I was sitting at my kitchen table looking out the blinds as my cat was running all over the place trying to catch a fly. I was only half watching and half paying attention. I did note that he jumped on the table and then dove into the blinds. All that associated noise and chaos hardly got me out of my trance which was just marinating in all the things I should do today but really did not want to do. I really haven't been feeling joy and I don't think God was even hearing me or for some reason I wasn't really hearing Him. Anyway, the cat was flipping and pouncing and meowing and finally something ran up my leg!
Yes you are reading that right! A nice-sized lizard went running up my leg and then under my shirt and as I jumped up and started running...I have no idea why...my cat was running with me. The lizard then went up my back and when I finally came to my senses I stopped...and the lizard stopped. The reptile was now on the back of my head and before I even realized it my cat Fennick jumped at almost my full height with all claws out and landed on my shoulder. He grabbed the lizard and ran away. Of course scratching me and clawing me in the process!
I am standing in the living room breathless, speechless and really weirded out. I feel like I have a million little lizards crawling all over my body! Fennick is now in the kitchen devouring the poor lizard. I walk over to the table and see my spilled coffee, my chair is knocked over and I then start laughing. It just started and didn't stop until I started crying. It was just so funny and I could hardly even believe that it happened.
As I cleaned up my mess I started realizing that Fennick was trying to get my attention and he was trying to do what he was supposed to do...kill all the bugs and creatures that aren't supposed to be in the house! I just wasn't paying attention. I was so absorbed in how I felt and I just wanted to wallow around in my feelings and do nothing but eat cheetos...yes I was having a one person pity party.
I don’t know about you, but I’m glad God gave me a nose. It isn't the prettiest thing and it has a nice bump on the bridge of it that reminds me of a ski jump. LOL. My nose helps me to smell, it helps me to breathe, it helps hold up those Brighton sunglasses that I love....without it I don't think I would function as I should. God didn't intend for my nose to be the extent of my thoughts. God intended for me to look beyond myself, beyond my circumstances, and beyond my feelings.
He wants us to be aware of what is happening around us.. We may not THINK God is listening and we may not FEEL like He is with us, and we may not SEE His hand...BUT of course we know that is so far from the actual truth. He is always there waving and trying to get our attention to get us back on track; to get us to see the bigger picture...to get us up and going so we can be all that He knows we can be!
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Matthew 6:34 (The Message)
He might have just sent that lizard to get my attention....ummmm....please excuse me while I get myself ready for the day...I have things to do and positive things to impart to someone in my path and...of course first I have mangled lizard parts dispersed around the kitchen to dispose of!
You are Graciously Adorned!