Sunday, November 1, 2015

Burger King Crown

We all love a crown...even if it is a Burger King crown. I remember being a kid and putting on that flimsy paper crown and instantly walking straighter and holding my head higher. Then telling my siblings, "off with your head!" It is funny how even being a small child you realize the authority that comes with wearing something on your head.

Most of us would say that we are not deserving of a crown. In fact we would say that we are meek and lowly and would never be worthy enough to wear something of such value and title. Well I am here to remind all of you that we have eternal crowns that we will wear in Heaven so why would we not consider it here on Earth?

There are five Heavenly crowns mentioned in the New Testament that will be awarded to believers. They are as follows; the Imperishable Crown (1Cor 9:24-25), the Crown of Rejoicing (1 Thess 2:19), the Crown of Righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8), the Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:4), and the Crown of Life (Rev 2:10). The Greek word translated “crown” is stephanos and means “a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor.” This word is used figuratively in the New Testament of the rewards of Heaven that God promises those who are faithful.

So if we are going to rule and reign in Heaven; why wouldn't we rule and reign here on Earth? Well I am here to say that is what we are supposed to do! We get confused about why we are here...we are to spread the love and the saving grace of Jesus to everyone we meet! We are the ambassadors of Christ! Since we represent Him and are actual kids of the King then of course we wear a crown...whether we like it or not...whether we think we are worthy or not. It is a lie from the enemy to believe that you are less. You were made worthy by the precious blood of Christ...not defined by your past or even what you did yesterday.

So straighten your back and sit like you are of worth because you are. No slouching...because we all know that causes your crown to slip. If your crown falls...well put it back on for goodness sakes! No one is perfect on our own. Now speak and act like you have the authority of all of heaven at your fingertips. We are to be a light to the World and to cause change and betterment of our communities and our homes...we can do this by speaking life and speaking the truth of Jesus.

Just share your may not be much but it may be everything to someone in your path. You may see yourself as wearing a flimsy crown but Christ sees you through His Righteousness and that my friend is the most valuable crown of all.

Adjust That Crown



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