There is nothing like observing a family of ducks swimming in a pond or lake. It is one of the most beautiful things. They swim so majestically and effortlessly like they have not a care in the world. The ducks webbed feet are paddling away underneath the water but look as calm as can be above it.

Many times that day I thought about that question. And I asked God, "why is it that we as humans are so prone to hurt, bitterness and unforgiveness?" At that time in my life I was personally struggling with some relationship issues and had found myself feeling the sting of hurt and I was carrying a heavy load. God literally spoke to me that night in prayer and stated, "Jonna, I want to make you like a duck." I remember crying and feeling heaviness being lifted off of my shoulders. It was the beginning of a healing that I didn't even truly realize that I needed. I had been hauling bitterness and resentment and it had been affecting every part of my life.
You see God created the duck to live on land, fly in the air and swim in the water so that it could be comfortable in several totally opposite situations. Ducks waddle along on dry ground and can quickly and easily glide across the water at a moments notice and then of course seamlessly take off and fly in the air. Feathers perfectly placed by it's creator act as a barrier to allow water to simply roll off of their body. A duck does not even notice the rain water because it is a creature that is able to adapt to all environments. Water is not something that is unexpected but anticipated as the duck encounters it every day. Therefore, it does not stop to get out of the rain or fight to stay dry but simply goes on with its daily routine.
When we become Children of God by accepting Jesus Christ, like the duck, we have a dual citizenship. I know this seems far fetched in some ways but hear me out! We live on this planet Earth but our hearts inhabit Heaven. These are two very different places with extremely opposite atmospheres and conflicting principles. Yet we are not to conform to this Earth in order to survive but rather live victoriously until we make our transition into heaven. The Bible tells us that there would be various trials in our lives according to Jame 1:8 and that we need to count it all as joy.
You see ducks aren't just waterproof without any work. They are diligent with "preening" their feather's constantly. Ducks nibble at their feathers and this motion distributes oil from a gland that covers the feathers from head to toe as well as remove scales and parasites. The oil makes the top layer of their feathers water-resistant and causes them to be bouyant and the water to literally, 'roll off their backs'. Being waterproof allows the ducks to stay in the water for long periods of time and not be affected by the cold at all. Without being waterpoof the duck's feathers will become saturated, their heart could stop beating and the heavy weight could cause the duck to possibly drown!
Living successfully in differing environments is definitely not without it's challenges! God though has equipped ALL His creations for adaptability and given all of us tools for survival. Just as ducks expect and anticipate the rain we too should prepare ourselves for adversity and recognize it when it is occuring. The Word of God and His oil of annointing will cause us to be bouyant and rise above all the "stuff" that tries to distract us and hurt us. We have to protect our heart from becoming hardened because we are called to live out our life with love. David wrote in Psalms 69 with a heavy heart because of insults from others and he was crying out to be rescued. If you are struggling today to keep your head above the water you need to know that God has already done His you have to do yours.
Remember that the Lord knows exactly what is going on in your life and He is watching intently! You can easily decide to be that graceful duck swimming and content on knowing that all cares rest on the heavenly Father. When offenses creep up and the cold and wet try to get you down remember to look up and say, "God make me like a duck!" and watch the things that "so easily beset us" in this life just roll off your back leaving you happy, content and amazingly unaffected.