Every time I hear this parable I think of how a pearl is born. When a foreign speck of sand enters the environment of the shell the oyster builds up defensive layers to protect itself. Layer upon layer of this coating, called 'nacre', is deposited until a lustrous pearl is formed. It can take anywhere from one year to 3 years for a pearl to be formed. The longer the pearl is in the oyster the more valuable it can be. It is amazing that something so expensive can be found in the rough and unsightly mollusk or oyster shell!
We are the pearl of great value. Just think about it. Jesus bore our sin and wrapped it all up in Him and layered us in His righteousness and that in itself makes us worthy and priceless! So when the scripture says, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant..." I like to think that we are so valuable to Him that He searches to and fro longing for the thing that He would give up everything for. God's very own son was given up for YOU and for ME so that we can be bought, purchased and our sins paid in full. Now that my friends is something of great value and you are WORTH IT!
You are Graciously Adorned