Monday, March 27, 2017

*Good Gravy

If we think about something and talk about it constantly; we tend to make it way bigger than what it really is. Have you ever done that? Sometimes when I make gravy I will add too much flour and then in an attempt to even out the proportions I will add too much milk which in turn leads to more flour....does anyone know what this is like? I end up with a large pot of gravy instead of a pan! haha. I have been known to use almost a whole gallon of milk making breakfast for 4 people. Even despite my cooking mishaps; my family thinks that I make some really goooood gravy....and that is a great thing because can anyone say...breakfast for days??? One thing that I know really well is if we aren't careful....our troubles or a situation – can get really out of control.

I don't usually get hot and bothered about the past I have ignored stories that circulated about me or my family...can you imagine? I am sure you have been there. You know...the complications of life, church and family. It is the things that you just have to deal with and try your best to not let it get to you. I thought and thought about this one situation for days and the more I thought about it – the more upset I became. My chest even hurt and I felt myself think bad thoughts about these people and even felt myself pick them apart. Who are they to say these things? I was feeling justified. I in the world do people come up with this stuff? It is quite creative for sure!

The point is...I let it get to me. I tried to think and analyze and try to figure out how I could go around and squelch the situation and make it all better. I could go talk to so and so and find out who she talked to and then maybe go to those people. I mean...I can't have this stuff out there, right? So I went to bed with a heavy heart and even took some Benadryl to make sure I slept because my mind was revving like a race car. I woke up late the next morning and as soon as my eyes opened I realized that it was a new day and God gave me new mercies....and a new revelation.

God is going to fight for me! Yep...we have all heard it and I know ALL about it but I had been focusing on how I was FEELING and not on the bigger picture. I had thought so much on trying to defend my character and my family that I forgot about WHO I am in Christ.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

I woke up hearing the echoes of the scripture in Exodus, "Jonna I will fight for you and your family. You just be still." God will take care of His people!  Now the previous evening I was making plans and schemes and trying to figure out how to defend myself and prevent my "reputation" from getting smeared and stop the slander! Now today I can actually say that I don't even care. Let me tell you what God will do if you will let Him. He can give you this thing called PEACE...that even you cannot understand.

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:7
The most important thing we have to do to stay right with God and relevant is to guard your heart. Kind of like making gravy...if you don't stand there and pay careful attention and stir it then you might just suffer from over-boiling which will cause it to get too thick and then you will have to add know the rest. Our hearts have to be watched. We cannot afford to get bitter and be upset about things that aren't eternal. A really good indicator that Don has had in the past when he talks to the boys about issues they bring up is this..."Son, Is this issue a heaven or hell issue? If it isn't then you need to let it go." Those are wise words.

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:15-16
So remember today to guard your heart with a watchful eye that it stays sweet, kind and is the best way that people will know who you belong by the love you have for one another. I want to love people and not speak evil about anyone...I will be a truth teller and that isn't ABOUT people but about God and who He is in my life. Create in me a clean heart oh Lord, and renew a right spirit in me.

You are Graciously Adorned
❤ Jonna

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