, "I outlived every darn one of 'em."
I don't care who you are; in life you will have enemies. You can be the sweetest person and the most agreeable and still have people who don't care much for you. Sometimes it just has nothing to do with you! You have heard the term that hurting people hurt people? Well it just happens sometimes.
What I do love about this verse in Proverbs is that the very important word "He" is the most important and powerful part of the verse! Did you catch it? "He", that is, the Lord, makes even [a man's] enemies be at peace with him. All we have to worry about is making sure that our ways are pleasing to the Lord and He will do the rest!
When our path is straight, and God is the focus of our journey, then our ways will please Him and He will make even our enemies be at peace with us! We don't even have to worry about out-living or even out-smarting them..... Now if that isn't a great thing then I do not know what is!!
Adjust Your Crown!
"Well," said the man, "I don't have a single enemy in the world."

"Yep," said the man, "I outlived every darn one of 'em."
I don't care who you are; in life you will have enemies. You can be the sweetest person and the most agreeable and still have people who don't care much for you. Sometimes it just has nothing to do with you! You have heard the term that hurting people hurt people? Well it just happens sometimes.
What I do love about this verse in Proverbs is that the very important word "He" is the most important and powerful part of the verse! Did you catch it? "He", that is, the Lord, makes even [a man's] enemies be at peace with him. All we have to worry about is making sure that our ways are pleasing to the Lord and He will do the rest!
When our path is straight, and God is the focus of our journey, then our ways will please Him and He will make even our enemies be at peace with us! We don't even have to worry about out-living or even out-smarting them..... Now if that isn't a great thing then I do not know what is!!
Adjust Your Crown!