Sunday, December 24, 2017

*Naughty or Nice

This time of the year you hear a whole lot about being “naughty or nice” and if your going to make it on the good list. It is all fun and games with Santa and it gives us a good laugh. Thankfully though that no matter who you are or what your past looks like...WE ALL are on Jesus’ “WORTHY” list!

Jesus was sent to this Earth and born as a baby, and this shows us that God determined your value already! He saw you as someone who was worth paying the ultimate price for. He gave His Son for YOU and for ME!

So if you don’t find the right gift under the Christmas tree today, just remember that the best gift you could ever ever get... you already have and that is in Jesus. He wrapped himself in human form because you are worthy and you are valuable. All you have to do is unwrap it and receive the gift of salvation. It is the greatest and most wonderful gift of all.

Happy birthday Jesus!

Graciously Adorned

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