Wednesday, February 28, 2018

*BELIEVE When You Pray

Of all of the world's religions...Christianity is the one that encourages a person to actually BELIEVE what they pray. Think about it. When you think of the most devoted religions that boast prayer, who are they? Muslim, Buddhist, Jews and many other religions have very strict rules about when, where and how you pray. They are very rigid and in many of the countries these particular religions are the majority; if someone is viewed as not following the customs, the police get involved.

I've been on an airplane before going to Israel and while I was in the bathroom while unknown to me a prayer time was called by some Rabbi's and I found myself blocked by about 10 people and could barely exit the restroom but couldn't go any further than that. While I didn't want to bother them, there was a whole line of people that were trying to get back to their seats. I actually tapped one on the shoulder so that I could pass and he turned and said to me very sternly, "Don't bother us while we are praying! We should not be disturbed. You will just have to wait!" I will be eyes stung. I was shocked by what was happening. A young kid even threw up while trying to get past them and they barely stepped aside while the mom was trying to help her son....who was trying to get to the bathroom!

I was appalled because praying to me is a sweet time with my savior. Prayer to me brings me closer to Him and to the "why" that I am called to this be the hands and feet of Jesus. How will people come to know Him if I do not reflect the love of my savior? So what were these people doing exactly? What was prayer to them? As I watched for what seemed ETERNITY as they chanted and repeated phrases and even some were wrapping tight bands around their arm in some ritual; I realized that what they were doing to them was obedience. It wasn't some sweet time of was something they HAD to do. They didn't look happy doing it either.

The act of praying and the act of obedience is so VERY important BUT if we aren't keeping the first thing..the first thing...then it is all for nothing. 1 Corinthians 13 is so very true when it states that if we DO all the right things but do not have LOVE...well we might as well not be doing anything. Love is what matters.

Every time you truly pray and make that heart connection, God is listening. Think about how amazing that is! God has the power to transform your life from the inside out through prayer. It isn't a religious thing that we do just because someone told us to or because custom says to do it. We pray because we want to talk to our Father and we want to hear Him speak to us. The Bible tells us, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (James 5:16). When we pray, something always happens.

You are what you have heard that before. Well way more true and important than what you this, "You are what you pray". Your strength, your resolve, your ability to see things the way God sees thing and believe for the impossible is in direct proportion to your prayer life. What you put into it is exactly what you get out of it. You have seen those people who seem to have this amazing faith and the ability to have such great insight...well...I will guarantee you that they have a wonderful prayer life and relationship with Christ.

BELIEVE when you isn't a bed time thing or even a dinner table is YOUR lifeline with God. Sure it is hard to start especially if you have never really prayed before. But like anything wonderful in will take some time to see your don't give up....the enemy loves to put doubts in our mind. Rebuke that and keep going. God more than anything wants to hear from you and there is really NOTHING sweeter in this life.

Do you want to have power like never before? Well...PRAY. Prayer truly will change your life...if you will let it.

You are Graciously Adorned,
❤Jonna Gibson

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