As a child of the King we have the power to bring decrees to life. The Bible is a book filled with powerful decrees and we can take them and know that it already has the seal of the King upon it; and we declare it as so by the power of our words.
What things are you declaring in your life? Have you resurrected the decrees that God has already given you? There is power and authority in that.
When we speak His word which is already established in heaven, we enforce it through verbal agreement. Our words are like bridges linking Heaven and Earth.
Decreeing and Declaring isn't something you do for a moment...it is done until we see Heaven on Earth. Remember that God's Word does not return void and He watches over His Word to perform it. (Isaiah 55:11, Jer 1:12) It is His job to bring it to pass and your job to release it into your life.
"You will decree a thing and it will be established for you and light will shine on your ways." Job 22:28
Let me encourage you in faith to find out who you are in Christ...the answer is in the Word and can be revealed with the help of the Holy Spirit. We all need to find our place in this Kingdom and rise up and call things that aren't as though they are. Decree it and Declare it as so!
Adjust that Crown!
Let me encourage you in faith to find out who you are in Christ...the answer is in the Word and can be revealed with the help of the Holy Spirit. We all need to find our place in this Kingdom and rise up and call things that aren't as though they are. Decree it and Declare it as so!
Adjust that Crown!