Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Point A to Point B

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Right? We all learned this concept in geometry in school. Unfortunately this principle we try to apply to our lives just doesn't have the same effect. I don't know about you but I love to  make lists and set up goals and map out how my week, month or year and how I think it should go. I wish I could say that I check them all off and I am on to the next thing. But what usually happens is that I just tear that page out of my journal and start another list. Haha. The problem is that my life just isn't linear! I never liked geometry anyway....
We just do not live in a 2-dimensional plane that adheres to these geometric laws. Life is really messy and we live in a world of all kinds of distractions such as lack of finances, health scares, sticky relationships,confusing social agendas, fears, injustices and just about anything you can think of can distract us!
So what happens when our straight line from point A to point B that we so carefully have planned and constructed all the sudden because crazily crooked? We usually get upset, frustrated, disappointed in ourselves and we wonder where God is in all of this! haha Okay...maybe this is just me.
What I do know is this...God's ways just aren't our ways and His timing just is no where close to my timing. So when I see my lines of my life start getting crazy I need to realize that things are truly out of my control....and that is exactly how I should live my life. He is the author of the plan for my life and as long as my faith and my trust is in HIM....I will be going EXACTLY where He wants me to go. So take that geometry! I have always been an algebra girl anyway.
Adjust That Crown of Yours!

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