Friday, November 20, 2015


This morning I woke up to the very loud and piercing sound of my smoke detectors alerting me to a power outage. It is November but it still feels like summer around here so after 30 seconds of no air conditioning I got out of bed. The dogs started whining and I let them out. I proceeded to the bathroom and flipped the electric. I went to the kitchen and put my cup under my electric. I will be honest other than laughing at frustrated me. I can't live like this!

Little inconveniences can be quite frustrating! They are annoying and are often time consuming. But in the middle of it all there is always something to be thankful for. When I finally realized that I had a gas stove that wasn't affected from the power outage....I put my tea kettle on and had some hot tea. In the midst of my irritation I found something to smile about. 

What about you? Is there anything in your life that you can just look past the muck and the mire and find something to truly smile about? I am sure you can....if you look hard enough :))

You Are Graciously Adorned!

❤ Jonna

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