Monday, June 10, 2013

Judgement VS Discernment: a delicate balance

When you judge someone, You hurt as well as the person you are judging.  When you judge, it is usually because you feel emotional about someone or something, what they represent or what you feel they have done either to you or someone else. The feelings you posess literally propel your thoughts into action.  Vocalized judgments additionally effect the reality around you, and around others and usually not in a very positive way. 

Now all judgments are not bad.  There is a constructive side to the discrimination that judgments have to offer, and that is what might be called discernment. The primary difference between discernment and judgment is emotion. Judgment holds a frozen emotion based upon a past painful experience and discernment does not.  Discernment lives more in the present and of course is usually guided by the Holy Spirit; whether it be naturally occuring or spiritually occuring.
The need to recognize and celebrate differences is natural and necessary because we are all different! We talk in unique ways and of course look differenct according to our race, backgrounds, socio-economic status and how we were raised. We need to be aware of each other's differences. What I think is totally appropriate; others may not think it is...according to their perspective and culture based on experiences. All pitt bull dogs may not be dangerous, but certainly I will walk on the other side of the road to avoid one...based on my experiences and yes ...judgements.  Where judgement tend to separate, discernments are meant to unify.
Many women get hung up over being "judgemental or critical" and feel really bad about themselves because of it. But what they actually are experiencing is natural discernment. In life most females are really good at this whether christian or not! It is just how we function...we are analytical and that is just how we are made unfortunately. We can size a person up in an instant and by their clothes, how they talk and think we know everything about them! ha. BUT God grants a higher level of discernment that is not physical or natural but spiritual and is given for the sake of protecting the body of Christ. 
God gives us this spiritual gifting of discernment to HELP and PROTECT people and the church as a whole. So how can we know that we are in the natural or in the spirit when we have thoughts or feelings about people or situations? Now that is a great question! 
You can ask yourself these questions: 
  1. Do I love the person any less because of what I see? 
  2. Do I take any pleasure in seeing this fault?
  3. Do I feel superior when I see them?
  4. Do I have a desire to point out the fault?
  5. Do I feel eager to see God "punish" them?
  6. Do I personally "write them off" as being unworthy of any ministry or usefulness?
  7. Do I avoid them?
  8. Do I look forward to them being exposed?
  9. Do I find it hard to pray for them in a positive way?
  10. Do I find this revelation about them exciting to me personally?

If you possess two or more of these thoughts then there is a strong indication that you have a judging spirit and are just functioning in the natural. Now the discernment may be correct but the negative attitudes are not and this is what makes the knowledge quite dangerous. The critcal spirit can actually TWIST the truth and make it a negative thing in your life; especially if you share it with others....well....let's just say you could make a REALLY big mess...ask me how I know!

Spiritual discernment is a very powerful thing and we receive this information as a "wake up call" and what we do with it can determine life or death. Discernment should spur us on to a great desire to pray for these people or situations to help them overcome. It is working out in the spirit and using the supernatural gifts as a war for others. It is interceding and loving people WAY beyond ourselves and then seeing it working out in the natural. If God has laid a person on your heart and you have been given divine revelation then you need to stop talking about it to others and start praying. God didn't give it to you to talk is for you to ponder on only in the spirit. Don't try to figure it is just a snippet....a glimpse into the supernatural. What you need to do is war in the spirit with it. Then when it is time the Holy Spirit will aways direct you to an authority figure such as the pastor to talk with him about it. Then with this guidance you can agree together what is to be done with the information given. 

Adjust that Crown!


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