Kaleb Whitby, 27, stares out calmly from the mangled wreckage of his Chevy Silverado after the two semi-trucks smashed into each other on the I-84 in Oregon - with him in the middle. Despite his precarious position wedged between the two metal trailers, and with a steering column tight against his leg, Whitby emerged from the deathtrap almost entirely unscathed.
(Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2915575/Pictured-Man-SURVIVED-crushed-two-big-rigs-84.html#ixzz3PJPRv2QK) Kaleb states, "Thank God that I am still alive. Now I have got to go figure our why."
What an incredible story of luck some might say. The odds of something like this happening is one in a million! Now I do not know anything about the actual life story of this man but what I do know is that He will be forever affected by this. I LOVE what he said..."Now I have got to figure out why". Why is it that I am alive and others died?...why was my life spared and what am I here to do?
We all have times in our lives when we find ourselves in a tangled mess that we created and wonder why. It is one of the words that inquiring and curious children ask adults and one of the most uttered words that adults use pertaining to tragedies and situations in our lives. This is a critical skill that helps toddlers and children gain a much more complex understanding of how the world works. When they ask, “why?” they are showing a thirst for knowledge. They want more information!
Now I will not pretend to know the answers to his questions but what I do know that there is a great big God out there that loves us and wants us to succeed. He wants us happy and healthy and living life to the fullest! I pray that you do not have to go through a tragedy to get your attention on things above. I pray that when things are great and you are the happiest you have ever been...that you look up and ask God the questions that he longs for his children to ask...."What do you want me to do God?" Because maturity shifts from the "why's" to the "what's" and God will be faithful to answer you by supplying the "how's".