Thursday, April 14, 2016

*Stomach Bug

Oh it seems to be going around and finally I am it's latest victim. I lay on the couch with my stomach rumbling and everything that I even smell or think about eating makes me want to hurl. It is a horrible thing to run to the restroom and not even sure just feels like an emergency. The only way I can explain it is that my insides have turned into a washing machine and it just keep turning. I decided to just take advantage of not being able to go anywhere and I caught up on my Netflix movies.

Now I am kinda crazy about washing my hands and I use antibacterial after touching inanimate objects or shaking peoples hands. But no matter what we do and how hard we try...sometimes we just catch things. It is in the air and you happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sometime heartaches and hard times come your way even if you are doing everything right. Take heart and know that you are not alone. It is life. Things will come you way whether you are expecting it or not. Just don't lose heart. You may not know all the "why's" or even the "how's" but you will make it through with God's help. It is through the hard times that character is built and that wisdom is gained. I know that my best lessons have been learned the "hard" way...I will definitely never do those things again and I warn everyone I can!

So I just keep doing what I have been doing and rest in the fact that Romans 8:28 says that "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."  So what do I have to fear? I am choosing to use this time to read and get some much needed rest...who knows...maybe I will lose a couple of pounds in the process! haha

Adjust that Crown

❤ Jonna

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