Monday, September 29, 2014

Re-calculating Route

 Have you ever been on a trip and missed a turn? Well I am "geographically challenged" so even with my Global Positioning System (GPS) talking to me and giving me turn-by-turn instructions I seem to get lost for a moment...or two. The feeling of being lost is just aggravating and God forbid if there are people following you! Thankfully there is this component that automatically kicks in most map guidance systems and is announced as "re-calculating route." Although un-nerving because of the repetitious message in a apethetic voice that goes on and on until you are back on track; this has saved my life more than once!

Re-calculations in life happen all the time and isn't it cool that no matter how much we ignored the messages; God is always willing and able to help us make that U-turn and re-calculate our lives to get to where we need to be. His voice isn't condemning and doesn't get angry when we haven't listened either. He isn't apathetic but loving, kind and encouraging. (Jer 29:11) His goal and purpose is for us to be where He destined us to be.

There are also times in our lives that we come to a fork in the road and we need to know the direction God has for us. We may notice the road filled with obstacles, pot holes, or under construction and we really need to hear that directional voice NOW! Thankfully we have an internal GPS called "God's Positioning System" that can help us.

“I will guide you and teach you the way you should go. I will give you good advice and watch over you.” Psalms 32:8

The Bible is the map and God's Spirit is the voice. Even if we miss the turn; He redirects us because He is guiding based on the ultimate destination that He intends for us to reach.  He also has alternate routes we know nothing about and that is why sometimes we have to walk by Faith. I am not completely sure of why God chooses to guide us this way except that I think that He is just as interested in the journey as in the destination. And as we depend on Him turn by turn, day by day, we worship Him for who He is, not just where He’s taking us.


Adjust that Crown!


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