We all know that being in ministry it is very hard to separate your personal life from your ministry life....in fact it is IMPOSSIBLE! You cannot be one thing and then turn it off to be another. Ministry is 24/7. I often have people tell me, "You really need to get away and do not think at all about the church and anything going on it it!" Well that is so easy to say and so difficult to do.
First of all I don't want to forget about what is happening to the people at our church. I want to KNOW! It is ministry! So I think the compromise here is balance. Everyone that knows me knows that I struggle with that! I am a very uncoordinated person in that I cannot dance and I am the one that trips in a social situation that proves to be awkward for everyone. haha. That is just ME. So of course the word balance in regards to my life is foreign!
I can do "nothing" at my very best 100% effort just as much as things that I decide to do. So I am an all or nothing type of person. Is that good? NO. I really need to grow in that area..big time!
So with all that being said...my life will continue to be chaotic and crazy. Do I want to change that? I don't think so at this time. We all have areas to grow in and I guess this is one of them. What is this blog entry about? I have no idea! LOL. If you have taken the time to read it...well I am sorry.
I love my life and my family and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am blessed and ever so thankful for what God has given me and I will never take it for granted. What about you?
You are Graciously Adorned