Monday, September 26, 2016

*Be a Key Turner

Don and I had just left our last place of ministry as youth pastors. It was tough and we had found ourselves
in a fight. The people in that church did not like the Pastor and his wife and we were in the middle. In the middle of being supportive of our Pastors and having to deal with the fall out from their hurt and as well as our hurt in the process. We had moved back to Texas and Don had found a job that wasn't in the ministry and I was secretly happy. I was glad because I had seen the toll that it had on him and I surely knew the toll it had taken on my heart as well.

How can people be so mean when they do not get their way? Church was supposed to be the best place to work...right? Well a lot of those myths got debunked in that last 3 years! I wanted to hide out and NOT get involved in any church. I really didn't want to go to church for a while. I mean...I had attended so many services, seminars, meeting and events that last 3 years that I had met my quota for a life time! So can you imagine my dismay when Don said, "Hey Jonna I was thinking...let's go to this church over in this next town this coming Sunday." I tried  not to be negative but I knew my response wasn't one of excitement and joy. Don noted my frustration and reminded me that we didn't know anyone at that church and then he added those glorious words, "We will sit in the back." Now.... that made it more tolerable for me. haha.

Well Sunday arrived and we went inside and guess who greeted us at the doors? Of course it was two people that Don knew in high school and of course they instantly recognized each other and of course they insisted that we sit with them. Oh the rotten luck! I know that I gave Don a not-so-nice glance when they led us up to the 3rd row in the center aisle of the church! And I thought all these years that Don only knew heathens from his years at Sweeny high school!

As the Associate Pastor got up to speak that morning he stopped and paused and hesitated a few times and then in a series of most unfortunate but yet fortunate events he pointed at Don and I. Of course I turned and looked behind me to not only hear, "Can you two please stand?" but to realize that he was talking to Don and I! I was more than horrified...I was mortified. That thoughts of "I am definitely NEVER to coming to this church again. Is this how they address guests?" ran through my mind. Then I hear the minister state that God pointed us out to him and he had to be obedient. The words that he spoke to us that morning was like a healing balm to the hurt in our lives. He read our mail for sure! I was a bubbling mess of snot and tears and Don fell to the ground crying. Yes here we were the CENTER of attention in the church that "no one would know us at." God does have a sense of humor!  I will say that after that first sentence the caring of what anyone thought went right out the door....God was speaking to us and I basked in the moment. Don spent most of the service practically under the pew so I had to throw out any thought of dignity anyway!  Of course God knew right where we were at and we weren't going to hide from anyone...especially NOT HIM or HIS calling on our life.

God sends people into our lives to be key turners. To those who were at that service that day it might not have seemed like a big thing at all. God used a willing person and with a simple act of affirmation, an obedient word of wisdom it was the one single thing that we can contribute to our path to healing. It was a key that opened our hearts and opened the door to a new level and style of ministry. That person was a life saver for us and if he hadn't been there to speak it...and if we hadn't been there to receive it....well only God knows.

All through the Bible we have accounts of God sending men and women out into the world with a message. Whether it is a message of repentance, deliverance, or hope, God made sure the messengers were placed in strategic moments in time to make an impact on those around them. We are those message carriers, we are the key turners of our today. We are the ambassadors of Christ's Kingdom and I ask you this: Will you be a key turner for someone? Will you be the one to turn someone's life around? God is waiting for a person...that isn't perfect...but is willing and obedient to go and speak His words of life to those around them. You just never know what destiny someone has in them and you might be the one to release it!

I do not have a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind-1Timothy 1:7
I am determined and confident! I am not afraid or discouraged, for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. -Joshua 1:9 (GNT)
I trust (lean on, rely on, and am confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall I dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly I shall be fed. —PSALM 37:3

Adjust That Crown


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