"For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God," Romans 8:15-16
Have you ever been paralyzed in fear? The feeling of not knowing what the future holds and even how to respond can be one of the worst feelings. All of the sudden all kinds of scenarios of what might happen or what could happen are flying in your head and it is just scary. You feel like you have no control and no matter what you do it could be the wrong decision.
Well as you can tell I have been there too. While a little bit of fear is normal and can be healthy; ongoing continued anxiety and stress isn't. Living fearful is a horrible slave master because everything is filtered through the "worst case scenario" concept. I don't know about you but having those nightmares and dreams makes for many restless and sleepless nights.
God is the miracle worker and He can work out things that our little minds couldn't even imagine!
All we have to do is call on Him and He will be there for us. No situation is so bad that God wont walk it out with us. In fact He will be the one inspiring us and giving us all the reasons to rejoice. and move forward. Our deepest fear becomes NOTHING in the light of His presence. He is the perfect Father of all fathers. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made". Psalm 139:14
God is the miracle worker and He can work out things that our little minds couldn't even imagine!
All we have to do is call on Him and He will be there for us. No situation is so bad that God wont walk it out with us. In fact He will be the one inspiring us and giving us all the reasons to rejoice. and move forward. Our deepest fear becomes NOTHING in the light of His presence. He is the perfect Father of all fathers. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made". Psalm 139:14
Our fears may creep up and try to torment us, but if we focus on God's beautiful hope they will fade into something insignificant. God will never forsake us, reject us or stop loving us. We will never be destitute. We will never be unloved. We will never be shrouded in loneliness. Fear is no longer our master. We can have true freedom from fear because we have someone greater living within us than anything in this world and all we have to do is call out Abba Father!
Adjust That Crown!