→I remember singing this song in children's church and I loved it....marching around with
a flag and lifting it high in the air! Revisiting this song now as an adult I realize the power
in it and the fact that it has such a greater meaning to me now:
Joy is the flag flown high from the
castle of your heart,
from the castle of your heart, from
the castle of your heart.
Joy is the flag flown high from the
castle of your heart,
When the King is in residence there.
So lift it high in the sky and let the
whole world know,
Let the whole world know, let the
whole world know.
So lift it high in the sky and let the
whole world know,
That the King is in residence there.
A Flag is so important to a country because it is a way of portraying itself to the rest of the world. It can unify a country and it's people in a time of trouble and can be a real sign of hope in desperate situations. Flags were used long ago during wars when the air was cloudy and dusty people would lose sight of
their group and would look up to see where the flag was and to also know who was winning the battle!
So what flag are you flying? How do you portray Christ to the rest of the world? Is what your waving filled with love, joy and peace? Is it creating unity and hope to the desperate people around you? Are you helping people find their way to Jesus and showing them that a life of a Christian is like being on the winning team?
Reevaluate what banner you have over your life today. The castle of our heart should radiate joy in your life, your words and your actions. That doesn't mean that we can't have a bad day or make mistakes! But our residences should be places of peace and harbors of joy for everyone you come in contact with. Where the King is allowed to be on His throne...there will be life and there will be ripe and growing fruit of His spirit. We want the whole world to know who resides in us! #Galatians 5:22
You ARE Graciously Adorned
❤ Jonna