Sunday, February 28, 2016


The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is a national warning system in the United States put into place to enable the President of the United States to speak to the United States within 10 minutes  In addition to this requirement, EAS is also designed to alert the public of local weather emergencies such as tornadoes and flash floods and is partnered to also help out if there is a child abduction. I remember as child seeing the alert come on the television set and many times it scared me because I wasn't sure if something bad was happening or if it was just a test of the system. Now it is on ever cell phone and sometimes it will go off in a public place and everyone will get this really loud and long noise that can be quite aggravating...but it is definitely effective!

The Holy Spirit is our Emergency Alert System. He will nudge you when you are in a situation that you aren't supposed to be getting into. He will give you that "feeling" when you aren't sure what to do. He will also alert you that there is a problem that you really need to address. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us...and if we ignore Him then it is like ignoring an alert that a tornado is coming your way!

So what do we actually do when we hear an alert? We look at our phones and our tv's and then quickly silence it; especially if we think that it doesn't pertain to us. Well if you feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit and alert in your heart...take the time and pray about it. Do not be quick to silence the voice that is here to help you! The more you listen to the warnings then the more you will understand and learn the voice that is talking to you. Much like the president, it is a means that your savior can talk with you, direct you and even comfort you. It is by experience that you learn to walk and appreciate the Holy Spirit about being someone so very vital to you every single day of your life!

Adjust That Crown


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