Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Ahhhh the New Year Resolutions. Every year I make them and about 75% of them I do not carry through. Being aware of needing to grow and learn is a great thing and if you have no aspirations to be different...well then more power to you.

As the years start to fly by though I am made so much more aware of not wasting my days. That feeling of wanting to make a difference surfaces with much more vigor than it did when I was in my 20's or 30's. The fleeting thought of being close to 50 kinda slaps you in the face. Then you start to look at  your life, your attitude, your spirit and you evaluate.

My evaluation came up with this poster that seems to sum it up pretty nicely. I have things I want to accomplish in my life and I am going to do it! I am motivated, excited and have some tenacity to get them done. So as I reflect back on 2015; I can see the failures and the short comings but I can also see the things that I did right. I want my "right" list to be a little longer than my "wrong" list!

I do believe that this new year is going to see a new me...the "me" that God wants. I am not going to shy away from responsibility or opportunity; I am going to take it head on. I want to be fierce in that I take on things with confidence and I will NOT let the words of others...or even my own insecurities cause me to back down into a hole of defeat.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Adjust That Crown


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