Thursday, December 10, 2015

*Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

 The lyrics of this song turned story speak of a reindeer named Rudolph who was identified by his shiny, glowing nose. The author speaks as if this is not unusual, but the other cast of characters find it almost disturbing or disconcerting to see someone who is different than they are. It is not until Christmas Eve, the most important time of night for delivering of gifts, that Santa has an epiphany (who knows what he has been thinking up to this point) and realizes Rudolph is really a gift to help him through the foggy world. Then, and only then, do the other reindeer accept him as their own.

I guess I had gotten used to this story and didn't really think much about it. But then again I hadn't seen the cartoon in YEARS. My boys had seen clips of it and was horrified at the prejudices and the comments in this seemingly "sweet children's story". They noted that the start of bullying began at the North Pole. haha

Yes this story is not that very different from what we experience in our world today. How many prejudices do we see everyday on the news and in social  media? How sad that we don't identify as one large human race, but rather in our minds have come to segregate based on skin color, status or God help us...political party? And like Rudolph, is there ever redemption in this seemingly cold world from one person to another?

If there is anything we do deserve as a human race it is God's judgment. I can't speak for you, but I have disobeyed and saddened my savior many times. The fact we are still here is a monument to God's undying and seeming unquenchable love for us. In fact, while we were in the act of doing things that God hates, He sent His only Son into the world to save us. The message of Christmas is that the Incarnate Christ came to die for us. In other words, Christ did not discriminate in His offering of salvation.

So this Christmas, why can't we put our prejudices aside? Are there people in our family we despise? When we go out shopping, will we stomp all over each other to grab the latest and greatest gift? Will we turn a blind eye to the people who really need us? Or will we step up to the plate, stop our bickering, realize it is God's desire to use us as vessels of His mercy, and protect those who need our help? After all, Christ helped us.

What better thing to do than to be the one lighting the way to those who are lost?

Adjust That Crown,


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