Don't be someone who believes in Jesus, yet isn't staying close enough to Him to grow. Root yourself in good spiritual soil so you can grow to become the person God intends you to be.
Allow yourself be cultivated and broken. Be willing to dig deep and let God's truth take root in you. By confessing your sins and turning away from them, you invite God to cultivate your soul so faith can grow there. Don't be afraid of the dirt!
Remember God's promises that He will use all situations - even the worst circumstances - to accomplish good purposes in your life if you trust Him. When you encounter suffering, open yourself up to receive God's love in the midst of it, and invite God to use it to the fullest to help you grow.
Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.…Psalms 37:3-4
You are Graciously Adorned
❤ Jonna