the world yet. You turn on the coffee pot and the sound and the smells just make you smile. It is a fresh smell of a new day that has all kinds of new possibilities.
Every day we start afresh with new mercies and new levels of grace. It is so awesome that nothing is "piled up" on us from yesterday. He makes all things new. He is so faithful and as Christians we have the promise of abundant love and resources that should make our eyes open up wide with expectancy.
We do though have the responsibility to keep our relationship with God and others fresh. So that we can truly live the life that God intended that is filled with all kinds of wonderful things. One of the ways you can ensure this is to make sure you start your days right in the Bible and talking to your Savior. You should also end your day meditating on what has happened and where God fit in. You also need to evaluate your interactions with people and your motives because that is the perfect opportunity to ask for forgiveness and give it to God. Then you can go to sleep with a smile because your heart is right with the World and most importantly with God.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
Adjust That Crown