When we suffer a serious physical injury though, we call 911 or go straight to the ER. The wound will need to be cleansed and properly bandaged so that it’s protected, and sometimes need to have it checked regularly to make sure it’s healing properly. Even then, it may take some time to heal.
This is an illustration of how our spiritual wounds can heal with faith, prayer, and proper care. But if we don’t allow them to be cleansed and healed in the proper way, if we try to hide our wounds or don’t cooperate with those who can and want to help us, our wounds can become infected with bitterness and resentment that can spread and poison the whole body. If left untended, they can affect our spiritual life, our happiness, our faith, and our general well-being.
I remember that I just "wasn't feeling right" for months and just like any good nurse that tells everyone to go to the doctor...I just ignored it. I kept going to work and just dealt with it until one day an ER physician I worked with told me that I had yellow in my eyes. Unbelieving I quickly went to the nearest mirror and sure enough....when did that happen? Come to find out I had pancreatitis from gallstones! I couldn't believe it! I was immediately put in the hospital and couldn't have surgery until my liver enzymes and everything else came close to normal levels! I was in the hospital for 8 days all because I ignored a problem that could have left me with permanent liver damage!
The Bible teaches that we should empty our hearts of things in the past or the present that bother us: “Let us search out and examine our ways” (Lamentations 3:40). “Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble, hurting many in their spiritual lives” (Hebrews 12:15 TLB). Past circumstances do not have to dictate your present outlook, because God has made a way for you to overcome the negative in your life.
The Christian life is all about overcoming obstacles, rising above our circumstances, and not letting things get us down. It’s about making stepping stones out of stumbling blocks. It’s about joining hands with each other and sharing our bruises and hurts so that we can encourage and lift each other up. That is what a family is all about...not perfect but a bunch of broken people that can testify of what God has done and is doing to put us all back together to be who He intended us to be.
Adjust That Crown!