Monday, April 27, 2015

The Bucket Principle

Eventually the brook dried up because of the drought. Then God spoke to Elijah: “Get up and go to Zarephath in Sidon and live there. I’ve instructed a woman who lives there, a widow, to feed you.” So he got up and went to Zarephath. As he came to the entrance of the village he met a woman, a widow, gathering firewood. He asked her, “Please, would you bring me a little water in a jug? I need a drink.” As she went to get it, he called out, “And while you’re at it, would you bring me something to eat?”

She said, “I swear, as surely as your God lives, I don’t have so much as a biscuit. I have a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a bottle; you found me scratching together just enough firewood to make a last meal for my son and me. After we eat it, we’ll die.”
Elijah said to her, “Don’t worry about a thing. Go ahead and do what you’ve said. But first make a small biscuit for me and bring it back here. Then go ahead and make a meal from what’s left for you and your son. This is the word of the God of Israel: ‘The jar of flour will not run out and the bottle of oil will not become empty before God sends rain on the land and ends this drought.’”

And she went right off and did it, did just as Elijah asked. And it turned out as he said—daily food for her and her family. The jar of meal didn’t run out and the bottle of oil didn’t become empty: God’s promise fulfilled to the letter, exactly as Elijah had delivered it!                        1 Kings 17:7-16The Message (MSG)

Can you just imagine that as she emptied her flour bowl and oil jar and then took a little cake to Elijah, and then returned home to wash the dirty dishes, she picks up the jar and the jug and she is in shock! The jar is full of flour and the jug is full to the brim with oil. She was an empty woman, but as she took what little she had to offer encouragement to another, God filled her up. I call this the Bucket Principle.

I believe that each of us is given a bucket of encouragement that we are to pour onto those around us. As we dip out of our bucket and pour onto others, God miraculously fills it back up. There are those who have buckets that are running a bit low or even close to empty. Maybe they haven’t had many deposits from other people lately, or maybe their bucket has a leak. In order to try to fill their bucket, they dip out of someone else’s bucket with a cutting word here or a degrading comment there. But you know what? You can never get your bucket filled by dipping out of someone else’s. You can only get your bucket filled by dipping out of your own and sharing the encouragement with others. When you give from your bucket of encouragement, God is there to pour more back into you.1

What is in your bucket?

Adjust that Crown!


1.Jaynes, Sharon (2007-09-01). The Power of a Woman's Words (pp. 219-220). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

If in Doubt; Leave it Out

A wise person makes decisions based on the understanding that God and his time-honored principles are the only sure foundation for life. A foolish person does not act on the foundation of a reverence for God but instead lives recklessly for selfish gain. “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who knows no discretion” (Proverbs 11:22).

No matter how beautiful a woman is on the outside, a lack of discretion will definitely change the way everyone sees her. Have you ever witnessed this? Here’s a great rule to live by: If in doubt, leave it out. In other words, if you are not sure if you should say something, then don’t. The ability to think before you speak and filter your thoughts through wisdom is a valuable tool.

King Solomon had a ready answer when asked if there was one thing that he would want to be given in life…he chose wisdom. There is only one way to know when to speak and when to be silent—by becoming a wise godly woman. “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures” (Proverbs 24:3-4).

I want my life to be reflective of rare and beautiful treasures! How can we do that? Well we can be careful with what words we use to build our life around us. Being careful of what we speak into our lives as well as into others. When we speak in love, honor and respect we build things up for others but at the same time we build that up for ourselves.

I am a firm believer in the 'reaping what you sow' concept. What you say, do or agree with about a person is directly proportional to what you will receive. So if you want beauty and wisdom then you need to start operating with love and with the concepts that are in the Word. We don't do good things or live a Godly life to get good things but to BE like Jesus. He will take care of things in our life. He is the good shepherd and He honors obedience and His eyes will turn towards people that honor His Word.

So today be mindful of what you are putting out there in your atmosphere and when in doubt; please leave it out!

Adjust that Crown,


Friday, April 24, 2015

Aroma of Christ

This is the choice that we have daily: to choose NOT to react in anger, but extend grace. You know that every day we have the ability to get upset or angry at something or someone. That guy pulls out in front of you causing you to slam on your brakes, someone cut in front of you in line or your friends puts a rant on Facebook that makes your face sting. Come on, we have all been there! It is that split second that we have of injustice that causes something to well up in us. Now what happens at this point is clearly a choice and we have to be intentional about choosing well.

When we extend grace; the aroma of Christ is released. “My dear brothers and sisters,” Paul writes, “take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because our anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires” (James 1:19 TNIV). Thomas Jefferson once said, “If angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, one hundred.” Those are very wise words! I know that I have said or did plenty of things in a flushed face of anger! I usually do not feel better afterwards either...I am usually embarrassed or ashamed!

Where does anger come from, anyway? It is a reaction to irritating people and circumstances, you might say. But I believe that the root cause of anger is self-centeredness. We live in a world that tells us “It’s all about me!” And when something doesn’t suit the center of our universe—me—then anger erupts. That’s difficult to admit, isn’t it? But it is so true!

Here’s a little test. Each time you become angry over the next few days, ask yourself this question: Am I angry because I didn’t get what I wanted when I wanted it? When we ask that question, the little kid throwing a temper tantrum in the toy store bears a striking resemblance! Rather than using our words in anger, we can use our words to be the fragrance of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:15).

Try to look at the bigger picture when you are in a situation that angers you: did the elderly lady need to closer parking place anyway? Wow...I am so glad that I was able to stop in time to not get into an accident; thank you Jesus for quick reflexes and watching out for me! You see how you can think something negative into a positive and circumvent anger and the need to "tell someone off!"

In our society today I have noticed that NO one wants to be wrong or wants to ever admit that they are wrong. We just tend to justify ourselves and so instead of apologizing we gain groups of people who will support us in our decision; right or wrong. We tell everyone why we "did what we did" so that they will understand why we "do what we do". (Yes...this is the blame game we often see on Facebook and not join in will only cause you anger & cannot reason with unreasonable people! You are aren't dealing with flesh and blood but with powers of darkness and the smell of this really stinks.)We play the blame game so that people will "understand us" and take up our offenses. This feeling of right standing in our anger and our actions is so very against the ways of God! We are to carry with us a light of Jesus...not a torch of US!

Have you ever hugged someone and ended up wearing their perfume? I know that there are some people that when I hug them I just inhale strongly...they always smell so good! That is exactly what we are to be in the people we encounter...a wonderful aroma of Christ. That in whatever we are; we will leave a beautiful fragrance with our words and actions. Choose joy and choose to love and that is a smell so beautiful that nobody can deny.

Adjust Your Crown


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Old Lady

You are going to meet an old lady someday. Down the road 10, 20, 30 years—she’s waiting for you. You will catch up to her. What kind of old lady are you going to meet? She may be a seasoned, soft, and gracious lady. A lady who has gown old gracefully, surrounded by a host of friends—friends who call her blessed because of what her life has meant to them. Or she may be a bitter, disillusioned, dried-up, cynical old buzzard without a good word for anyone or anything—soured, friendless, and alone.

The kind of old lady you will meet will depend entirely upon you. She will be exactly what you make of her, nothing more, nothing less. It’s up to you. You will have no one else to credit or blame. Every day, in every way, you are becoming more and more like that old lady. You are getting to look more like her, think more like her, and talk more like her. You are becoming her.

If you live only in terms of what you are getting out of life, the old lady gets smaller, drier, harder, crabbier, more self-centered. Open your life to others. Think in terms of what you can give and your contribution to life, and the old lady grows larger, softer, kinder, and greater. These little things, seemingly so unimportant now—attitudes, goals, ambitions, desires—are adding up inside where you cannot see them, crystallizing in your heart and mind. The point is;  these things don’t always show up immediately. But they will—sooner than you think. Your experiences and choices now is what makes her what she is going to be.

The time to take care of that old lady is right now. Today. Examine your motives, attitudes, goals. Check up on her. Work her over now; while she is still pliable, still in a formative condition. Then you will be much more likely to meet a lovely, gracious old lady at the proper time.1

Now isn't that a sobering thought?

Adjust that Crown!


1 Jaynes, Sharon (2007-09-01). The Power of a Woman's Words . Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Ephesians 5:9-12 "For the fruit (the product) of the Light or the Spirit [consists] in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life. 10And try to learn [in your experience] what is pleasing to the Lord [let your lives be constant proofs of what is most acceptable to Him]. 11Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them.12For it is a shame even to speak of or mention the things that [such people] practice in secret."

Believe the best in people and speak it into their lives even when you do not see it...this is the ultimate love we can have for each other. When we begin to wonder and think "what are they up to?" and react in mistrust or suspicion then we imprison ourselves and our hearts become hardened. We fear what they are going to do or say and we end up in defensive mode....God is your defender so cast your care on Him. It isn't your burden and remember that God's ways doesn't always make sense; but in the want to come out a shining reflection of Christ, right?

"The life of King Saul also shows us how suspicion can masquerade as discernment and ultimately lead us into bondage. Suspicion is the gift of discernment being used by the spirit of fear. It leads to bitterness, unforgiveness, and torment, and it results in our going into a spiritual prison where all guards work for the dark side. The spirits who guard the walls of this prison have names like sickness, depression, hatred, and murder."1

 Suspicion defined: the act or an instance of suspecting something wrong without proof or on slight evidence, mistrust, a state of mental uneasiness or uncertainty, doubt, a barely detectable amount

It is truly amazing how quick that we can find ourselves being held captive by our own minds. Our imagination is such a powerful thing! Our past experiences can form mind sets and pre-conceived ideas that can actually dictate the way that we interact, love, have friendships etc. We can also listen to gossip and believe what is being told to us that will change the way we think about someone or something. If we aren't "renewing" our minds daily with the words of Christ then we can fall subject to this quite easily. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is found in Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart Oh God. And renew a right spirit within me." It is our natural tendency to get angry or want revenge when others hurt us or betray us BUT that is why we must dwell on the Word of God that brings life to our spirit.

Living a life of suspicion can be painful. You will find yourself in a place where you have no friends and that you leave a trail of "destruction" wherever you go. You gossip and slander and live in a state of mistrust it doesn't feel good at all. So then you blame others on how you feel and the vicious cycle continues no matter if you change churches, cities or relationships. It is a sickness that has been in the church for years and the enemies best card in his hand. No matter what side of the coin you find yourself on...the one talking or the one being talked about; you can find yourself bound and miserable. Where there is suspicion; there is NO room for love. Where there is no room for love...well...God does not dwell there.

God I pray that our spiritual blinders be broken off in your name. I pray that whatever chains is holding us back from our true calling and standing that we shake them off this very day. That your people experience freedom today from the tricks that our minds make and that we find ourselves on our knees asking for your forgiveness. Make us clean from trying to take matters in our own hands. We lift up those that hurt us or those that we have a issue with and we ask you to forgive us for harboring resentment and suspicion. Father renew a trusting and loving heart in us.  I pray for my perceived enemies and I speak blessings on them and their families. God restore us to right standing. We call out to you; the one that can give our souls a refreshing like none other. I speak joy into lives today and a that a new spirit is being created of love, joy and peace. Give me the wisdom to speak truth and love and speak life into people and circumstances. I declare it so in your name. Amen.

Adjust your crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at
1Johnson, Bill; Vallotton, Kris (2006-04-28). The Supernatural Ways of Royalty: Discovering Your Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God (p. 48). Destiny Image. Kindle Edition.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Victory

I have always been a tad bit sarcastic. I like to throw out quick quips or sassy sayings to people all in fun. When I worked in the ER at Ben Taub I had to "front" people and it wasn't easy at first. It was a really really rough place to work and not only would I get verbally or physically abused by the patients but the family members were even worse. My life was threatened many times and people would say that they would be waiting for us in the garage when our shift was over. It wasn't that I was mean...I was far from it. But my soft spoken voice had to get a little louder and I had to get more confrontational so that they would not run over me. My co-workers didn't think I would make it past my first year. Eventually my sense of sarcasm kicked in and I got pretty good at "setting people straight" but in a nice way. Or if it got really bad; I just called the police that was in the same department and they would escort the person off the property. So you can see how that felt...the power to control whether a person stays on the premises or not. No matter what someone said in the end...I had the best comeback, "Security!".

I had to get out of that environment and after 4 years I finally did. But what I have noticed that on many occasions, when someone is telling me about a confrontation with a family member or a coworker, those quick-witted remarks still pop up in my mind. I would think of what they should have said or could have said to top them. Ha.  And to make matters worse; in a shopping situation when a clerk or drive thru employee gives me attitude, I can usually think of something great to say back.

So where’s the victory in all of this? The victory comes when I choose not to let the words out of my mouth. When I lasso the words before they have a chance to run out of the gate. When I offer blessings rather than cursing. When I put on the humility of Christ and take the comments without the retaliation. That, my friend, is choosing to walk in the Spirit instead of choosing to walk in the flesh. It can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit and becomes easier with practice as well with time. The "internal voices" I used to have hardly make it to my head anymore because I have become intentional about thinking good and the positive in every situation.

"The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity." 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

Adjust that Crown,


 *This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Be Proud of Who You See

Are you wondering who you really are? Wondering if you are even forgivable or worthy? Well if you have ANY thoughts that are similar in that pretty head of yours then you have believed a lie!

You are without question a beloved child of God. As Beth Moore once said, “If you are not royalty, He is not King.”1 We are the rightful heirs to God’s kingdom — and of His love, acceptance and any other resource that heaven has available. You are a royal and dearly loved daughter, and He is the King of all kings!

Proverbs says, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). Our imagination is a very powerful part of our being. "Everything that has ever been built, made, painted, or developed began in someone’s imagination. We tend to reproduce what we feast our thoughts upon. We spend much of our lives reacting to what we don’t want to be instead of responding to the call of God on our lives. We waste a lot of energy trying not to be something."2

"Be proud of of who you see in the mirror; not because of who you are but because of whose you are." -Tracie Miles

Oh Lord, how I want to break free from the pain and shame of my past and embrace who I am in You. Cleanse my heart and mind of the lies I have believed, and transform the reflection in the mirror into that dearly loved child of God that you see. I am calling it out today in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous — how well I know it.” (NLT) Psalm 139:14

Adjust that crown!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at

1. Moore, Beth. Breaking Free.
2. Johnson, Bill; Vallotton, Kris (2006-04-28). The Supernatural Ways of Royalty: Discovering Your Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God (p. 41). Destiny Image.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Many are Called

Can you imagine your telephone’s caller ID displaying “God,” when your phone rings? I think I would panic a little bit! How many of us in fear would just let it go to voice mail? Of course, His calling is much more subtle than that, but it is just as real. Jesus plainly stated, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws [calls or invites] him” (John 6:44). Clearly, Christ is saying that no one can come to Him; that is, no one can become a Christian unless the Father first calls that person.

The really good news is that God CALLS everyone of us!  And He gives us the ability to respond! Just like when you are invited to a wedding and you get that beautiful invitation and you just smile because...well I love wedding cake....and it is just precious to be invited to a wedding! Inside that invitation there is a small card and envelope with the address already written out and a stamp applied! All you have to do is check the box whether you will be attending or not! Then just drop it in the mail! Then the bride and groom put you on their list.
Have you ever attended a wedding that you didn't RSVP? In a case of my friend...she was NOT allowed into the reception! Every seat had a place card and only those who prepared in advance could enter. Of all the people who were invited...the only ones chosen to attend were the ones that responded.

Matthew 21 talks about a kingly wedding where many influential people were invited but many didn't show up. So the host asked his servants to go out and invite anyone that they could find to come. The King did not lower His standards by sending servants to round up any they could find, for there are no standards with God. God's call is universal and unlimited. And it would seem that nothing changes through time. The world of money, fame, and the pursuit of the "American Dream" are as seductive as ever. Even if those that are called do not show up;  the wedding still goes on.

So are you answering, communicating to the call of God on your life; or should I ask, how are you responding? He has invited all of us and is just waiting on us. Are you too busy doing the things of life that you decide not to answer or you have decided maybe another time? I would hate for you to finally show up and find out that the circumstances have changed and you had no RSVP. And in the mean time He has chosen another. Don't miss your time that is appointed by God because you are out doing things that have no eternal value. All are called to this life of victory in Jesus but few are chosen because they simple do not answer His call.

Adjust Your Crown,


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at


Thursday, April 2, 2015


I cannot really think about Easter and not think about Mary, the mother of Jesus. As a mom I do wonder what she was thinking and feeling. We tend to think of her as having such a great life being chosen for her role in Jesus coming to Earth. But at the same time she knew great sorrow and had to endure things that most people never had to even think about. With her "chosen-ness" came great sacrifice and pain.
"And all who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds.    But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart." Luke 2:18-19
The word "ponder" means to weigh in the mind, or consider quietly. It is allowing a thing to be in one's heart where it can be treasured and quietly reflected on. So I think about Mary meditating on the scriptures that she was taught as a child. Did she think ahead to the cross? She was taught the Old Testament scriptures. Her heart must have been broken as she considered Isaiah 53.

 "Surely he hath borne our grief, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

She had to have a clue on what the "bigger picture" was yet she quietly reflected; treasuring the knowledge and information she had been given. I know that sometimes when I see what may happen down the road or inevitably in a situation that I tend to "freak out" and panic about all the possible outcomes, scenarios and then I visualize how I might prevent that all from happening. I know that isn't good at all! But I am sure that I am not the only guilty of this!

Mary didn't live life as a perfect person or saint....but as a woman who knew that the role she had; whether it seemed fair or not...was a part of significance. Giving birth to Jesus had to have been nothing short of amazing....but seeing your son on the cross and treated like a criminal had to have been more than most of us could bear.

She could have freaked out and lived fearful of the future. She could have even reacted and spoke out against all the naysayers and defended her son. She could have even told everyone what had happened to her...that an angel came to her and told her that she would give birth as a virgin and she would have a son and his name was to be Jesus. Mary could have bragged and she could have talked about all the injustices as well. But she didn't and CHOSE to be a strong woman of faith and ponder what she knew in her heart. And because of that choice she is looked upon as such a strong woman of faith to this very day.

My how we all need to learn to ponder. To have that peaceful attitude and hope knowing that my life is not my own. That God is in control of this mess and He is going to turn it all around for good. Why? Because He loves me and has called me to a higher purpose. That He has got this!

Ponder on That!


*This blog is written by Jonna Gibson for "Invisible Crown". You can follow it at


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